Anyone else diagnosed with acoustic neuroma, a benign brain tumor?

Posted by Tracy Lynne Daley @tracylynnedaley72, Jul 23, 2015

My name is Tracy Daley. I live in Omaha, Nebraska. My diagnosis is a jumbled mess that I am sorting out right now. Can anyone tell me if anyone in this support group has been diagnosed and/or treated for acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor affecting the acoustic nerve, which is the eighth cranial nerve in your brain? This nerve is connected to your ear. These tumors initially affect a person's balance and hearing and then other symptoms may appear. This is a very rare tumor and one out of 100,000 people and 8-9% of the intracranial tumors. If no one has heard of this tumor, I understand.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Brain Tumor Support Group.


I have to call and leave a message for him. I am in NM. I will give an update when I hear back though.

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Sounds good, @rose4622. I'll look forward to hearing from you when you have more information.


I got a call back from my doctors nurse. She insisted that I must make a trip to Phoenix for my post surgery MRI and visits with my surgeons. I told her I am not well enough to travel right now but will schedule asap.


I got a call back from my doctors nurse. She insisted that I must make a trip to Phoenix for my post surgery MRI and visits with my surgeons. I told her I am not well enough to travel right now but will schedule asap.

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You will undoubtedly feel better as time goes on, Rose, and then you can make the trip. How far it is to Phoenix?


You will undoubtedly feel better as time goes on, Rose, and then you can make the trip. How far it is to Phoenix?

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It is usually 7 hours but I have to stop a lot so it takes about 8.


It is usually 7 hours but I have to stop a lot so it takes about 8.

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I've scheduled an MRI here and will send disc to my surgeons in AZ.


I've scheduled an MRI here and will send disc to my surgeons in AZ.

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Having a problem with my eye today. It won't close. Has to do with facial nerve damage. Called Mayo about it and was told to see my eye doctor then schedule with surgeons at Mayo. Talked to husband and he can take me to Phoenix Nov 1. Will call scheduling at Mayo tomorrow.


Hello @rose4622

I'm sorry to hear about your eye not closing, I'm sure that must be worrisome for you. I am glad that you can get in on November 1. Will you try to see an eye doctor before then? Will you keep me posted on how you are doing?


Hello @rose4622

I'm sorry to hear about your eye not closing, I'm sure that must be worrisome for you. I am glad that you can get in on November 1. Will you try to see an eye doctor before then? Will you keep me posted on how you are doing?

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I saw my eye Dr yesterday. She gave me salve, eye drops and told me to wear a patch over the eye. I have been calling Mayo all day but haven't gotten thru yet to scheduling. 😥


Ok, @rose4622, I understand now. Your husband can take you on Nov. 1, if you can get an appointment. I'll pray that someone at Mayo gets back with you soon.

I'm glad that your eye doctor was able to give you some first aid for the problem. I'm sure you needed to get the eye covered and keep it moist.


Ok, @rose4622, I understand now. Your husband can take you on Nov. 1, if you can get an appointment. I'll pray that someone at Mayo gets back with you soon.

I'm glad that your eye doctor was able to give you some first aid for the problem. I'm sure you needed to get the eye covered and keep it moist.

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Was not able to reach Mayo by phone so I sent an electronic request.

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