Klonopin taper

Posted by dawgbone @dawgbone, Jul 31, 2017

I have been on some kind of benzo for almost 40 yrs. I am trying to taper from 1.5-2 mgs of klonopin daily . Began in mid may 2017 and my last cut was very small on 7-2-17 to get to 1mg. Honestly feels like i am dying. I also take trazodone 75 mgs and 4 drugs for high blood pressure. I have been researching gabapentin and seroquel to help with the withdrawal symptons. Please offer any suggestions or help. I am 69 yrs old and cant even leave my house to visit my kids and grands. Thank you for any help!

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I was talking about the article's "taper schedules" and substitutions Reese, not sure where I said you "suggested " anything to me did I?? I have to look back and read, I'm sorry for anything I said that sounded like that 🙁


I see it now, and totally understand why you thought that because it sounds that way, not well written.

What I should have said was the first line you wrote that was just about doing slow-tapering, not your exact method Reese, I'm really sorry. I was just saying how mine is going and wasn't saying I didn't want to do it your exact method. I don't even remember what yours was but what I do remember is going slow which I can't agree more because I believe that will work.

I'm off for awhile, I've made too many mistakes so I'll take a break, take care all, thanks again for all the help, Denise


I have never heard of anyone having a heart attack due to abruptly stopping benzodiazepines either. I do agree that palpitations are common. I also do not pay any attention to info put out by rehab or detox centers for benzo withdrawal. They want peoples money, they fear monger, they don’t taper properly, one couldn’t afford to stay there long enough to do a proper taper. Can you provide a source other than a detox center.

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Why don't you ask the Mayo Clinic?


I have read before about heart issues, and here is one place I just found.

I forgot I haven't been here long enough to post links so you can google it on PubMed, but this is the title of the article:
Clonazepam-associated Bradycardia in a Disabled Elderly Woman with Multiple Complications

Just to be clear, I am elderly and like @reese1 mentioned, I am weaning off the clonazepam and very carefully as I am 70 years old. I do believe some of my issues could come from the use of the drug.

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Hi @g0ldengirl1952, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to an article with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam. Please allow me to post it for you.

- Clonazepam-associated Bradycardia in a Disabled Elderly Woman with Multiple Complications https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5635303/

I appreciate your searching for evidence-based information related to your health. You are your best advocate.


Thanks @colleenyoung
I really appreciate it, Denise


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We share our experiences. Where possible, we share evidence-based resources. Above all, it's important to remember that we only have words on a page to express ourselves without the benefit of body language and tone of voice. I believe that we all want to support one another through a safe, slow taper when someone wishes to discontinue a medication.


Why do you want to get off klonopin if it has helped you
all these years?
I have been on it for many years due to my Essential Tremor and it
helps me sleep. I feel very normal on it. I will stay on it till I die. It is
the quality of life not the quantity.

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...good point you make but for me it was a doctor wanted me off and fast, new one at clinic.....to take last five pills and no more after 15 or so years! then my gp left and i had no doctor so went to clinic and emerge and was treated like a drug seeker.... woman dr even called me that... so here i am addicted to a drug no one told me would be so awful going off it .... the doctors here in Canada want people off them but provide no help quitting etc ... when i went into withdrawal, little old lady me, i felt like going downtown and trying to buy some thats how bad it was: i do not abuse meds but was treated like a drug addict when trying to get them with no doctor! unbelievable i found myself in that predicament!


...good point you make but for me it was a doctor wanted me off and fast, new one at clinic.....to take last five pills and no more after 15 or so years! then my gp left and i had no doctor so went to clinic and emerge and was treated like a drug seeker.... woman dr even called me that... so here i am addicted to a drug no one told me would be so awful going off it .... the doctors here in Canada want people off them but provide no help quitting etc ... when i went into withdrawal, little old lady me, i felt like going downtown and trying to buy some thats how bad it was: i do not abuse meds but was treated like a drug addict when trying to get them with no doctor! unbelievable i found myself in that predicament!

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If Klonopin makes you feel good---try other doctors, why in Canada do
they want you off? It is one of the better drugs, I have tremors and sleep
problem and it has helped me so much. I understand how you feel when you
ask for the pills, they make me sign for them when I pick them up. maybe get
a doctor in the US. I feel bad for you there has to be a way, maybe if you
go to a shrink they will help you.


I cannot emphasize the word "slow" enough. We know that w/d can cause a heart attack. However, you wean, be sure to do it as slowly as you can. I chose water titration. I found it to be agonizing cutting the pill. I was on 1 mg of Xanax forever. I had to switch to Klonopin, 1 mg., and then I had to cut it in half and took the .50 for a month (agony.) I started the water titration on the other .50 and that lasted approximately six months. The w/d did continue fairly intense with the worst one being on New Years Eve (my last taper.) I thought I wasn't going to see daylight, but I did (God is Good.) In hindsight, I realize that I should have titrated much slower. Maybe, I should have quartered the pill and then started the water titration. On another note, if you decide to do it that way and you have to get through something traumatic in your life, you can "hold." In other words, titrate the same amount, until you get through the traumatic event and then resume the process. Everyone has their own way of handling it and that was the way that worked for me. The Ashton Manual and YouTube can help you with it, as well.

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I have a really good psychiatrist that for that I've had for 10 years that I trust very much and he keeps telling me not to go off of the Klonopin so I'll just keep taking it he says take his little as you can I used to be on 3 mg and now I only take two one in the morning and one at night I do not take the middle of the day dose any longer and he said that was just fine take his little as you can he does not ever recommend that I quit taking it though so I probably won't I don't see any reason to so far I'm not led to take less or to go off of it all together it doesn't seem to be harming me and I don't seem to need to take any more than what I do so I'm just going to go with his advice he's been a very good doctor for over 10 years


Forgive me for using this talk to text I take 2 mg per day 1 mg in the morning 1 mg at night I skipped the 1 mg midday for over three or four years for many years since 1994 I took three 1 mg tablets of Klonopin per day my doctor says what I'm doing now is fine but he also cautions me not to quit taking it or to go off of it all together so I'm going to just keep doing that until he tells me to do otherwise he says that what I'm doing is just fine and there's no problem and he's been a very good doctor for over 10 years so my first remarks above that I did with talk to text or a little bit confusing I'm not good at texting on here so I hope that this is clarifying at somewhat if there's any questions I'll try to do better thank you and God bless you very much

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