Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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@bloom3309 here: I have pain from spine and shoulder replacement. My question to the group is, has anyone found some improvement in your pain when adding prednisone (or other corticosteroid) to your other pain meds? Nothing ever whacks it down to zero, but I can get it from a 9 rating to a 5 by adding some cort to my tramadol/Aleve or hydrocodone regimen. It makes sleep easier.

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I can't answer your question, but I can caution about prednisone vs. sleep. In short, for most people (including myself and friends), oral prednisone and steroids seriously mess up sleep quality.

As usual, check with your physician.


Have you tried pain patches? You can get them over the counter with lidocaine in them OR you can get the stronger ones from your doctor. I have not tried them yet, so stay tuned.....God Bless You!

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No, I haven't tried pain patches, but I have had IV narcotics and injections that didn't help either. I don't need pain meds day to day, but when it comes to surgery that's when it's hard without pain meds. Thanks for the suggestion. I hope the pain patches work for you.


I can't answer your question, but I can caution about prednisone vs. sleep. In short, for most people (including myself and friends), oral prednisone and steroids seriously mess up sleep quality.

As usual, check with your physician.

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I also can't tolerate prednisone as I feel like I've had 20 cups of coffee. I can't sleep at all and get terrible tremors. Then my doctor told me methylprednisolone is better tolerated by some people. I was skeptical, but he was right! Now maybe just 2 cups of coffee. I got more house work done while taking it, but I was able to sleep at night. Worth a try. I did not take it for pain, but for inflammation I had without pain. Hopefully, reducing inflammation would help with your pain?


I’m new to this group. I have every day chronic migraine in the back of my head due to disc degeneration disease. Anyone else experiencing the headaches?

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Yes, I experience migraines almost daily. I just tried a new medication called neurtec that helped me. But insurance only pays for 8 pills a month. Doctors discovered this was causing functional movement disorder and pseudo seizures.
Best of luck to you all,


Hi, I’m Finny4606 and I was diagnosed with CRPS by my pain management dr about 2-1/2 years ago, only I only have 1 symptom, then my second doctor said I was misdiagnosed. He sent me to a spine specialist who wants operate on my cervical and lumbar spine. I would really like to get a definitive diagnosis. I’m waiting to hear if Mayo will accept me.

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do some research on calmare/scrambler tx. it has helped many folks with crps.


Brown University just released this app to study chronic pain. It seems very worthwhile so I downloaded it. This is an article in the Boston Globe describing it.

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A chronic pain study app is an interesting find @cantab, thank you for sharing the link. Good for Brown University! I'm all for more scientific research behind why some people end up with chronic pain after an experience like surgery, or perhaps a major life event, and some do not. For some, acute problems get resolved and on with life they go. I have central sensitization syndrome, and had tried to figure it out for years. It wasn't until I went to Mayo's rehab program that I learned about the science behind it. Behavioral and emotional responses point to a lot in my mind, as mentioned in the article. That is just one piece of the puzzle though. Now that you downloaded the app do you plan on participating and using it? If you do and feel comfortable sharing your experience, I'd like to learn about it more. Will you share your thoughts?


Hello, I am new.

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Welcome @pecanpie, Love your user name!, one of my all time favorites when topped with a dab of whip cream or ice cream. Do you mind sharing a little bit about what brought you to Connect or what chronic pain symptoms you have and what you've tried for relief?


Hi, I have left side neck pain from arthritis in the faucets of c7, 5/6. This has been going on for 10 months. I’m an active 82 year old (yoga, swimming, walking) and am still active but the pain, resulting muscle stiffness and lack of flexibility are tiring and reduce some of my hiking and walking. I’m currently waiting to get scheduled for a rhyzotomy and wonder if anyone has used this procedure and the results.

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