Insomnia. What seems to help?

Posted by terryb1 @128128terry11t, Jan 7, 2017

@josephene I am having terrible insomnia as well. Nothing seems to help. Any specific suggestions? Many thanks.

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Forgot to say a variety of different meds never helped. Starting CPAP tomorrow. We’ll see. This can’t continue.


I have tried ambien + valium which worked for a while. Two weeks ago I started taking Ramelteon which seems to work, some nights I need to back it up with 5 mg of valium, but generally getting 6-7 hours solid sleep, last night I even got 8 hours. It requires a script and is expensive...for my first 60 tabs I did not run it through insurance, and it was $300, but so far seems money well spent, with my CLL I really need at least 6 hours of good sleep to feel well and function the next day. Richard


The only thing that I has been really affective for me is going to bed same time every night, only low volume Anything, lights very dim. When I’m finally ready for sleep, I tell myself even if I just rest my body, close my eyes with the expectation of only resting. Before I know it, I’m out!
I use the brand ‘Now’ lavender scent air diffuser (Amazon) and I swear that helps

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I've gotten a mild boost getting to sleep rubbing lavender oil on my palms at bedtime.


Anyone here have sleep apnea as cause? I fall asleep fast but am up at 2-3am for varying periods of time. Tired during the day sometimes. Sometimes not. Told to have strict times to go to bed and get up but hard to do. Really getting worn down.

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I have sleep apnea (with CPAP) and similar symptoms as you, but the sleep apnea isn't the cause. The issue I have is chronic pain (Fibromyalgia) combined with middle of the night bathroom trips after my colon was removed.

But, I have a suggestion for the 2-3am wake-ups. I take 3mg melatonin to help get to sleep which you don't need , but since I have difficulty getting back to sleep once awakened a 2-3am, I use 7.5mg of Remeron taken at bedtime. It helps me get back to sleep after being awakened in the middle of the night.

I take it at bedtime - you may have to adjust when you take it.

Suggest running this by your sleep medicine physician - as well as the wake-up problem you're having.


I have tried ambien + valium which worked for a while. Two weeks ago I started taking Ramelteon which seems to work, some nights I need to back it up with 5 mg of valium, but generally getting 6-7 hours solid sleep, last night I even got 8 hours. It requires a script and is expensive...for my first 60 tabs I did not run it through insurance, and it was $300, but so far seems money well spent, with my CLL I really need at least 6 hours of good sleep to feel well and function the next day. Richard

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Thank you


All of my adult life I have had problems sleeping. About 15 years ago I went to therapy and was diagnosed with PTSD and given Seroquel for sleep. Years later, I was switched to Trazodone. Both 'turn off' your brain so that you dream but it does not interfere with your sleep. It helps most people fall and stay asleep. Lucky for me, my post menopausal brain, wants to wake up and not fall back to sleep. After months and months of trying everything under the sun to go back to sleep, a new doctor prescribed Silenor for me. I take 3 mg an hour before I'm ready for bed, and the Trazodone at bedtime. Guess what? My bladder doesn't even wake me up!!! I don't take it every night, because I'm stubborn like that. I really appreciate trying your various tips and find I'm much more relaxed when I do go to sleep.

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Can I ask how much trazadone do u take? My 10 mg ambien not working so much anymore so I am taking 50mg trazadone


I have tried ambien + valium which worked for a while. Two weeks ago I started taking Ramelteon which seems to work, some nights I need to back it up with 5 mg of valium, but generally getting 6-7 hours solid sleep, last night I even got 8 hours. It requires a script and is expensive...for my first 60 tabs I did not run it through insurance, and it was $300, but so far seems money well spent, with my CLL I really need at least 6 hours of good sleep to feel well and function the next day. Richard

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Hi Richard
I take 10 mg of Melatonin and it works very well I also take 30 g mertyazapine. I have nocturnal seizures so its very important that I get atleast 8 hours sleep. Lack of sleep can bring on a seizure


insomnia was my biggest long haul symptom for 2 long years, even with 3rx nightly; just added a cbd/cbg/cbn gummy to the mix and finally getting 8 hr. sleep. i think insomnia is very common for long haulers.


What is a cbd/cbg/cbn gummy and where can I find them? Desperate for 8 solid hours of rest… Thanx!


What is a cbd/cbg/cbn gummy and where can I find them? Desperate for 8 solid hours of rest… Thanx!

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go on nuleaf naturals website and look for gummies for sleep

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