Epidural Injections

Posted by bekie @bekie, May 25, 2016

I have seen many people post that they have had no success with epidural steroid injections. I was just wondering of those who have had little to no success:
1. Was your injection done by an anesthesiologist?
2. Was it done by guided fluoroscopy?
3. Was in done under some sort of sedation?

I have been going to pain management clinics for about 6 years now. I have has wonderful relief from these injections. They are a TEMPORARY relief to the PERMANENT problem of chronic pain. They are temporary though. They can last as little as a week or as long as a year. They are used to relieve an acute problem for a time period to get me through until my medication works better or allow my PT to help correct the problems. I was told even with guided fluoroscopy the injection can miss the perfect target but still give some relief. My doctor is well trained and has done several on me and I always get some sort of relief. I have even gone into his office and begged for them because they work so well. But like he told me they are part of my over all plan to attack my pain and work to get me through a crisis of pain until I can get back to exercise. They are not a miracle cure and there is no miracle cure presently for my chronic pain. I keep positive and through his plan and my cooperation, education, medication and willingness to follow his plan to the extent, I do feel better. If only for a temporary time, I take the temporary time.

I'm just wondering if those of us who have found success with them are getting a better injection, better treatment or if it is all by the grace of God a lucky shot.

What do you think? I'm curious to hear.
Thank you for this site to post and ask questions. It has helped me in just this one day of reading and posting.


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Glad you had relief but none have worked for me over 28 year period, whether guided by latest technology or not. My non-medical opinion is that an injection cannot reverse a structural issue. The analogy I give to doctors is a broken ankle. An injection my soothe the pain for a short period but, if the fracture is not fixed, the problem is not solved. In my case, I also had botched surgery. I have been to the so-called best like HSS but am very disappointed by the care given to people with back conditions. Unless one is a star athlete or a Hollywood celebrity, my sense is that we do not receive the same level of care. Hope I am wrong but 28 years generates a lot of experience. Hope you have better results !!


Has anyone tried stem cell injections for their spinal stenosis pain? Am considering umbilical cord derived Wharton's Jelly as doctor is proclaiming high probability of improvement from this procedure. Would greatly appreciate hearing from those who have tried this path.

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Yes - I have done this and PRP injections as a booster for cervical stenosis. At the time it seemed to provide me some very temporary relief after the inflammation calmed down. I did this treatment for a total of 6 months.

Within two months the pain returned. It was very costly & was not covered by insurance. I had ACDF 6 months later on C4-C7 & still in recovery from that procedure.

I wanted to do everything possible before surgery & I think I was just afraid to have the procedure.

Good luck but this was unfortunately a waste of money for me. It served its purpose at the time.


I have had around 50 epidurals between l3 and s1 including 2 in my neck in 14 years. I had 4 or 5 last year. I usually have the most pain in Rt lumbar. So last year I had 1 for the rt side l3-l4, didn't work, 6-8 weeks later got 1 in l4-l5 around April, Bingo that was the spot. It has lasted almost a year and Im still good, well fair. I got 2 more on the left side around July and 1 in Sept. , nether one helped. Dr said there is not enough room on lt side, the disc is gone on lt side. It became debilitating most of January 2023 . I was doing PT for my back and my neck( had 3, 4,5 cervicle fused in Dec 2022. And 1 day lt side quit hurting. I have had good luck with PT especially traction but I have to keep doing the stretching and exercises at home.
I have had a success rate of about 7 out of 10 epidurals. Dr uses fluoroscope and they are rarely painful but the last one on my left lumbar hit the nerve or compressed it because it felt like an electric fence hit my leg. I now have osteoporosis due to all of the steroid shots. What are you gonna do?


Hi @bekie. Thanks for starting this thread! I'm tagging @twokitties, @suebreen54, @ladyjane85, @seanbeck, @sharonmay7, @diamond22, @marieh and @leh09 who have all posted about epidurals in the past and may want to join in the discussion.

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Let me start again,my name is Bernie. I have been getting shots for 10 years. I haven't had a shot lately the shots to do not last. I try to exercise but it stills hurt. Some days or worst than others. But, I am to old for surgery. I take medication and just keep on going


Let me start again,my name is Bernie. I have been getting shots for 10 years. I haven't had a shot lately the shots to do not last. I try to exercise but it stills hurt. Some days or worst than others. But, I am to old for surgery. I take medication and just keep on going

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Thanks so much for the hug.


I too have had good success. Yes, I have a skilled Pain Managrment Doctor who is also an anetheseologist. He uses a fluroscope and I do not use anesthesia. He is smart enough to let the lanicane work before he starts the injection, much different than ithers Ive gone to so it doesnt hurt a great deal.
I refuse opiods unless desperate and no longer waste my time with PT.
I have both cervical and lumbar stenosis and am thankful for the injections.


