Anyone else diagnosed with acoustic neuroma, a benign brain tumor?

Posted by Tracy Lynne Daley @tracylynnedaley72, Jul 23, 2015

My name is Tracy Daley. I live in Omaha, Nebraska. My diagnosis is a jumbled mess that I am sorting out right now. Can anyone tell me if anyone in this support group has been diagnosed and/or treated for acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor affecting the acoustic nerve, which is the eighth cranial nerve in your brain? This nerve is connected to your ear. These tumors initially affect a person's balance and hearing and then other symptoms may appear. This is a very rare tumor and one out of 100,000 people and 8-9% of the intracranial tumors. If no one has heard of this tumor, I understand.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Brain Tumor Support Group.

Feeling better this morning. Sorry for the discouraging comment last night. Today I am 6 weeks post surgery and I had hoped to be better than I am by now. I just need to be more patient with my body. It is so much better but still have major balance problems and some head pain. One day at a time. Someday I'll look back at this and say wow look what I survived at age 66! ☺


Feeling better this morning. Sorry for the discouraging comment last night. Today I am 6 weeks post surgery and I had hoped to be better than I am by now. I just need to be more patient with my body. It is so much better but still have major balance problems and some head pain. One day at a time. Someday I'll look back at this and say wow look what I survived at age 66! ☺

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Feeling better this morning. Sorry for the discouraging comment last night. Today I am 6 weeks post surgery and I had hoped to be better than I am by now. I just need to be more patient with my body. It is so much better but still have major balance problems and some head pain. One day at a time. Someday I'll look back at this and say wow look what I survived at age 66! ☺

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We all feel discouraged at times, @rose4622! You have been through a difficult surgery and time of recovery. I'm glad that you are feeling better today. Six weeks post-surgery is not all that long and it certainly takes longer to recover the older we are. I hope you have good appointments on Nov. 1st!


We all feel discouraged at times, @rose4622! You have been through a difficult surgery and time of recovery. I'm glad that you are feeling better today. Six weeks post-surgery is not all that long and it certainly takes longer to recover the older we are. I hope you have good appointments on Nov. 1st!

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Thanks Teresa!


Got results of my MRI post surgery. Looks like they left a lot of my tumor there. Will see Surgeon this coming Thursday. He will explain it to me. It also revealed that I have an infection in my sinus cavity. May have to go to urgent care for an antibiotic today. That is probably behind my eye problem too. UGH! Using my netti pot with little results.


Got results of my MRI post surgery. Looks like they left a lot of my tumor there. Will see Surgeon this coming Thursday. He will explain it to me. It also revealed that I have an infection in my sinus cavity. May have to go to urgent care for an antibiotic today. That is probably behind my eye problem too. UGH! Using my netti pot with little results.

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You are probably right about the sinus infection affecting your eye, @rose4622. I hope your appointment on Thursday goes well.
Take care of that infection and be well. I'll pray for your upcoming appointment and I look forward to hearing from you again.


Teresa, my husband took me out yesterday and let me drive as long as I could. I drove 7 miles. That is a big milestone for me. He then took over and drove us to the mountains where we enjoyed the fall colors. Such a beautiful day!


Oh, how very nice for you, @rose4622. It sounds like a delightful day! I'm so pleased that you got out and had a post-surgery milestone of driving 7 miles. How nice for you to be able to get out with your husband. I'm sure the colors were just beautiful.
Is you sinus infection clearing up?


Well.. healing is slow for me and its hard to have to take a step back in life. Some reason my right side of my brain just isnt compensating for left side yet. Learning to be patient is huge for me because i was determined to go back to work right after surgery. I work for Aldi and if anyone has been to an Aldi, ya know we have to work at fast pace and unload trucks. So, because of no light duty there, im off work until i can perform my job. Long story short is. Almost 5 months out and im still hanging in there but im determined to get back someday

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Thank you for sharing. I had surgery in June 2018. Lost hearing in right ear. Got Phonak hearing aides. Right aide tells left side what it hears. I'll hear sounds and not know where it's coming from. Life has certainly changed for me. Lots of dizzy floating days.. Through everything I am thankful to still be here. Things that used to be fun, seem to be a struggle at times. Went back to work 3 days a week. 4-5 hour shifts. Energy level has been affected. Really wish I had someone to share these symptoms with who has experienced them as well. Some days the balance can be a real struggle. Is it possible to have symptoms worse than ones from the beginning. I have had good days, don't get me wrong. I refuse to let this new way of life defeat me.


Good Morning Pedie:
Yes what I've learned being a brain patient, is "OneDay At A Time" is a good motto to have.....I may not be able to do things like I did before surgery. But I still Love Life....May Not be the life I had before surgery, but I've learned to deal with it...The Good Lord Never gives us more than we can handle. He just helps us find better ways....

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Thank you for the encouragement. Everything you've said, I have experienced. I lost my husband August of 2017. My AN grew the year I was taking care of my husband. I put myself on the back burner. Went for am MRI and my tumor had grown. Had surgery. Lost complete hearing on right side. Balance and dizziness are a daily struggle. I don't regret taking care of my husband. I wouldn't trade that year for anything. I know for a fact God never gives you more than you can handle. I was married almost 34 years to a wonderful man who was wheelchair bound. I thank God he is now free from that chair that bound him. There's always someone worse off. A good motto to remember.

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