Exacerbated anxiety and depression, brain fog: Long Covid

Posted by daddyshark17 @daddyshark17, Mar 26, 2023

Good evening. New here on the board and I imagine what I'm about to write may have been discussed. I did a little searching already but hope to get some direct feedback. My life for the last several months has been turned upside down. Everything was "manageable" until post-Covid. There are no other explanations as to why I've been feeling this way, yet my primary physician, among others, refuse to say I have Long Covid.
It was early August when I tested positive, and recovered from the typical symptoms about a week later. In early November is when everything started going downhill. The most noticeable symptom was brain fog. I felt/feel like I can't concentrate, lose focus, slur speech on occasion, zone out, etc. Fatigue was also setting in which is when I contacted my doctor. We decided that it may have been time to adjust my meds. I was on 30mg of Cymbalta and increased to 40mg daily. After Thanksgiving and into December, the feelings were a bit overwhelming and we pinned it on the increased mgs. Nobody had even mentioned Covid at the time. I believe I eventually brought it up, by the way.
By the time January rolled around, nothing was changing. I had believed that now I was suffering from Cymbalta withdrawal and it was just a matter of time before it dissipated. Klonopin daily helped but things were still the same when I didnt have one in my system. I restarted Cymbalta, just 20mg daily, to combat withdrawal, then decided to try Effexor. Its been 2 weeks and I'm on the lowest dosage. I wrote my psychiatrist asking to increase since I feel like things are getting worse. In addition to those symptoms I felt earlier, I cry several times a day, agoraphobic, barely move around the house, all while trying to be a good dad to an 8 year old boy. My primary had nothing to say other than "I know it's upsetting but keep doing your best!".
It may not even matter what the cause is, but is it safe to say it's Long Covid? It will/does feel like validation, that I didn't do anything wrong to start feeling this way, that is was this awful disease that's still lurking inside of me causing these reactions.
If so, what have we learned thus far as to how to treat it? Has anyone felt similarly? I'll be on Effexor and Klonopin daily, all the advised supplements, allergy meds, and Pepcid AC for my constant upset stomach. Any other recommedations? Does anyone have any experience with Effexor? Cymbalta wasn't all that bad for about two years but the recommedation was to switch even though they're quite similar.
Thanks in advance for anything at all and best of luck to anyone suffering. I truly wouldn't wish anything like this on my worst enemy.

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Thank you for writing this. You have no idea how much of all these symptoms ive had. Depression and anxiety and panic attacks on the daily. I was a very active person before and now i need to remind myself im not crazy and that its not all in my.head because everyone around me except.my girlfriend say im fine to get over it already.

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Sorry to hear you have to go through this too. Its definitely not all in your head. The people that are telling you to get over it have been lucky enough to not experience anything like it, or I'm sure they wouldn't be saying that.


I got Covid in mid August 2022. Prior to that I was walking a hard 2 mile loop daily, was off all my antidepressants for at least a year. By the way, the hardest one to come off was Cymbalta. My Nurse Practitioner tapered me down slowly and then the last week changed me to Prozac because it has a longer half-life and can prevent the Cymbalta withdrawal side effects. After I recovered from Covid I realized that I was feeling more and more depressed but I couldn't figure out why. After a while I decided it must be a symptom of Long Covid. After some months of deep depression my provider started me on Wellbutrin but after an increase in dose I still didn't notice much of an improvement. She added another antidepressant which hasn't made any reduction in my depression. Now we're considering nasal Ketamine which is used in treatment resistant depression. I just am so tired of this depression, fatigue, exercise intolerance, brain fog, poor memory. It is just not who I was before getting Covid...


I got Covid in mid August 2022. Prior to that I was walking a hard 2 mile loop daily, was off all my antidepressants for at least a year. By the way, the hardest one to come off was Cymbalta. My Nurse Practitioner tapered me down slowly and then the last week changed me to Prozac because it has a longer half-life and can prevent the Cymbalta withdrawal side effects. After I recovered from Covid I realized that I was feeling more and more depressed but I couldn't figure out why. After a while I decided it must be a symptom of Long Covid. After some months of deep depression my provider started me on Wellbutrin but after an increase in dose I still didn't notice much of an improvement. She added another antidepressant which hasn't made any reduction in my depression. Now we're considering nasal Ketamine which is used in treatment resistant depression. I just am so tired of this depression, fatigue, exercise intolerance, brain fog, poor memory. It is just not who I was before getting Covid...

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I had terrible symptoms from Covid…what has helped me a ton…FUNCTIONAL neurologist (NOT regular neurologist)
Functional Nutritionist (I eat a VERY strict diet and supplements specific to me) specializing in gut health, Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber, infared sauna


I had terrible symptoms from Covid…what has helped me a ton…FUNCTIONAL neurologist (NOT regular neurologist)
Functional Nutritionist (I eat a VERY strict diet and supplements specific to me) specializing in gut health, Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber, infared sauna

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Does your doctor do telehealth? I need help.