I am a senior aged female. Six months ago, pretty bad daily neck pain started on the left side that goes up my head to my ear and also out my shoulder. I cannot bend my head side to side or backwards without pain. Sleeping at night makes it worse so mornings are the worst. Moving around makes it less painful.

An MRI and CT scan show nothing extraordinary.

A pain management doc has tried a facet joint injection, a medial branch injection, an epidural injection, and an occipital nerve injection. None worked.

An orthopedist suggested that it could be at the atlanto-occiptal joint area or could be related to occipital neuralgia because I have a long history of migraines.

Does anyone have any experience with a diagnosis that addressed pain emerging from the atlanto-occipital area or any treatment for it?

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I have an interesting update to my neck pain that comes with questions. I am a 74 year old female.My neck and head pain started in July 2022 with acute pain that became chronic.
I have been to multiple docs from physiatrist to orthopedic surgeon to anesthesiologist to neurologist. I have been diagnosed over the months with arthritis of the spine, no herniations, and occipital neuralgia. I've had facet, medial branch, and ESI injections from C1 through C6. No fix. I've had occipital nerve blocks. I've done occipital release therapy and am scheduled for MFR soon.
The last medial branch blocks were done at C3-C6 by an anesthesiologist pain doc. It made things worse so the doc prescribed a Dexamethasone steroid pack. Wow! That has helped. I'm on the next to last day of pills with a medication half life of maybe another 24 hours or so after that. I am hoping the relief lasts.
Here are the questions.....why are steroids not tried earlier? Why are docs so reluctant to use them short term.
Anyone have any experience using steroid packs?


I have an interesting update to my neck pain that comes with questions. I am a 74 year old female.My neck and head pain started in July 2022 with acute pain that became chronic.
I have been to multiple docs from physiatrist to orthopedic surgeon to anesthesiologist to neurologist. I have been diagnosed over the months with arthritis of the spine, no herniations, and occipital neuralgia. I've had facet, medial branch, and ESI injections from C1 through C6. No fix. I've had occipital nerve blocks. I've done occipital release therapy and am scheduled for MFR soon.
The last medial branch blocks were done at C3-C6 by an anesthesiologist pain doc. It made things worse so the doc prescribed a Dexamethasone steroid pack. Wow! That has helped. I'm on the next to last day of pills with a medication half life of maybe another 24 hours or so after that. I am hoping the relief lasts.
Here are the questions.....why are steroids not tried earlier? Why are docs so reluctant to use them short term.
Anyone have any experience using steroid packs?

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Doctors are somewhat reluctant to use them because they can cause bone damage for long term use. I get steroid injections in many forms, but they have to space them apart. Steroids can affect many systems in your body as well. They can be a blessing and a curse at times.


Doctors are somewhat reluctant to use them because they can cause bone damage for long term use. I get steroid injections in many forms, but they have to space them apart. Steroids can affect many systems in your body as well. They can be a blessing and a curse at times.

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Thank you.
Docs seem all in on steroid injections much more than a short term med pack. I understand and appreciate the systemic differences.
I use osteopenia meds, calcium, vitamin D regularly that can offset the bone risk issue.
I am finding that recommended treatments to be more standard protocol driven than individual patient inspired.
Of course, use of protocols reflect appropriate care, but we all bring our own idiosyncratic issues to our pain that should be considered in patient care. Chronic pain is a major factor.
I can’t help but wonder why the oral steroids weren’t at least discussed by other docs I’d seen with risks/benefits addressed - if there were any chance of them being helpful.


I have an interesting update to my neck pain that comes with questions. I am a 74 year old female.My neck and head pain started in July 2022 with acute pain that became chronic.
I have been to multiple docs from physiatrist to orthopedic surgeon to anesthesiologist to neurologist. I have been diagnosed over the months with arthritis of the spine, no herniations, and occipital neuralgia. I've had facet, medial branch, and ESI injections from C1 through C6. No fix. I've had occipital nerve blocks. I've done occipital release therapy and am scheduled for MFR soon.
The last medial branch blocks were done at C3-C6 by an anesthesiologist pain doc. It made things worse so the doc prescribed a Dexamethasone steroid pack. Wow! That has helped. I'm on the next to last day of pills with a medication half life of maybe another 24 hours or so after that. I am hoping the relief lasts.
Here are the questions.....why are steroids not tried earlier? Why are docs so reluctant to use them short term.
Anyone have any experience using steroid packs?

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Most times in my experience oral steroid pack is the first line of treatment. Not sure why they didn't do that for you. When i first had cervical issues radiating my arms the ortho did the steroid course. I was good after that for almost two years coupled with chiropractic

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