Are long haulers more prone to long covid after another infection?

Posted by bmd @bmd, Mar 22, 2023

Is there any information about long haulers being more prone to long Covid after another Covid infection? Also, can a reinfection exacerbate prior long Covid symptoms? Thank you for any information you may have on the subject.

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There are wonderful doctors and nurse practioners whoare kind and understanding of long covid symptoms. Just keep trying to find them. I do recommend female nurse practioners.

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Thx. Been there


I can only speak from my experience. I had my first round of LC in July of 2020. Developed POTS, anxiety, lack of appetite, low grade temps, fatigue, brain fog, etc.. for over 30 days after the initial illness. My doctor finally gave me a round of steroids and I bounced out of it. Fast forward to May 2021. I began developing many of these same symptoms except way worse! I developed mesenteric panniculitis, elevated liver functions, severe abdominal pain (they thought I had pancreatitis) plus the POTS, etc. I kept saying this is a lot like my long covid. All my covid tests were negative early on. Finally my doctor did an antibody test that showed I had a recent infection. I didn't even know I had it, but developed LC symptoms on a much greater scale. I was like this for over 6 months, then slowly began feeling better. I finally went to see a specialist who was treating LC, that said the virus made me develop an autoimmune response. Even now when I am exposed to any virus, I develop LC symptoms. I have learned to manage with steroids, rest, and fluids. It will now be lifelong. Go see a good neurologist who believes that Covid and the vaccines are the reason. I truly think it was my booster (Moderna) that made the second round much worse. I had it in January before I got sick in May. My previous vaccines were Pfizer. I am also a PhD scientist, and believe in science, but if I had to do it all over again, I would not have taken that vaccine. For what it's worth...


The truth is that there is a strong political element involved with the covid. Dr's have been penalized for giving their opinion, so they dare not give their opinion. That is the truth, trust me. Scary.

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Sunny 8 don't discount anything or anyone. I got involved in a Managed Care scam - found the firm handling it had created a paper scam plan where they filed the program with the state's WCC utilizing fraudulent credentials for the plan with no real bodies to back it up. After 6 months of FOI request I found out that not only the Managed Care Plan was wrecking my health - the State's WCC was also involved. To simply put it - A medical care scam needs full participation from all components, the doctor, the care provider and the government agency responsible for oversight. Here's an interesting exercise - google "Workers Comp Fraud" and see if you can find any government agency that will take a complaint against an insurance company.


There are wonderful doctors and nurse practioners whoare kind and understanding of long covid symptoms. Just keep trying to find them. I do recommend female nurse practioners.

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My doctor is a female DO, and she’s awesome as far as being supportive. But she doesn’t have too many solutions either.


I can only speak from my experience. I had my first round of LC in July of 2020. Developed POTS, anxiety, lack of appetite, low grade temps, fatigue, brain fog, etc.. for over 30 days after the initial illness. My doctor finally gave me a round of steroids and I bounced out of it. Fast forward to May 2021. I began developing many of these same symptoms except way worse! I developed mesenteric panniculitis, elevated liver functions, severe abdominal pain (they thought I had pancreatitis) plus the POTS, etc. I kept saying this is a lot like my long covid. All my covid tests were negative early on. Finally my doctor did an antibody test that showed I had a recent infection. I didn't even know I had it, but developed LC symptoms on a much greater scale. I was like this for over 6 months, then slowly began feeling better. I finally went to see a specialist who was treating LC, that said the virus made me develop an autoimmune response. Even now when I am exposed to any virus, I develop LC symptoms. I have learned to manage with steroids, rest, and fluids. It will now be lifelong. Go see a good neurologist who believes that Covid and the vaccines are the reason. I truly think it was my booster (Moderna) that made the second round much worse. I had it in January before I got sick in May. My previous vaccines were Pfizer. I am also a PhD scientist, and believe in science, but if I had to do it all over again, I would not have taken that vaccine. For what it's worth...

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I am also a Ph.D. scientist who was injured by the Covid vaccines. The etiology of vaccine injuries and long Covid is similar. The evidence indicates both are a toxic response to the spike protein, which is often autoimmune-mediated.


3 years. Finally got someone to pay attention to my blood pressure. Its all good to day Its POTS but 180/110 needs to be treated! POTS vant kill you they say but a stroke can. Put on Losartin in the mornings. Not controlled. Added a prn every 12 hours as need gor 150/80? Its never that low. Goes high at bedtime so emergency dr appt. Doubled my am dose to take it in the pm as well. Still needing prn between for 170/100 at bedtime 2 hoirs after pm dose.
Its long covid. We don't need to do any other investigating. I live along. I hate how many of us will die and never be counted. Like my mom too. Every is tired of hearing about my 02 being 90. So 02 at night and prn during the day. Its just long covid, oh, and you are fat. We don't need to know more. I have a good PCP but that's that. See you in three months - I want to add afyer 3 more months sitting in my chair, alone. I need help. Waiting list is 2 years for home health aid. I'm retired. Tje misnomer "Age in place" means ask your daughter! Counsel on aging in Asheville, NC is useless!!! Frustrated and getting tired of living like this an nobody even trying anymore. 3 years. Not ready to die. But feels like my therapist and I are the only ones who cares. We talk about it. And that's that.


No you don't have a good PCP and our medical profession is failing us - Period! I'm a still working 75 year-old individual with full medical insurance and can't get my PCP or any of the receptionist tasked to keep me away from specialist care to listen to my concerns that Long Covid is killing me. They don't want to treat an old fart like myself for several reasons:
1- If they ignore me - I'll probably die before they are forced to treat me.
2 - If I'm on Medicare, I'm sure the government has a protocol that places a dozen hoops in front of me before they provide real care
3 - If they do accidentally feel any empathy and treat me - they are afraid the insurance company will deny payment and given my age - I might not be able to cover the cost myself.
4 - They don't even want to diagnose Long Covid - as that might actually place responsibility on the illness and that might shine the light on who is really at fault for long covid and in all likely hood they won't be able to blame China.
5 - They think we are all afflicted with brain fog and are too stupid to see what they are doing - My only hope is it's not just the senior population they are screwing and some of these younger folks they are accelerating their death will hang in there long enough to remove the insurance company, receptionist, accountants and our government from our care and we get single payer care like most of the free world. Hell even Cuba treats there citizens better.


The information is very sketchy at this point in time…I think it’s going to be quite a while yet for the medical profession to gather more information about covid and all of the many symptoms it leaves some people with. I personally feel that due to this lack of information the doctor are at a loss as to what to give us. I recently spoke with my family doctor about my symptoms since I had covid and he said I’m putting too much onus on covid…I never had these symptoms before covid so what was I to think…the doctor is doing some routine tests to probably rule out other things. I did read something recently about this very dilemma regarding long covid and it’s definitely going to cause more changes in health care. I realize that every country has it’s own methods of doing things but at the end of the day they also share their findings with other countries and this can only be helpful for all of us no matter where we live, thank goodness for technology, amen.

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I agree. I think the medical system is overwhelmed and understaffed. It is going to take a long time to catch is out there but hard to find and not enough docs who understand/have time or who can take on a larger patient load. I think they are being honest when they say they don't have time.


I posted the original question. Does anyone know if long haulers are more prone to long Covid after a second infection? Has anyone’s symptoms come back or worsened after another infection?


I posted the original question. Does anyone know if long haulers are more prone to long Covid after a second infection? Has anyone’s symptoms come back or worsened after another infection?

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Mine got worse ater a shingles vaccine.

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