Pancreatic Cancer Group: Introduce yourself and connect with others

Welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with pancreatic cancer or caring for someone with pancreatic cancer. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by fellow members and volunteer patient Mentors, when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Volunteer Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Pull up a chair. Let's start with introductions.

When were you diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? What treatments have you had? How are you doing?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


I am having Whipple surgery in two weeks. Do you have any advice or things you might have done differently before surgery or during recovery?

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Everyone is so different ... tumor location, size, other indications, CA19-9 results, ability to withstand chemo over long periods.

How much chemo have you had?



Everyone is so different ... tumor location, size, other indications, CA19-9 results, ability to withstand chemo over long periods.

How much chemo have you had?

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I have had nine chemo sessions and there will be three more after surgery


Has anyone received a false positive ct scan for pancreatic mass? I went to ER to check for fracture after a fall and an abdominal ct scan with contrast detected a mass in the pancreas head measuring 4mm. Consulted a gastroenterologist who performed an endoscopic ultra sound with the intention to do a biopsy He reported that he saw nothing and therefore no biopsy was performed. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Anne Monsees, Northport NY

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No - a mass is a mass. I did however, have an endoscopic brushing taken (during an ERCP stent placement) that came back negative for cancer - although I was actually stage 3. Whipple surgery confirmed. I would get a second opinion quickly.


I’ve got 3 more chemo treatments and then Dr wants 3 weeks of daily radiation. Can anyone tell me what the radiation is like?

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I am on 27 of 28 radiation treatments today.
It has been good. I little fatigue a little nausea, that's it.


I am having Whipple surgery in two weeks. Do you have any advice or things you might have done differently before surgery or during recovery?

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You need to be strong going in to surgery. Do what you can to stay physically active. I was a runner before diagnosis and managed to keep a running routine throughout my chemotherapy treatments, albeit significantly reduced. I mixed in a lot of walks when I was not able to run. I ran the Celtic Solstice 5 mile Race on December 17, 10 days before my final round of chemotherapy. This was all hugely helpful both physically and mentally. I unfortunately caught a cold the month before surgery which sidelined me and nearly delayed the surgery. So, definitely stay masked-up and healthy.

Having family and friends provide support after surgery was also hugely important. My wife has been an amazing and constant source of support, but the effort of being in the hospital for one week and providing support after returning home was more than a one person job. Your support also needs support and a break from time to time. So, if possible, line friends and family up to take turns providing support for the week of surgery and the two weeks after surgery.

My surgery went fairly smoothly. I remember a member of the surgical team asking me what my favorite song was and the next thing I remember was someone telling me that the surgery was complete and I was in the ICU. There was apparently a small crisis at the start of surgery when my heart rate dropped to 10 bpm and I needed two minutes of CPR. But I was not aware of any of that, although my wife was informed, which caused her no small amount of concern. Nonetheless, I had an excellent surgical team that provided her with regular updates on progress once things were under control.

I had concerns and questions about the number of tubes that would be coming out of my body following surgery, and these were numerous: (1) IV for delivering fluids and medication to control pain, (2) a tube and pump connected to my incision bandage to remove fluids, (3) Foley catheter, (4,5) two drains to remove fluid from my abdomen, (6) a tube connected to my mediport to provide liquid nutrition (I had wanted my port removed after I completed chemotherapy, but it was valuable to have for this purpose, as a regular IV would not have sufficed) (7) a nasogastric tube used to pump bile and fluids from my stomach. The good thing about these tubes is that they are gradually removed day by day during recovery in the hospital. Their removals serve as signs of positive progress and your eventual discharge. The nasogastric tube is the most uncomfortable and is usually removed two or three days after surgery. For some reason, mine needed to stay in for longer and my throat got very sore. An analgesic throat spray helped. My advice for while in the hospital is to get up and move as soon as possible. I was up the next day and walking laps around the floor as often as possible.

Following discharge, the two issues that needed to be dealt with were pain and eating. My pain was almost completely related to the incision. This was largely addressed with Tylenol and the pain issue gradually subsided over the first two weeks or so. 10 weeks out and there is still some minor pain related to the incision, but completely tolerable. I was fortunate in not having any serious issues with eating. As instructed, I ate multiple small meals throughout the day rather than three large meals and this seemed to work. In the beginning I tried to avoid hard to digest foods, like raw fruits and vegetables, but I have gradually added these back to my diet. I did lose about 10 lbs after surgery, but have gained most of it back. Pancreatic enzyme supplements (Creon) are essential. I was taking this before surgery and was thus accustomed to it. If you have not taken it before, it takes some getting used to, particularly knowing the correct dose. You should discuss its use with your nutritionist.

