Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?

Posted by sieb369 @sieb369, Jan 3, 2022

It has been 5 weeks since my COVID symptoms began. I am well past the isolation date. I had nausea and diarrhea during COVID along with the usual symptoms of cough, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and sinus issues. I have felt like I was over this, but I began having GI pain in the last week. I feel as if my intestines are sore on the inside. I guess it is inflammation. Has anyone else had this and is there anything I can do to help it? Probiotics maybe?

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My problem before Covid was IBS-Diarrhea, which has been my pattern for most of my life. Since Covid (August 2020), I have been constipated, bloated and have frequent, unexpected pebble stools. I've tried everything, including prescriptions. Recently, I started taking Magnesium 500 mg morning and night. It seems to be helping a little bit.

Has anyone tried Peptiva? I saw an ad for it on TV. Sounds too good to be true.

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I am the same as you! Occasional diarrhea before Covid but was never constipated. Post Covid, constipated every single day for 8 months now. Colonoscopy was normal. I have also found that a magnesium pill morning and night is the only thing that fixes it, but if I skip even one day it’s back. Doctors won’t believe me that it’s COVID related. I know nothing about Peptiva though, and since the magnesium, is working for me I’m sticking with that. I’ve had a lot of other long COVID symptoms too (severe widespread pain and inflammation, heart palpitations, and chest jumping at night), but the constipation is the only one that’s not improving at all.


Hi Greg I too have been experiencing gastrointestinal issues, I have had diarrhea at least twice a week and also a lot of gas. Even if I dnt eat anything hours before I go to bed I still wake up feeling very bloated and stomach hard and gassy.

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I had covid twice and I have diabetes, I have gase diarrhea it seems to happen early mourning around 3or4 I have become very yeasty, my head is in a cloud constantly, my sugar has gotten worse,my neurapathy has also gotten worse.


I had a mild case of Covid in January 2022. I noticed in March and April that I was starting to have a lot of diarrhea. I thought it was my diabetes medicine so the doctor changed my medicine over the last 8 months my symptoms have worsened to the extent that I ended up in the ER in December after vomiting all day and the doc made me feel like it was all in my head. I usually have diarrhea every day and for a while was vomiting tow or three times a week. I’m going to a GI doctor since October and have had a CT, Ultrasound, endoscopy, and colonoscopy. They took eleven biopsies and all that came back it inflammation of the esophagus. They scheduled me for an MRI and are doing pancreatic labs on me next week. They have me Xifaxen 3 times a day which seems to be helping. But really want to find a specific answer. Having this a trying to work at the same time has been very tricky and trying. Thanks for listening!


I had a mild case of Covid in January 2022. I noticed in March and April that I was starting to have a lot of diarrhea. I thought it was my diabetes medicine so the doctor changed my medicine over the last 8 months my symptoms have worsened to the extent that I ended up in the ER in December after vomiting all day and the doc made me feel like it was all in my head. I usually have diarrhea every day and for a while was vomiting tow or three times a week. I’m going to a GI doctor since October and have had a CT, Ultrasound, endoscopy, and colonoscopy. They took eleven biopsies and all that came back it inflammation of the esophagus. They scheduled me for an MRI and are doing pancreatic labs on me next week. They have me Xifaxen 3 times a day which seems to be helping. But really want to find a specific answer. Having this a trying to work at the same time has been very tricky and trying. Thanks for listening!

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Has anyone suggested a steroid, for the inflammation, or Paxlovid, for the possibility of pockets of Covid virus in the intestine? Someone even recommended I start with a rigorous course of ibuprofen. I am dealing with the same issue without the pre-existing conditions. So sorry you, too, are going through this.


Has anyone suggested a steroid, for the inflammation, or Paxlovid, for the possibility of pockets of Covid virus in the intestine? Someone even recommended I start with a rigorous course of ibuprofen. I am dealing with the same issue without the pre-existing conditions. So sorry you, too, are going through this.

