Lodging/housing option at Mayo for patients in radiation

Posted by merrijohnson @merrijohnson, Aug 23, 2019

We are looking for lodging/housing for my brother & family while he undergoes 6 weeks of chemo/radiation at Mayo. We were told by his doctor that free lodging is available for patients receiving radiation, but we aren't having any success in finding any. Any advice is appreciated.

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@desip. Many cancer centers have a Hope Lodge that is run by the American Cancer Society. The lodging is at no cost to patients scheduled for radiation or chemotherapy treatments. If there is a Hope Lodge where you are getting your treatment then ask the radiation oncology practice about submitting an application for you as it must come from an oncology practice. When I was scheduled for radiation therapy at Mayo Clinic in Rochester this was part of my package for scheduling.

Hope Lodge

-- https://www.cancer.org/support-programs-and-services/patient-lodging/hope-lodge.html

Where will you receive your treatment?

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Jacksonville, Fl


Sorry for the mention of two but I know that this location is fully furnished; hope this helps!

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We need lodging in Jacksonville, Fl


Jacksonville, fl

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Who do you talk to at the hospital re lodging for radiation treatments


Who do you talk to at the hospital re lodging for radiation treatments

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@jibway If you scroll up to find the @colleenyoung post from yesterday you will see a list of options for requesting lodging in Jacksonville while getting radiation treatment.

I copied the relevant links for you here.

I received recommendations for lodging from the Concierge service who had a desk right in Radiation Oncology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

There is a Hope Lodge in Jacksonville, Florida as well as the other Mayo locations in Rochester and Phoenix.

– American Cancer Society Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation Hope Lodge— Jacksonville, FL https://www.cancer.org/support-programs-and-services/patient-lodging/hope-lodge/jacksonville/about-our-facility.html

You can also contact the free Mayo Concierge Services for recommendations:
– Mayo Clinic Concierge Services https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/minnesota/concierge-services

Will you contact Mayo Concierge service today and get started on recommendations?


@desip @smitty38 had radiation at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. Smitty stayed at the Help in Healing Home https://helpinhealinghome.org/ and can tell you more about it.

@desip, where did you stay?

@bdurham57, may I ask what type of cancer you have?

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I have Prostate cancer. 2 days of radiation. And as was mentioned above stayed at Help in Healing Home on Mayo campus


I have Prostate cancer. 2 days of radiation. And as was mentioned above stayed at Help in Healing Home on Mayo campus

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We will be going to Jacksonville, but thank you for sharing.


@jibway If you scroll up to find the @colleenyoung post from yesterday you will see a list of options for requesting lodging in Jacksonville while getting radiation treatment.

I copied the relevant links for you here.

I received recommendations for lodging from the Concierge service who had a desk right in Radiation Oncology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

There is a Hope Lodge in Jacksonville, Florida as well as the other Mayo locations in Rochester and Phoenix.

– American Cancer Society Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation Hope Lodge— Jacksonville, FL https://www.cancer.org/support-programs-and-services/patient-lodging/hope-lodge/jacksonville/about-our-facility.html

You can also contact the free Mayo Concierge Services for recommendations:
– Mayo Clinic Concierge Services https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/minnesota/concierge-services

Will you contact Mayo Concierge service today and get started on recommendations?

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Thank you, I have contacted the social worker who will help us Monday after we receive our plan of treatments thus Monday, thank you everyone for all your kind help during this new trial in our lives, Gid bless all of you.
Lee and John


You might want to contact the Mayo Clinic social work department for more information about free lodging options for your brother and family. Good luck!

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