I did have one noteworthy complication 4 weeks out from surgery. My day started out ok, but I started feeling unwell towards evening and went to bed early. Sometime in the middle of the night if woke up feeling really unwell and threw up. After going back to bed, I had an episode of chills but eventually fell back to sleep. I sleep with and Apple Watch and noticed in the morning that my heart rate had gone up to over 125 bpm in the middle of the night, and stayed elevated at ~100bpm. I measured my blood pressure and found that it was low at around 90/60. My wife had the good sense to call my surgical team and they advised me to head to the ER right away. Long story short, I had developed a case of cholangitis (essentially sepsis) and spent four days in the hospital, two on IV antibiotics. This is an issue that apparently occurs in ~10% of Whipple patients. So, if anything like this happens to you, get attention right away. My wife saved my life, because I probably would have waited for things to get worse before taking action.

I am now 10 weeks out from surgery. As already mentioned, I believe staying physically active is important. After returning home I tried walking everyday, as possible. For 5 weeks I was walking 26 minute miles. At 6 weeks I noticed my pace improving to 22 minute miles and then I was doing 17:30 minute miles in week 8. I started running 2 weeks ago, staring with just one mile. My goal is to return to the shape I was in before my diagnosis.

In addition to running, I have also made staying connected with my work a priority. This was true throughout my chemotherapy treatments and also during my recovery from surgery. I am fortunate in being able to work remotely from home. I am a cancer research scientist with a lab. Staying connected with my students has been a source of strength throughout this ordeal. In addition to my running, I also began returning to in-person work several weeks ago.

So, my final advice is to keep doing the things that give you strength and purpose, even if only for a fraction of the time and effort that you used to devote to them. Your strength will return, and so too your time and effort.


Hi all.
I am new to this venue and just feel I need closure to work through some of the questions I still have about my Dad who passed 6 months ago, age 83, exactly 6 months post dx of pancreatic cancer, stage 2 B. Absolutely successful removal of 1/2 the pancreas, and splenectomy. He tolerated a watered down version of chemo because of his age, and actually needed a transfusion 2 weeks before he died . Mom lived with him , but I took him to all appts because I am a health professional and he was most comfortable with me.
What troubles me is he died from a cerebral hemorrhage !! I did a little research and found out that was a "thing" that could happen. No one ever told us and honestly , I feel like I could have done something if I had been given the heads up about this phenomena. Perhaps he would have forgone the chemo.
Anyways, anyone ever hear of this?
Thoughts much appreciated.


You need to be strong going in to surgery. Do what you can to stay physically active. I was a runner before diagnosis and managed to keep a running routine throughout my chemotherapy treatments, albeit significantly reduced. I mixed in a lot of walks when I was not able to run. I ran the Celtic Solstice 5 mile Race on December 17, 10 days before my final round of chemotherapy. This was all hugely helpful both physically and mentally. I unfortunately caught a cold the month before surgery which sidelined me and nearly delayed the surgery. So, definitely stay masked-up and healthy.

Having family and friends provide support after surgery was also hugely important. My wife has been an amazing and constant source of support, but the effort of being in the hospital for one week and providing support after returning home was more than a one person job. Your support also needs support and a break from time to time. So, if possible, line friends and family up to take turns providing support for the week of surgery and the two weeks after surgery.

My surgery went fairly smoothly. I remember a member of the surgical team asking me what my favorite song was and the next thing I remember was someone telling me that the surgery was complete and I was in the ICU. There was apparently a small crisis at the start of surgery when my heart rate dropped to 10 bpm and I needed two minutes of CPR. But I was not aware of any of that, although my wife was informed, which caused her no small amount of concern. Nonetheless, I had an excellent surgical team that provided her with regular updates on progress once things were under control.

I had concerns and questions about the number of tubes that would be coming out of my body following surgery, and these were numerous: (1) IV for delivering fluids and medication to control pain, (2) a tube and pump connected to my incision bandage to remove fluids, (3) Foley catheter, (4,5) two drains to remove fluid from my abdomen, (6) a tube connected to my mediport to provide liquid nutrition (I had wanted my port removed after I completed chemotherapy, but it was valuable to have for this purpose, as a regular IV would not have sufficed) (7) a nasogastric tube used to pump bile and fluids from my stomach. The good thing about these tubes is that they are gradually removed day by day during recovery in the hospital. Their removals serve as signs of positive progress and your eventual discharge. The nasogastric tube is the most uncomfortable and is usually removed two or three days after surgery. For some reason, mine needed to stay in for longer and my throat got very sore. An analgesic throat spray helped. My advice for while in the hospital is to get up and move as soon as possible. I was up the next day and walking laps around the floor as often as possible.

