Slow gi motility with severe constipation

Posted by sallyw133 @sallyw133, Feb 28, 2023

I’ve posted here before under other topics but decided to start my own thread. Diagnosed three years ago
With extremely slow gi motility, stomach down, but symptoms primarily in colon which takes 82 hrs to process. Been to numerous drs, including motility specialists, and just no relief. Also claim some pelvic floor issues so I’ve done therapy twice. My main problem is finding a regimen to maintain some kind of regularity. I’m on Bethanichol, normally for urinary retention, but helps with motility, and Amitiza daily. Then add in mineral oil, senna, dulcolax as needed. The dailies help some, but not enough, so gradually add in others, then diarrhea. Or increase dose if dailies and same. Then there’s the “is it diarrhea or overflow” issue? My gi is little help. All questions go through nurse who never gets details right or doesn’t call back for days. I’d switch, but I have no idea who else to go to as can’t go to just a regular gi. I have been on every constipation med and have even consulted a surgeon re an ileostomy, but that just sounds like a whole new group of problems. Any one there share these issues?

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I too have slow motility and severe constipation. My doctor prescribed a new just FDA approved drug called the Vibrant pill. This is a pill that gets activated in a pod and then ingested. There is no medication in this pill and just activates the colon with gentle electrical stimulation.

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Have you tried it yet?


Yes, but I found out that I was not activating the pod the right way and when I did take the pill I had severe stomach pain. I had to read about side effects which states that if you have a history of bowel obstruction (rare side effect but had a bowel obstruction in 2012) or Pelvic floor issues, discuss with your Dr. before use.


Yes, but I found out that I was not activating the pod the right way and when I did take the pill I had severe stomach pain. I had to read about side effects which states that if you have a history of bowel obstruction (rare side effect but had a bowel obstruction in 2012) or Pelvic floor issues, discuss with your Dr. before use.

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I had a glimmer of hope when I saw your post. But when I googled it, got quickly let down. I had a partial small bowel obstruction in 2019, have slow gi motility stomach
on down, pelvic floor
Issues. Also, on Medicare, which probably would cover or high co-pay if would. Oh, well. Momentary glimpse of hope.


Total Colectomy with IRA 😊


I had bad constipation before and after gallbladder removal. Finally saw on you tube a Dr Berg(liver) and used the taurine, enzymes with ox bile and a product called silymarin(?) for liver.
I do not have severe constipation now as that can be a bile issue and this alleviates it. the other remedies surgeon gave didn't help. bile could be issue.


I had a glimmer of hope when I saw your post. But when I googled it, got quickly let down. I had a partial small bowel obstruction in 2019, have slow gi motility stomach
on down, pelvic floor
Issues. Also, on Medicare, which probably would cover or high co-pay if would. Oh, well. Momentary glimpse of hope.

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I also had that glimmer of hope. I also found out that if you have any type of MRI scheduled you have to make sure that you had eliminated all the vibrantcapsules because it could cause some kind if intestinal damage if they were still in there. I am so surprised that my GI doc didn't tell me this because he knows I always worry about obstruction and have been known to to the ER when I'm terribly constipated (first thing the do is a CAT scan). I am on Medicare as well and if you get a preapproval from your doctor mine was about $80 per month. For now I am on IBSrella for CIC which is ok but there is no magic bullet here.


An MRI might be different than a C/T because of the magnet.
$80 isn’t too bad compared to what I’m paying for some of my other drugs. But I think I have too many other issues that would rule it out for me, unfortunately.


I also had that glimmer of hope. I also found out that if you have any type of MRI scheduled you have to make sure that you had eliminated all the vibrantcapsules because it could cause some kind if intestinal damage if they were still in there. I am so surprised that my GI doc didn't tell me this because he knows I always worry about obstruction and have been known to to the ER when I'm terribly constipated (first thing the do is a CAT scan). I am on Medicare as well and if you get a preapproval from your doctor mine was about $80 per month. For now I am on IBSrella for CIC which is ok but there is no magic bullet here.

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This is the first I’ve heard of IBSrella. How is it working for you? Expensive on Medicare?


Sally, everything you said is ditto for me. I have a consult going in to colorectal surgery at Mayo. I have had all of the normal GI slow motility tests done and taken all of the routine meds usually prescribed. I have to add to the Linzess 145mcg , Senna, Slow Move Tea, magnesum, sometimes magnesium citrate Liquid. If I add MOM it is more severe diarrhea. Actually it's diarrhea or nothing, but MOM will work for sure if I add it. I also take Bentyl 10 mg for the abdominal pain/bloating. The GI doctors I have seen in my area, do the routine tests and drugs and now told me that I need a totak ciolectomy with ileostomy. None of them "look outside of the box".
I read on the Mayo Rochester website that the colorectal department works with the GI motility clinic is which under the gastroenterogy department. I have been avoiding the surgery option for over a year.
I hope you are doing better and figured some of this out. Thanks for your post.


A CT scan should show the issues going on. I have an appt with a colorectal surgeon at University of Utah Med Center. My Medicare advantage plan won’t let me go too the Mayo Clinic. I live in Reno and the surgeons here say they don’t have the expertise to perform surgery as I have 2 hernia meshes in my abdomen.

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