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Slow degradation of my vision. Seeing a retina specialist

Eye Conditions | Last Active: Jan 19 10:38am | Replies (154)

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Wishing you well! Will you post and let us know how the cataract surgery goes for you?


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Replies to "@bonitav Wishing you well! Will you post and let us know how the cataract surgery goes..."

Thanks Teresa, I'll be in touch as soon as I can get glasses adjusted or ?? 🙂

@bonitav Bonnie: Sounds good. (You will probably get a prescription for new lenses after you recover from the surgery.)

We will look forward to hearing from you.


@bonitav, I'm thinking of you. Whenever you are ready to read this message. I hope you are recovering and comfortable.

@rosemarya Thanks Rosemary. Unfortunately the cataract surgery was rescheduled until tomorrow, 1/30. Was disappointed but will be glad when this one's over. Hope all is well with you. I noticed you and I have many similar issues. I, too, have a mild heart murmur but no one's concerned at this point. Have a good day. Will update sometime after tomorrow. 🙂

@rosemarya, @hopeful33250 Thanks for your concern for my surgery which was Jan 30, and which went well with the exception of being bumped on my left eyebrow with the head halo that's used to keep the head still during the procedure. Not sure which team member was the culprit as I was already mildly sedated. I was aware that something had happened and was in pain. There was no ice pack applied or anything. The surgeon wasn't in the surgery bay at the time. After the procedure, someone told me they would annotate my record. At any rate, all seemed well for about 3 days and then I began to have weird sensations... ringing in my ears, headache, bruising at the corner of my eye, erratic blood pressure and unsteadiness on my feet. Went to the ER where a CT and labs were done. Those seemed normal but the dr there told me I most likely had a mild concussion and to follow up with my primary care doctor. Did that on Tuesday and she too thought I had all the symptoms of a concussion. I had a follow up with surgeon today. The cornea is clear and eye pressure is lowering. Went upstairs to the surgery center and signed a request for a copy of my records, but the administrator who is in charge of such wasn't in today and will call me tomorrow. Signed a release so they could get a copy of the CT scan report from the ER. Not having had a concussion before, have no real info except what I found via google and some reputable medical sites. All the symptoms could clear in as little as a few days, a few months or even a year. The older one is, the longer healing takes. I'm upset and have some mild depression. At least my vision is improving and hoping the other symptoms heal sooner than a few months or a year. 🙂 Will keep you updated and thanks again for your concern.

@bonitav, I am so very sorry to hear of your complications. I can understand that you are upset. This is an awful thing to have happened to you!
Here is Mayo Clinic information on Concussion.

What kind of support has the surgeon offered to provide for you as a result of this?

I send my thoughts and prayer for healing and full recovery.

@rosemarya The surgeon was kind when I was there yesterday and reminded me to call should I feel worse or if I'm not getting better soon. Finally got the call from the Admin person who releases records. Will pick up a copy tomorrow. He asked how I was feeling and told him my ears were still ringing and I sometimes felt wobbly when getting up from a sitting position. He seemed concerned. told him I'd be seeing my primary care dr Thursday. Thanks for the link to Mayo. Will take a look there. Thanks for checking on me and will update when there's a change or Thursday. Hope you're having a good day. Bonnie.

@bonitav Hello Bonnie

I am so sorry to hear that you were bumped in the head before your surgery! You certainly didn't need that added complication.

While I've never had a concussion myself, I know that they can take some time to heal and I hope that yours is a quick recovery.

Were there any specific instructions to follow from the concussion? I hope you will post after you see your doctor on Thursday.

I'll also be praying for your healing and courage.


@hopeful33250, Thanks Teresa. No one gave me instructions except to rest and not to lift anything, but that was before the concussion symptoms occurred. No specific care instructions for the concussion. I'm not that energetic right now so I'm not too active. Will get info from my dr on thurs. Will update. Thanks again. Bonnie.

@bonitav Hi Bonnie:

Take it easy and I'll look forward to hearing from you again.
