Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I can fully relate, it's been driving me nuts for more than 3 months now. Also had lots of anxiety along the way, even panic attacks! I can say that it is getting better, but possibly by less than 1% per day. Very grueling process!! Along the way I've taken to sleeping with my head propped up, slowing my breathing down, and kind of holding the exhale, in order to stop the drip and allow me to fall asleep.

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Try Sudafed. I've been taking one 10 mg tablet once a day and I hardly even notice the nasal drip. The package I got (over the counter) is called Maximum Strength, Sinus Congestion, Phenylephrine HCL 10 mg Nasal Decongestant, Non-Drowsy. It contains 72 tablets. This works better than the Flonase (at least for me). Comes in a red/white package made by Kroger. It's cheaper than Flonase.


I have the same feeling. Mucus in my throat that never never never leaves. I can't cough or back it up. Gargling does nothing. I've been doing sinus rinses with the squeeze bottle. I use one saline packet and I add baby shampoo to the solution. Nothing ever comes out when I rinse. However, while the solution is still in my nose, immediately after squeezing, I hold my nose and bend over, letting the solution to into my upper sinuses. I leave it in the for hours before I blow my nose. After a couple of hours, I blow my nose and get thick thick thick white wood glue type mucus out. The mucus in my throat seems to thin slightly.

I've had crazy clear and white mucus since I had a very very mild case of COVID in March 2020 ( no fever, cough, test, nothing really)

Really don't know what else to do.

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I have the exact same thing, clear mucus in my throat that I cannot get rid of. I also have been doing the sinus rinses but I'm not sure if it did anything. I had mild case of cold/flu (not sure if it was COVID) back in November. Ever since then, I developed a cough for about 1.5 months from the post nasal drip. The coughing stopped but the nasal drip has not. I tried Flonase which helps alot but makes my nose ache a bit after continued use. My doctor also prescribed Ipratropium Bromide nasal spray which provided some relief but didn't cure it.
One of my friends said he has a post nasal drip too and he said Sudafed really helps so I got a package from my local grocery store. And he was right. I've been taking one 10 mg tablet once a day and I hardly even notice the nasal drip. The package I got (over the counter) is called Maximum Strength, Sinus Congestion, Phenylephrine HCL 10 mg Nasal Decongestant, Non-Drowsy. It contains 72 tablets. This works better than the Flonase (at least for me). Comes in a red/white package made by Kroger. It's cheaper than Flonase.


Bought 100 tea bags of cardamom many do you drink a day to see results? Thanks

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was it straight cardamon tea or a blend? i can' find the straight one, what is your's called and where to get it..thankyou


I was talking to one of my friends the other day and he told me he too has a post nasal drip. He said Sudafed really helps so I got a package from my local grocery store. And he was right. I've been taking one 10 mg tablet once a day and I hardly even notice the nasal drip. The package I got (over the counter) is called Maximum Strength, Sinus Congestion, Phenylephrine HCL 10 mg Nasal Decongestant, Non-Drowsy. It contains 72 tablets. This works better than the Flonase (at least for me). Comes in a red/white package made by Kroger. It's cheaper than Flonase.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and kindness. I can't take Sudafed due to it elevating my BP and causing my heart to race.


I am so thankful to find all of your posts. I am 4 weeks post-Covid, where I had 2 1/2 days of fever, cough, and a terrible sore throat and now I have this feeling like thick phlegm is clogging the back of my throat Some days and times are worse and have tried most everything mentioned providing some very temporary relief. Urgent Care doctor recommended Pepcid, Nasacort, sinus rinses, and hot showers. Some days are worse than others. It is annoying, exhausting, and at times panic causing. I will pursue an appointment with my ENT. While this is hard to deal with, I appreciate knowing I am not alone and hope it will resolve soon.


I have had the same symptoms as all of you for 7 months. Coughing until I dry heave, constant super thick snot running down the back of my throat. 2 rounds of antibiotics and steroids without much relief. One day our cook at work made me lemon and grapefruit peel tea. I drank the awful cup full. I know it sounds weird but all the snot and phlegm was 99% gone the next morning and has been gone since. Trust me the awful taste is well worth the relief. I have continued to drink at least a cup full of the tea a day. It is still gone! I hope this will help someone out there.


I have the exact same thing, clear mucus in my throat that I cannot get rid of. I also have been doing the sinus rinses but I'm not sure if it did anything. I had mild case of cold/flu (not sure if it was COVID) back in November. Ever since then, I developed a cough for about 1.5 months from the post nasal drip. The coughing stopped but the nasal drip has not. I tried Flonase which helps alot but makes my nose ache a bit after continued use. My doctor also prescribed Ipratropium Bromide nasal spray which provided some relief but didn't cure it.
One of my friends said he has a post nasal drip too and he said Sudafed really helps so I got a package from my local grocery store. And he was right. I've been taking one 10 mg tablet once a day and I hardly even notice the nasal drip. The package I got (over the counter) is called Maximum Strength, Sinus Congestion, Phenylephrine HCL 10 mg Nasal Decongestant, Non-Drowsy. It contains 72 tablets. This works better than the Flonase (at least for me). Comes in a red/white package made by Kroger. It's cheaper than Flonase.

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Great that you find some relief by using Sudafed. But please don't use it longterm (more than 7 days) because it can cause awful rebound congestion just like nose sprays with xylometazoline. Just wanted to share :).


I have had the same symptoms as all of you for 7 months. Coughing until I dry heave, constant super thick snot running down the back of my throat. 2 rounds of antibiotics and steroids without much relief. One day our cook at work made me lemon and grapefruit peel tea. I drank the awful cup full. I know it sounds weird but all the snot and phlegm was 99% gone the next morning and has been gone since. Trust me the awful taste is well worth the relief. I have continued to drink at least a cup full of the tea a day. It is still gone! I hope this will help someone out there.

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Ok I’ll try it. So how do you make it!


Dice 2 lemon peels and 2 grapefruit peels, add to a gallon or so of water and boil. It is bitter but it worked for me.


Thanks @stikbendr for the recipe. On another board, someone said that apple cider vinegar with some honey and lemon in warm water - sipping throughout the day or as needed helped. I did and agree it helps. I just wish it would go away for good!

Please return to this board if you are ever recovered from this just to share and just give us hope.

I think many of us come on the site asking for help, but some who heal up never return and so it sounds like it goes on forever and it's never ending. Part of recovery is having hope and knowing that it will be okay sometime in the future. Thank you!

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