How am I going to manage getting cut off my Valium after years ?!

Posted by birdie67 @birdie67, Apr 24, 2023

I’ve been talking 5mg Valiums 3x’s day for years for ptsd and extreme anxiety. I moved from Ga to Tn 7 years ago to escape my now ex. He mentally and physically abused me and when my daughters were grown, I found out he molested them. I asked my Dr for the Valium because I’m a mess. After 7 years seeing her, ( through these years I’ve asked for a therapist) I asked again Friday and she got me a referral for a psychiatrist. Psychiatrist called and said she’d see me but would not prescribe my Valiums. My Dr gave me my last bottle and no refills. This has caused more anxiety. I don’t know what to do. I feel she could at least taper me off?? I’m not looking forward to quitting cold Turkey. I’ve never abused them. I take as prescribed. Any advice please??

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Ativan is as bad or worse than the Valium! They are both Benzodiazepines! Highly, Highly addictive and too dangerous to just stop taking. Please Please Please speak with your Dr again or as suggested, use a virtual psychiatrist! I am a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and we send people for medically assisted detox facilities to get people off of these drugs. Just like is done for alcohol and opiates! I plead with you to seek help immediately! Google these issues. Be informed and advocate for yourself!

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You send benzo patients to detox facilities? All benzo organizations I know of, as well as most of what I have read, say that a detox facility is not an appropriate placement for a prescribed benzo patient. They speak of emerging from the facility in full blown withdrawal, many now on new cocktails of drugs that in themselves can create withdrawal nightmares.

Coming off benzo is a very slow process, months to years. Can't stay in detox that long. My relative was detoxed from Klonopin he had been taking for years in 3.5 weeks, might as well have been cold turkey; he was a train wreck for so long after that - so sick with withdrawal.

There is no drug proven to attenuate the symptoms of benzo withdrawal, as there is for alcohol and opiate withdrawal; there is only time. Could you explain the process for coming off benzos in a detox facility? How long is the stay? What medication is used to assist the withdrawal?

I would caution prescribed benzo patients to do their homework before entering a detox facility.


Hi Laura! Yes, I know of "benzo" patients being admitted. I must expand on that by stating that the patients are admitted to an Inpatient Treatment facility, with the medically supervised Detox Unit being the first step. Much like the treatment for Opioid addiction. I cannot detail the withdrawal/initial detox treatment process as I work only with Outpatient. Once the patient completes 30 to 90 days in Inpatient, they move to an Intermediate/Ambulatory situation where they go home but attend 8 hours of treatment, 5 days per week. Then they attend the Outpatient program which varies in length. This is where I work, as a counselor.
So, as you can see, it is quite a process, as is any such treatment. Also this is just another option.


I didn't realize benzo withdrawal was so bad for some people. I was on 1mg of Ativan per day for 14 years. It stopped working due to tolerance. Since it didn't work I stopped taking it. Only withdrawal symptom was insomia (which i already had). I feel lucky. Wonder why its so bad for some? 25 mg of Zoloft now for the anxiety, 3 weeks in, and it seems to be working. Not happy about having to take an AD though.

Any way, as for MS diagnosis, most mainstream doctors will probably not tell you this but MS can be treated naturally. Dr. Terry Wahls reversed her MS. From being in a wheelchair to riding a bicycle 18 miles after 1 year of treatment. Easy to find the information online. Just search on her name. I have Hashimotos, also an immune disease. I went on her protocol for 3 months and never felt better. My antibody numbers went back to normal. However, (and isn't there always one), the protocol is strict and hard to follow, but CAN be done.


Ativan is as bad or worse than the Valium! They are both Benzodiazepines! Highly, Highly addictive and too dangerous to just stop taking. Please Please Please speak with your Dr again or as suggested, use a virtual psychiatrist! I am a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and we send people for medically assisted detox facilities to get people off of these drugs. Just like is done for alcohol and opiates! I plead with you to seek help immediately! Google these issues. Be informed and advocate for yourself!

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I have been taking valium for over 50 + years and was put in many antidepressants that caused more anxiety than i had first i was on a high dose. than when I informed that it would in the future be less available .I cut back my doses to halve and than one quarter. again I tried antidepressants made my anxiety worse. so I will continue to take the my same dose. my life is some what good and i' m elderly. not to use it makes me stay indoors. because i can't function. signed on for TMS but was told I wasn't I will continue on my dose. life isn't fair but it's my life others not others. valium kept me out of the hospital for 50 + years .before shock treatment on my hospital stays with little help.


I’m going through a similar situation, but worse. I’m prescribed 2mg of clonazaoam 2x daily and 10mg of diazepam 2x daily for PTSD, GAD anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and panic attacks. Also for seizures since they can treat seizures and I’m already prescribed 18 medications. I’m already on a SSRI medication for anxiety it does absolutely nothing and I’ve tried more than 3 not doing them anymore I’m prescribed trintellix I don’t want to kill my self because of the medication (literally because of the medication) like Zoloft had me feeling like. I will not try a different SSRI or go back on buspar or baclofen they do t work. Period. I’ve been on benzodiazepines for 6+yrs. You people say it’s not healthy we’ll it’s definitely not healthy for your brain peace of mind and body to go through withdrawal symptoms when it’s not needed. If the medication works god gorbid they keep giving them the medication like do I have to move to Mexico just to get prescribed the medication I need and yes you can’t just buy Xanax in Mexico you need a script. Benzodiazepines are no different than insulin if we stop taking it we can die it doesn’t sound like a fun death not going to attempt to do a 2yr ween off and be miserable for those 2yrs and the rest of my life. I take my medication EXACTLY as prescribed I actually get my script one day early and skip a dose if I can and have a jar saved up for emergency’s like this but I’m just going to see what happens because if I have a seizure before I get a new script I will file a lawsuit. This country is disgusting making Drs feel weird about giving these medications out not everyone abuses medication. Rehabs profit off misery and suffering and problems so people get desperate and pay money or their insurance does it’s a scam it doesn’t work look it up

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I totally agree with you !I follow and take only as prescribed.

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