Following discharge, the two issues that needed to be dealt with were pain and eating. My pain was almost completely related to the incision. This was largely addressed with Tylenol and the pain issue gradually subsided over the first two weeks or so. 10 weeks out and there is still some minor pain related to the incision, but completely tolerable. I was fortunate in not having any serious issues with eating. As instructed, I ate multiple small meals throughout the day rather than three large meals and this seemed to work. In the beginning I tried to avoid hard to digest foods, like raw fruits and vegetables, but I have gradually added these back to my diet. I did lose about 10 lbs after surgery, but have gained most of it back. Pancreatic enzyme supplements (Creon) are essential. I was taking this before surgery and was thus accustomed to it. If you have not taken it before, it takes some getting used to, particularly knowing the correct dose. You should discuss its use with your nutritionist.

I did have one noteworthy complication 4 weeks out from surgery. My day started out ok, but I started feeling unwell towards evening and went to bed early. Sometime in the middle of the night if woke up feeling really unwell and threw up. After going back to bed, I had an episode of chills but eventually fell back to sleep. I sleep with and Apple Watch and noticed in the morning that my heart rate had gone up to over 125 bpm in the middle of the night, and stayed elevated at ~100bpm. I measured my blood pressure and found that it was low at around 90/60. My wife had the good sense to call my surgical team and they advised me to head to the ER right away. Long story short, I had developed a case of cholangitis (essentially sepsis) and spent four days in the hospital, two on IV antibiotics. This is an issue that apparently occurs in ~10% of Whipple patients. So, if anything like this happens to you, get attention right away. My wife saved my life, because I probably would have waited for things to get worse before taking action.

I am now 10 weeks out from surgery. As already mentioned, I believe staying physically active is important. After returning home I tried walking everyday, as possible. For 5 weeks I was walking 26 minute miles. At 6 weeks I noticed my pace improving to 22 minute miles and then I was doing 17:30 minute miles in week 8. I started running 2 weeks ago, staring with just one mile. My goal is to return to the shape I was in before my diagnosis.

In addition to running, I have also made staying connected with my work a priority. This was true throughout my chemotherapy treatments and also during my recovery from surgery. I am fortunate in being able to work remotely from home. I am a cancer research scientist with a lab. Staying connected with my students has been a source of strength throughout this ordeal. In addition to my running, I also began returning to in-person work several weeks ago.

So, my final advice is to keep doing the things that give you strength and purpose, even if only for a fraction of the time and effort that you used to devote to them. Your strength will return, and so too your time and effort.

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Thank you so much! This was amazing information. I am forwarding your response to my wife and we will set up additional care over the next ten days.


Has anyone received a false positive ct scan for pancreatic mass? I went to ER to check for fracture after a fall and an abdominal ct scan with contrast detected a mass in the pancreas head measuring 4mm. Consulted a gastroenterologist who performed an endoscopic ultra sound with the intention to do a biopsy He reported that he saw nothing and therefore no biopsy was performed. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Anne Monsees, Northport NY

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Don’t accept that ultrasound- get another scan or at least get to a good cancer center and have them read your scan from the ER. Time is critical if it is a pancreatic tumor.


Has anyone received a false positive ct scan for pancreatic mass? I went to ER to check for fracture after a fall and an abdominal ct scan with contrast detected a mass in the pancreas head measuring 4mm. Consulted a gastroenterologist who performed an endoscopic ultra sound with the intention to do a biopsy He reported that he saw nothing and therefore no biopsy was performed. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Anne Monsees, Northport NY

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I had a similar experience so after the inconsistency a PET scan was undertaken and this confirmed the CT scan , even though endoscopist couldn't find it

Mine was just over 1.1cm and in tail . Just recovering from its removal

If you're uncertain ask the dr for a PET scan - hopefully the result will put your mind at rest


I started out with a CA19-9 at 107 last October. Now it is 12. Normal range being 0-35. Doesn’t it seem like my cancer is gone? I’ve had 9 chemotherapy treatments and have 3 more then radiation and Whipple.

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