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Sorry to hear you are having the same issues! They have me on a powerful antibiotic. But no steroids. I didn’t even know this could be a Covid thing until my sister said yesterday that this might be my problem. I also have sulfur burning. I just wonder how long this will last if it is Covid related. I have also gained weight and my blood sugar readings are much higher than normal for me. Are you diabetic?


Has anyone had Bacterial Vaginitis in combination with GI issues? I've never had it before. I took this horrible antibiotic, metroNidazole. Now, I hate to admit it to myself but think I'm not quite over the Vaginitis. Can't help feeling my GI constipation with marbles and this infection are related. See GI on October 11th. I , also, have Interstitial Cystitis. Joy, joy. Feeling discouraged!!

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Hi Lucy, Yes! I had two BV infections over past 3 months which is when I first got Covid. Literally was running to the bathroom with intense urgency while isolated with other Covid symptoms in my basement! When I was 14 days away from onset of symptoms I saw my gyn and she found I had Gardnerella BV, treated it with metroDidazole, too, but it came back about 6 weeks later and we tried a different cream. Also have been experiencing first time in my 57 years bladder discomfort, on and off. Now my vagina seems totally healthy but I still have the bladder discomfort and lots of mysterious abdominal pain (right side espec.). Doctors suspect interstitial cystitis and I am scheduled for cystoscopy in a week but they never mention Covid connection! Best of luck to you!


Hi Lucy, Yes! I had two BV infections over past 3 months which is when I first got Covid. Literally was running to the bathroom with intense urgency while isolated with other Covid symptoms in my basement! When I was 14 days away from onset of symptoms I saw my gyn and she found I had Gardnerella BV, treated it with metroDidazole, too, but it came back about 6 weeks later and we tried a different cream. Also have been experiencing first time in my 57 years bladder discomfort, on and off. Now my vagina seems totally healthy but I still have the bladder discomfort and lots of mysterious abdominal pain (right side espec.). Doctors suspect interstitial cystitis and I am scheduled for cystoscopy in a week but they never mention Covid connection! Best of luck to you!

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Chris, I have Interstitial Cystitis. It's under control now but I still watch my diet. If you're diagnosed with IC, carefully consider your choices of management. I took Elmiron for 15 years and now have eye problems. Look it up.
Good luck,


Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when there is an abnormal increase in the overall bacterial population in the small intestine — particularly types of bacteria not commonly found in that part of the digestive tract. Read more from Mayo Clinic:
- Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

You can also join SIBO related discussions in the Digestive Health group ( like this one:
- SIBO diet

Lucy, have you been diagnosed with SIBO? Are you lactose intolerant?

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No, I have not been diagnosed with SIBO. I have had all the tests. Some days/weeks are better than others. I have tried prescriptions with no success. Currently, I east prunes, yogurt and take 500 MG of Magnesium day and night. As I said, some days are better than others. Not a pleasant problem, especially when it's unpredictable. Always appreciate your feedback, Colleen.


I am the same as you! Occasional diarrhea before Covid but was never constipated. Post Covid, constipated every single day for 8 months now. Colonoscopy was normal. I have also found that a magnesium pill morning and night is the only thing that fixes it, but if I skip even one day it’s back. Doctors won’t believe me that it’s COVID related. I know nothing about Peptiva though, and since the magnesium, is working for me I’m sticking with that. I’ve had a lot of other long COVID symptoms too (severe widespread pain and inflammation, heart palpitations, and chest jumping at night), but the constipation is the only one that’s not improving at all.

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Magnesium night and day + fiber foods + lots of water + yogurt works for me some of the time but I still get constipated occasionally or experience unexpected, embarrassing pebbles.  Hard to know what the day will bring.Thanks for your affirmation!!  Lucy


I just started long covid 2 weeks ago and my worst symptom is that I constantly feel nauseous & feel like vomiting. Anyone hear of a relief for this?

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You may want to ask your doctor for a prescription for Zofran

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