Learned I had PD after anxiety, depression, panic attacks

Posted by doorman @doorman, Mar 19, 2022

So after three long years suffering from anxiety , panic attacks , and depression…..I find out the cause…drumroll……Parkinson’s Disease. Turns out, my symptoms: loss of smell, constipation, tripping over my own feet, lack of arm swinging, and horrible anxiety, all are EARLY SYMPTOMS OF this disease. Who would have thought. Anyone else in the same boat?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Parkinson's Disease Support Group.

I have found that when I recommend VoxxLife people think it's a scam or I am trying to sell it. I have nothing to do with VoxxLife except to use it and it has made a difference in my elderly friends and myself with pain and balance. I was an RN and I like looking for medical answers.
My husband with Parkinson's had terrible pain in his abdominal area. Nothing stopped it; not even hernia surgery. It turned out he was having migraines of the gut. Parkinson's is thought to start in the gut.


I'm 81, a widow now. I love life! I survived breast cancer a few years ago. I have a lot to be thankful for. I'll try to send the VoxxLife info. Three of my friends use it for balance and pain in their feet.I don't sell it. I found out about it on my Mayo neuropathy site.

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Thank you so much. This kind of info is so helpful for any one who may be dealing with progressive illnesses, but choose not to give into it! I am very interested in hearing more about VoxxLife. The best to you ma dear!


Yes I experienced very severe depression and anxiety 3 years before my diagnosis in2011. It was so confusing that I had suddenly gotten so depressed and unable to sleep.


You mention that you had Essential Tremor, and that is what caught my eye. There have been studies done by the NIH that say someone with Essential Tremor is 4 times more likely to eventually be diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I have had Essential Tremor for 10 years and the loss of sense of smell. Lately the tremor is at rest, not simply when in motion, so I’m getting a little concerned. I see a Neurologist annually, take Propranolol, and exercise daily. I don’t know of a family history of either disorder. Sometimes I wonder if people who have careers and hobbies that require constant handwork are more susceptible to Essential Tremor. My doctor said there haven’t been studies to answer that. Good luck to you!

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KATHYST, Hi I just joined this group, to see how everyone manages there
Tremors I have Had ET(essential tremors) since I was 18 I am now 81, I can
tell you from my heart it does not get better as you get older, it gets really
bad and very hard to handle. I do more cleaning up after myself, because my
hands and arms shake really bad.When I cook it is a mess as I go along.
I lost my writing 3 years ago. I have tried all the meds nothing really helps, I do
take Propranolol 10mg in the morning with 0.5 mg of Klonopin and it helps me
to a point. the best thing that helps me is 2 glasses of wine at dinner, my hands
stop shaking for about 4 hours and I can Knit.
When you say your tremor is at rest, I don't believe you have ET. check it out, because it never rests.


KATHYST, Hi I just joined this group, to see how everyone manages there
Tremors I have Had ET(essential tremors) since I was 18 I am now 81, I can
tell you from my heart it does not get better as you get older, it gets really
bad and very hard to handle. I do more cleaning up after myself, because my
hands and arms shake really bad.When I cook it is a mess as I go along.
I lost my writing 3 years ago. I have tried all the meds nothing really helps, I do
take Propranolol 10mg in the morning with 0.5 mg of Klonopin and it helps me
to a point. the best thing that helps me is 2 glasses of wine at dinner, my hands
stop shaking for about 4 hours and I can Knit.
When you say your tremor is at rest, I don't believe you have ET. check it out, because it never rests.

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Hi Marcia. I can sympathize with your journey and I fully expect to see the same difficulties you mentioned in my future. As it is at 67 I am using my IPad with the microphone function a lot these days to message friends and relatives because I get a lot of double letters when I use the touch keypad. I drop things more often, and have to write slowly with a chunky pen and can definitely see that my penmanship is getting worse. Threading a needle is impossible. We definitely have learned a lot about compromise, but I guess we have to focus on the blessings we do have. Take care.


In the same boat and sinking fast. funny I had hip surgery also before this popped its head up. Is what the anethesiologists use to knock us down exasserbating our problems? VA wanted me to see a neuologist to verify PD and took me off cardidopa - NOT a good idea - After 2 weeks I put myseld back on it. Now they want to force me to get an agent to handle my funds. I am not incompetant just slowed speech and some syuttering and physical stuff. Brain works pretty good although short term memory is an issue - worse when off cardidopa. I will just keep exercising and do what I can but VERY frustrating!


Yes, me. Just not all the same symptoms. And I'm not sure it was not my bout of COVID that lead to the PD. I have worsening tremors and worsening anxiety ... the stuff going on in the world at large doesn't help at all.


In the same boat and sinking fast. funny I had hip surgery also before this popped its head up. Is what the anethesiologists use to knock us down exasserbating our problems? VA wanted me to see a neuologist to verify PD and took me off cardidopa - NOT a good idea - After 2 weeks I put myseld back on it. Now they want to force me to get an agent to handle my funds. I am not incompetant just slowed speech and some syuttering and physical stuff. Brain works pretty good although short term memory is an issue - worse when off cardidopa. I will just keep exercising and do what I can but VERY frustrating!

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I have read in some places that anesthesia can bring on PD symptoms.


In the same boat and sinking fast. funny I had hip surgery also before this popped its head up. Is what the anethesiologists use to knock us down exasserbating our problems? VA wanted me to see a neuologist to verify PD and took me off cardidopa - NOT a good idea - After 2 weeks I put myseld back on it. Now they want to force me to get an agent to handle my funds. I am not incompetant just slowed speech and some syuttering and physical stuff. Brain works pretty good although short term memory is an issue - worse when off cardidopa. I will just keep exercising and do what I can but VERY frustrating!

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