I got Covid in mid August 2022. Prior to that I was walking a hard 2 mile loop daily, was off all my antidepressants for at least a year. By the way, the hardest one to come off was Cymbalta. My Nurse Practitioner tapered me down slowly and then the last week changed me to Prozac because it has a longer half-life and can prevent the Cymbalta withdrawal side effects. After I recovered from Covid I realized that I was feeling more and more depressed but I couldn't figure out why. After a while I decided it must be a symptom of Long Covid. After some months of deep depression my provider started me on Wellbutrin but after an increase in dose I still didn't notice much of an improvement. She added another antidepressant which hasn't made any reduction in my depression. Now we're considering nasal Ketamine which is used in treatment resistant depression. I just am so tired of this depression, fatigue, exercise intolerance, brain fog, poor memory. It is just not who I was before getting Covid...

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It all sounds too familiar. I got covid around the same time and went through similar feelings, med changes, symptoms, you name it. Its torture. Its a beautiful day outside (I'm in Philadelphia) and I don't want to get out of bed.


Sorry to hear you have to go through this too. Its definitely not all in your head. The people that are telling you to get over it have been lucky enough to not experience anything like it, or I'm sure they wouldn't be saying that.

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Yup, I've heard it all. Even a "friend" telling me to try cocaine, after he said I need to get out of my own head and just get out and do things. It was pretty infuriating and literally made me feel worse for about 36 hrs. Another actually got me fired up over a long lasting debate. He said "see, I got you out of your head for a while, distracted you, made you think about something other than your symptoms or long Covid". I said "I was feeling pretty good today and you flipped it upside down". He refused to apologize because he said he was trying to help. So yeah, I'm down to like one or two people I can actually talk to for support and I imagine they're sick of me.


Does your doctor do telehealth? I need help.

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Yes they pretty much all do telehealth! Look up Brain and Spine-Dr Harrison Salisbury in West Jordan, Utah. He will do a 15 minute free phone call to help you either find someone to help you in your area OR go to Utah and get the help you need…it will be out of pocket expense but in my opinion worth every penny!


I got Covid in mid August 2022. Prior to that I was walking a hard 2 mile loop daily, was off all my antidepressants for at least a year. By the way, the hardest one to come off was Cymbalta. My Nurse Practitioner tapered me down slowly and then the last week changed me to Prozac because it has a longer half-life and can prevent the Cymbalta withdrawal side effects. After I recovered from Covid I realized that I was feeling more and more depressed but I couldn't figure out why. After a while I decided it must be a symptom of Long Covid. After some months of deep depression my provider started me on Wellbutrin but after an increase in dose I still didn't notice much of an improvement. She added another antidepressant which hasn't made any reduction in my depression. Now we're considering nasal Ketamine which is used in treatment resistant depression. I just am so tired of this depression, fatigue, exercise intolerance, brain fog, poor memory. It is just not who I was before getting Covid...

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I am so sorry. That has been my experience as well.


I had Depression and for 20+ yrs took Zoloft and all was fine until i got covid.
Zoloft quit working and now i have bad anxiety attacks which i never had in my life.
Did a genesight test and none of the meds i have tried has worked.
Just this week i started back on zoloft and we are going to end up at a higher dose than the 100 mg
i took all those yrs and Caplyta was added as well.
Hang in there and keep on keeping on...You are not alone.
My prayers to all who are dealing with whatever they are dealing with.


I had Depression and for 20+ yrs took Zoloft and all was fine until i got covid.
Zoloft quit working and now i have bad anxiety attacks which i never had in my life.
Did a genesight test and none of the meds i have tried has worked.
Just this week i started back on zoloft and we are going to end up at a higher dose than the 100 mg
i took all those yrs and Caplyta was added as well.
Hang in there and keep on keeping on...You are not alone.
My prayers to all who are dealing with whatever they are dealing with.

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I did genesight tests several years ago before covid. It didn't help whatsoever, not one bit. I'm on Effexor now, 75mg. It seems to be helping slightly with my anxiety and depression, but so much with the fog and my lack of desire to do anything, ever. Its a beautiful day today (in Philly) and I'm laying in bed at noon. I feel like I'm going to vomit, I'm achy, annoyed, I have no support, and it just never ends.
My son had a baseball game last night, his first this season, and I couldn't go. His mom took him and she wasn't pleased at all. He got hit in the mouth with a bat (he's ok, just a fat lip) and I know it wouldn't have happened if I was there. The worst was the look he gave me, when I told him that I couldn't go because I was "sickies". It broke my heart.

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