Has anyone used CBD oil for chronic pain? And do you have results?

Posted by rensacb @rensacb, Jan 22, 2019

I'm a chronic pain suffer of 35+ years. Scoliosis is the culprit. Not a disfiguring curve but non the less painfully destructive. Almost every disc is bulging from 3mm to 6mm. I've had 2 spinal fusion. C 3-7 and L 4-5. Have 4 nerve root impengements with spondylosis in some areas and stenosis at interval from neck to sacral. Take steroid shots when I can with positive results for a few weeks. Always have Norco 5mg/325 ready if needed. Unfortunately I have found the best way to keep pain down is to lie down. So most of my days are spent on my bed. Any suggestions?

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I uhave used cbd oil on my joints and it helps. Ionlyuse it at night. For awhile I was taking cbd gummies and they really take the edge off enough to get some sleep at night. And if it rains I take It and it helps enough for it to help.


I'm sorry to hear about your chronic pain. Here are a few suggestions that may help:

Consult with a Pain Management Specialist: A pain management specialist can help develop a comprehensive treatment plan that includes a combination of medication, injections, physical therapy, and other pain management techniques.

Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can teach you exercises that can help strengthen the muscles supporting your spine and improve your posture, which can reduce pain and improve mobility.

Consider Non-Pharmacological Treatments: Mind-body techniques such as meditation, guided imagery, biofeedback, and cognitive-behavioral therapy can help manage pain and reduce stress.

Ergonomics: Make sure that your work and living spaces are ergonomically designed to minimize the strain on your spine. Invest in a comfortable bed and pillow, use a lumbar support pillow while sitting, and adjust the height of your computer monitor to eye level.

Stay Active: Even if you are in pain, try to stay as active as possible. Walking, swimming, and yoga can help keep your muscles strong and improve your overall health.

Diet and Nutrition: Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid processed foods, sugar, and caffeine, which can exacerbate inflammation and pain.

Support Groups: Joining a support group can help you connect with others who are dealing with similar issues and provide emotional support.

Remember, chronic pain is a complex condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach to manage. Be sure to discuss any new treatments or changes to your treatment plan with your healthcare provider.

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This is extremely well written. I agree and have learned this from 10+ years of pain.


I'm sorry to hear about your chronic pain. Here are a few suggestions that may help:

Consult with a Pain Management Specialist: A pain management specialist can help develop a comprehensive treatment plan that includes a combination of medication, injections, physical therapy, and other pain management techniques.

Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can teach you exercises that can help strengthen the muscles supporting your spine and improve your posture, which can reduce pain and improve mobility.

Consider Non-Pharmacological Treatments: Mind-body techniques such as meditation, guided imagery, biofeedback, and cognitive-behavioral therapy can help manage pain and reduce stress.

Ergonomics: Make sure that your work and living spaces are ergonomically designed to minimize the strain on your spine. Invest in a comfortable bed and pillow, use a lumbar support pillow while sitting, and adjust the height of your computer monitor to eye level.

Stay Active: Even if you are in pain, try to stay as active as possible. Walking, swimming, and yoga can help keep your muscles strong and improve your overall health.

Diet and Nutrition: Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid processed foods, sugar, and caffeine, which can exacerbate inflammation and pain.

Support Groups: Joining a support group can help you connect with others who are dealing with similar issues and provide emotional support.

Remember, chronic pain is a complex condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach to manage. Be sure to discuss any new treatments or changes to your treatment plan with your healthcare provider.

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Good evening @cailynzhang, Welcome to Connect. It appears that you know quite a bit about chronic pain and healthful living. That means you may have lots to share with other Connect members. That is sort of what Connect is all about. "Sharing". Knowledge is power and the more we learn the better our chances are to have a happy and healthy life. Thank you.

May you have ease and comfort.


How many hours sleep do you get by using the described a combination

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I get maybe 6 hours but that’s with 600ml Gabapentine and Ambian…


I’m so sorry about your spine, are you getting any PT at your house?
I’m scheduled to have a fusion 4+5 but because arthritis will continue I’m afraid the screws won’t hold.


THC and CBD change with technology all the time. It is hard to separate the two, but they have done a lot to progress with certain strains, like Stanley Brothers CW, CBG is a legal alternative that is less psychotropic. They are designed around hemp and high CBD, while getting the THC needed from Cross breeding with usually grafting in high THC to a hemp plant. There is also added infusion THC processes. Many ways to get there. We are hearing more about delta 8, but that is not a natural process and is still much controversy via the FDA and contamination even by quality brands and supposed 3rd party testing of removal of contamination is in question. Worst case is buying any products at your gas station or CBD store without doing your own lengthy research and discussing with your doctor.

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I don’t buy anything CBD or THC, and Gabapentin has a bad reaction with me, so I’m just learning about pain management.


@rensacb I’m so sorry to hear about the pain you suffer. I too suffer from pain but mine is Chronic Pain.
I’ve used Cannabis Edibles and CBD+CBG gummies. I also use a high dose of THC & CBD Cream 300/300 and it works.

My experience has been Trial and error with the creams/oils at last the higher the dose the better it works, my favorite lavender or mint scent.

As for gummies that too will be as you can tolerate. I recommend starting with a 10mg THC and cutting in half or quarters depending on your system. Remember that Sativa is day time, it will keep you awake but relaxed some even get a little energy and Indica is for Night time, this has a sleepy affect.

I hope the information helps. Best of luck.


Let me offer some input. The use of CBD products was first conceived as a new source of revenue, Most of us were exposed to the use and various nonsensical representations of the danger of Marijuana and its derivatives. That said the topical application of CBD products compared to Diclofenac Sodium Gel may be considered. The matter of allergic reaction/s should also be a factor. I suggest that consultation with a Sports Med MD should be considered first. CBD products are relatively new to mainstream medicine and the side effects, both positive and negative are still being evaluated.


I recently have experienced the same thing, wondering if it were my kidneys, appendix or gallstones. Have had massive abdominal surgery 2009. After reading lots of possibilities, I think it could be related to gastric foods, or stress. My pain seems to have gone away on its own in my lower and upper right side for about a month now. As far as CBD, THC both go into blood stream after passing through the liver, unless it is a tincture. Even then the amount not gone directly into your system under tongue, will process through liver. Liver toxicity from many drugs overloads the liver. CBD THC also stays in the body a long time. Once off other drugs go low and slow with even tinctures at any ratio, they will work at small doses if they will work for you at all. Let your body heal naturally, drink water get sun exercise.

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Thank you


I tried various forms of CBD oil for over a year and did not find that it worked at all. For me, messages help out a lot, and warm baths in the evening help. But I still have lots of pain so I'm hoping to attend one of Mayo's Fibromyalgia clinics to get some help.

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