"Dents" in leg muscles

Posted by rubie @rubie, Jul 17, 2019

Developing dents in muscles of lower right leg - when I rub my leg, feel like a there's a hole in muscle and it is actually visible - saw reflection in store window. . . Surprised me for sure! I very frequently have terrible cramps/burning/stinging/"electric" pains in my legs and feet. Wondering if my muscles are sort of disintegrating. Anyone else know what I am talking about?

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Hi @rubie did you ever get an answer to what was causing your issue? I’m experiencing something that sounds similar and so far the doc has not been able to find an answer


Hi @rubie did you ever get an answer to what was causing your issue? I’m experiencing something that sounds similar and so far the doc has not been able to find an answer

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Welcome @sjune39, I don't think @rubie is following Connect any longer as the member has not posted since starting this discussion. Wondering if other members like @waltermc @cbnewpain @hotfooted @wilcy @johnhans might share if they have seen any dents in their leg muscles along with any cramps/burning/stinging/"electric" pains in their legs and feet, and what that may mean.

Did your doctor rule out pitting edema or other possible causes?


I do. Have had snd for a long time in my feet but control it pretty much. Lately though have been having violent cramps on the bottom and sides of my feet. Not all the time, not every day but when it hits its like a knife. Just started last few months


Are the indentations going across the leg or up and down? Are the indentations only in your thighs? Most reasons for thigh indentations are of little consequence. A visit to your doctor would help put your mind at ease and confirm what it really is. If you answer the questions, I can help some more with possibilities.

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I have indented lines across both of my upper thighs. This post came up when I was searching trying to find out why they are there. Are you familiar with this?


I have indented lines across both of my upper thighs. This post came up when I was searching trying to find out why they are there. Are you familiar with this?

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Hi @potsy, Welcome to Connect. There are various causes for indentations in the legs. I don't have any medical background or training but agree with @johnhans that a visit with your doctor could ease your mind and confirm what it really is. I think my PCP told me the ones I had a few years ago were pitting edema but I'm not sure. I have been diagnosed with lymphedema and have to wear compression stockings to controlling the swelling.

Have you discussed the symptoms with your doctor?


I wonder if you've been tested for Lyme disease and confections? What you're describing sounds a lot like it.


I also popped into this conversation. I DO have problems with gait. I would fall but I always manage to fall into things or grab onto others. Also I went from 168 to 89lbs in 18 months without change in eating. But was diagnosed with celiac disease and have gained back 19lbs. Prior to April 10 2017 I had sciatica, scoliosis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis. Then I woke up on the 10th and had lost the use of my right hand and the pain felt like my hand was in boiling water. 10 days later I woke up with the same thing in my left hand. 1st neurologist said PARSONAGE TURNER SYSNDROME and said she would send a letter to my family Dr. When I went to see family Dr. Her words exactly were. I have never heard of this disease YOU WILL HAVE TO GOOGLE IT. I did, it didn't sound like my symptoms. 48 hours after the test where they poke you full of holes I had a heart attack at home whilst having a BM. 2nd neurologist said no it couldn't be PTS. he said was MONO NEURITIS MULTIPLEX. MNM family Dr said. SAME DEAL YOU WILL HAVE TO GOOGLE IT. SAME DEAL it didn't sound like my symptoms.
I went back to my old family Dr. He's not likely to tell me to Google it. He sent me to a different neurologist, the 3rd. When we got there she had gone through all the previous tests done by the others. She had made herself totally knowledgeable of my symptoms. She was what you hope for in a Dr. However yes you guessed it 3rd diagnosis. CHRONIC REGIONAL PAIN SYSNDROME. She explained every detail, no waiting to get results from family Dr. However the news was not good. It is nicknamed the suicide disease. There is no cure and no treatment. Just 24/7 pain. I am on gabapentine. I didn't think it worked until I miss a dose. Also long acting diladid and 2mg fast acting for break through pain. They don't work either. So I cry out in pain I scream in pain. My best friend is sleep and I'm very fortunate that my evening meds do their job and I sleep well. Then I wake up. It's still there. It will always be there. I will never have anything to look forward to again. I'm only 64. I worked all my life now I've lost that. My husband is drifting farther and farther away. I have zero quality of life. I know why it's nicknamed the suicide disease because I fantasize about not waking up. Having a massive heart attack. Because my death is not imminent I'm not eligible for MAID. The thought of living like this for another 2 weeks is hell but 20 years. Will not happen. I will be a statistic. Part of the over 60% that choose to end their life. I pray no one on here has this horrible disease. It breaks my heart that children can get this disease.

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I noticed your post is dated 2019. I just read it today 2/2023 and am wondering if your pain is any better? Are there any stronger pain meds that help? I,too, have pain from several sources, most of them are related to post Covid. I am thinking of you.


My girlfriend noticed this indent in her upper thigh yesterday. She has an appointment to see a doctor Monday but was wondering if anyone has any ideas on what this could possibly be. It’s not sore to the touch and there is no bruising. She isn't on any steroid shots.

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I know the post is dated from 2022 but I just saw the same thing in my thigh and in one of my calf. No pain associated with those indents.
I'd like to know if someone has an answer or got a diagnostic from a doctor.



I know the post is dated from 2022 but I just saw the same thing in my thigh and in one of my calf. No pain associated with those indents.
I'd like to know if someone has an answer or got a diagnostic from a doctor.

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Hello @ms1234, Welcome to Connect. I posted this earlier in the discussion but thought I would share it again. I have had dent's in my right calf muscle frequently and don't have pain with it. For me, I think it's related to my lymphedema. Here are a couple of possible explanations.

How to identify pitting edema

Twitching Muscles, DENTS, Calf Cramps: Facing the Terror

Have you discussed the dents with your doctor? Hopefully some other members will be able to share their experience also.


I have dents in both calf muscles, mid-calf. I have attributed it to where most of my socks have the most elasticity and have caused a permanent indent. I have lymphodema, and when I cross my legs; ie to tie my shoelaces, I get a more temporary one at the ankle where the ankle sits on my thigh. I haven't given it much thought just as a mild curiosity.

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I have the same thing across the back of my calf. It's strange , like sock were there for years or something was tied around only the back of my calf. Doesn't hurt though. But I wonder what it is sometimes.

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