Very high BP reading and very scared

Posted by user_ch783e933 @user_ch783e933, Mar 25, 2023

I've been tracking my BP with a Omicron, new batteries, I slide into the cuff (very petite person) but it inflates/deflates fine and it gives me accurate readings. I've been tracking it because I have a semiannual visit in ten days with my cardiologist who's at a teaching hospital an hour away, not exactly convenient and a stressful drive. Last few times, my BP has been elevated, he calls it "reactive", has not changed my meds because at home it's fine.

Well yesterday I went to a musculo-skeletal specialist to figure out a on again/off again muscle problem in the shoulder blade and the woman who took me into the exam room slapped the cuff on me (same exact machine I have) and squeezed my arm so tight I thought it was going to fall off. Reading was 185/101, minute later 169/85 or something like that. I freaked out. WHY DOES THESE PEOPLE TAKE YOUR BP THE SECOND YOU ENTER THE EXAM ROOM? She had me rushing all over the place after her and it was like taking a reading after getting off a treadmill. I'm a very healthy 73 exercised my whole life stopped in 2017 after being thrown from my horse while cantering (physical therapy for months).

At home my numbers since 3/18, I take BP around 10-11am and 8-9pm, have been absolute normal (in the teens like 117/69 during the day, evening the lowest was 99/64 at 8:30pm). So when I got home I took my BP obviously. First readying was 149/84, one minute later was 121/73, HR normal about 70. Last night it was 115/69 at 8:30pm.

I'M FREAKING OUT NOW because they called me at home and told me to see my PCP. I know it's going to be sky high because I'm terrified. I did call the cardiologist's office yesterday (Friday 3/24) but he was in another hospital, woman took a long message, he never called me back. This doctor pays attention so he either didn't get the message or he isn't worried by this since it came down fast and at home was normal.

Meanwhile I have now convinced myself that I'm going to have a stroke and lie here in this apartment and die because I have no intention of ever going into any nursing home, I'd rather be dead. I'm so paranoid right now I'm actually in bed. I took my BP this morning about 6am and it was 150/85 came down to 135/77 in two minutes.

HELP!!!!! What can I do? I've been taking BP meds since my late 40s, there was one other time where it went sky high after I decided not to take any more Xanax, had bad withdrawal, elevated BP stayed that way for months then came back down. I'M TERRIFIED. I don't know what the cardiologist will do, last time he didn't change my meds, should I find another one? I'M REALLY SCARED.

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Hi, I would suggest the following.

Get your doctor a reliable log of your bp taken at the same Approx time of day after sitting quietly for 5 minutes each day. If you need to take it a second time show it that way. Try to show this log to your doctor clearly.

If you have white coat symptoms at the office help her/him and you identify it with numbers from your log and ask the question or state it. This way if normal at home and you should not be treated with meds in their opinion they will have the data. If not normal they will also have the data.

If you have a modern cuff and a smartphone it should automatically be able to help you create the log without having to write it down using Bluetooth.

If it is actually high don’t be afraid to address it, ignoring it can in fact lead to strokes and health issues, especially if it gets very high over long time periods, and if it’s not actually a problem you won’t need to address it. your doctor can give you that answer if they have clear data.

There are also a bunch of lifestyle things you can try to do if helpful and if you need to do them, do them. Hang in there and good luck.

Some doctors (and even emergency rooms) don’t always make “quick changes” to BP if they have good data even if high once but prefer to make thoughtful changes it seems.

I do understand how you feel and good luck and do your best to control the things you can that might help while getting data for your doctor and call them if you have a question.

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