Magnesium: bad for seizures?

Posted by angelgirl777 @angelgirl777, Apr 14, 2023

My husband has seizures. Magnesium citrate is citric acid. I read that's bad for seizures. I noticed he does not sleep good when he takes it. Is magnesium glycinate better if you have seizures? I read it relaxes your brain. Please help.

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Low magnesium and other minerals have been known to cause seizures and magnesium has been known to increase the seizure threshold so it may be an option however I'd discuss it with your doctor.
You may want to ask your doctor for a vitamin and mineral profile to check if your levels are normal.
If you take seizure meds your supplements should be supervised since they may affect each other.
I knew a man who controlled his seizures with
B vitamins.
Have you discussed supplements with your physicians?
Good luck,


Hi Jake. He does take a good multvitamin with alot of B vitamins. Is magnesium citrate better than magnesium glycinate? Which one is best for seizures do you know? Also do you know if prune juice is bad for seizures? He has alot of chronic constaption.


I read a couple of people take magnesium-L-threonate but Idont know anything about it and I'm not qualified to answer that question. I'd ask the doctor or pharmacist.
I drink a bottle of magnesium citrate for constipation issues but not very often. I regularly use a stool softener and Metamucil.
I assume the person your writing about is on seizure meds. If so has he had his vit D checked?


Although grapefruit and orange juice in studies has shown an increase in bioavailability in numerous medications potentially in creating side effects. My brother and I take carbamazepine. I take Carbatrol and he takes Tegretol and our blood levels are always stable with no increase in side effects.
In 57 years I've never been negatively affected by food or drink and pay no attention to the food and drink warnings. My Urologist has me drinking lots of lemonade to help prevent kidney stones.
I eat lots of candy and other sugary treats, spicy foods, meats virtually every day etc.
Although I'm not saying certain foods or drinks don't affect some people. I'd like to hear from those people.
@santosha, Have any foods/drinks affected your seizures or blood levels?
Take care,


Hi Jake, Good Afternoon (@jakedduck1)
I have discovered that gluten has a great impact on my seizures. I have been more than one year gluten-free and had a decrease of more than 60% in my seizures. My epileptologist has recommended me to a neurologist who is his mentee in a study about food in people with neurological disorders, which is something still state-of-art. I have already been twice with this doctor who has discovered that I have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Just completed the two weeks of treatment with antibiotics. Let's see if treating SIBO brings good results in my seizures. Too early to say anything, but I am hopeful 🙂
Have a good afternoon and evening of Sunday!


angelgirl777, Hi
I do not know anything about magnesium and its relation to seizures. But, I have learned by experience that minerals can affect our seizures. I had a generalized seizure experience in 2019 because my sodium decreased to very low levels caused by Trileptal.
In your place, as @jakedduck1 has already recommended, I would ask your doctor for a vitamin and mineral profile to check if your husband's levels are normal.
I will also try to investigate more of that.
Take care!


Although grapefruit and orange juice in studies has shown an increase in bioavailability in numerous medications potentially in creating side effects. My brother and I take carbamazepine. I take Carbatrol and he takes Tegretol and our blood levels are always stable with no increase in side effects.
In 57 years I've never been negatively affected by food or drink and pay no attention to the food and drink warnings. My Urologist has me drinking lots of lemonade to help prevent kidney stones.
I eat lots of candy and other sugary treats, spicy foods, meats virtually every day etc.
Although I'm not saying certain foods or drinks don't affect some people. I'd like to hear from those people.
@santosha, Have any foods/drinks affected your seizures or blood levels?
Take care,

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I'd be careful about drinking too much lemonade and candy as it may interfer with your blood sugar levels. I'd have plane water if I was you.


Hi Jake, Good Afternoon (@jakedduck1)
I have discovered that gluten has a great impact on my seizures. I have been more than one year gluten-free and had a decrease of more than 60% in my seizures. My epileptologist has recommended me to a neurologist who is his mentee in a study about food in people with neurological disorders, which is something still state-of-art. I have already been twice with this doctor who has discovered that I have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Just completed the two weeks of treatment with antibiotics. Let's see if treating SIBO brings good results in my seizures. Too early to say anything, but I am hopeful 🙂
Have a good afternoon and evening of Sunday!

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I am very interested in nutrition to support our bodies ability to heal itself from chronic disease! My son has epilepsy. I recall first neurologist said magnesium used to be used to treat epilepsy before there were so many meds. Please keep us posted on what you learn and please share what hospital and doctor you see. I have always given by son a mag supplement… most recently L Theonate as it was labeled for cognition. The gut is our “second brain” it very much affects our brain. Constipation is not good for many reasons. A simple drink mix called Calm is magnesium glycinate helps keep you regular (better to do natural remedy than miralax etc). I’m not an expert, but I research nutrition as a hobby and if my children would change their diets and hydrate w water, I believe they would not suffer near as much with their many issues. Processed foods and sugar/high fructose corn syrup are the root of Americans health problems. Blessings to all!


Hi @sgboster123
Thank you so much for your sharing. For sure, I will keep the group updated on my treatment and its evolution as this can help others. I can share with you the doctor who is conducting this study: Gabriela PantaleĂŁo. But I do believe it will not be of much help, as I and her are based in SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. But for sure you have doctors in the US researching that as well. In Alzheimer's (my mother has it) I have been following a doctor in the US called Dale Bredesen that has developed a program called RECODE, which is based on a specific diet, vitamins, minerals, etc. Very interesting the results he has obtained through this treatment. For sure, there is a relation between the gut and the brain in people with some kind of neurological disorder.
BTW, have you seen the movie "First Do no Harm" with Meryl Streep? It is very worthwhile, it is about Charlie who got cured of epilepsy with the Keto diet. This is the only treatment that can cure someone of epilepsy, as far as I know, when the patient is still a child. This movie is available on YouTube.
Here in SĂŁo Paulo, I have met a neuroscientist who studied in Germany. Germany is a country that values much alternative treatments. Homeopathy is something very strong in Germany (I know that as I am a daughter of a German mother). This neuroscientist has once told me of a helmet that if used daily could help to control seizures. I have not yet explored that, as I am first working on my gut issues. If we do too many things at the same time, it will be hard to know how much each strategy is contributing. So, we need to be patient.
Blessings to everybody!

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