Anyone have a positive Cologuard test?

Posted by dazlin @dazlin, Nov 21, 2019

My test results came back positive. I asked what did it show, because they test for 11 different cancers or categories. They said, it just states either negative or positive for cancer. I had problems a few years back and did a colonoscopy, which came back ok. Now this!! I'm reading theres a 13 percent chance of false positive. Right now I'm extremely distraught about having to go through all Consults, tests, and dreaded preps. Orders are in for Consult with gastro, but they're booked out through January or February in Mayo. I have not received any notice for appointment yet. Dont know what to think or do.

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Yeah but had you NOT done the Cologuard test would you have scheduled a colonoscopy? Or would a Doctor even have recommended a colonoscopy?

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My doctor always checks when the last colonoscopy was. Mine was a few months after 5 years and I had no polyps last time.
My flat polyp is near the appendix and all the info I could find says very few are found during a colonoscopy most are noted at an autopsy. So that being said maybe my polyp would not have been found without doing the colorguard first. Perhaps the doctor doing my colonoscopy was looking more closely since the positive colorguard.
Wont ever know just glad that it was found.


I had a positive test but was from diverticulosis and a few polyps.
No big deal.
Don't think the worst.
Stay positive!!!
Good luck,

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Did you have any symptoms of colon cancer?


Can toooo much urine in the test sample cause a positive result? Positive Results showed as comment of abnormal.


My doctor always checks when the last colonoscopy was. Mine was a few months after 5 years and I had no polyps last time.
My flat polyp is near the appendix and all the info I could find says very few are found during a colonoscopy most are noted at an autopsy. So that being said maybe my polyp would not have been found without doing the colorguard first. Perhaps the doctor doing my colonoscopy was looking more closely since the positive colorguard.
Wont ever know just glad that it was found.

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Did they get your flat Poly out?


Did they get your flat Poly out?

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Scheduled for September. Hope they get it out otherwise my appendix needs to come out.


What size was it? Where are you having it out? Could your regular gastro not take it out? What procedure will they do to remove it


Can toooo much urine in the test sample cause a positive result? Positive Results showed as comment of abnormal.

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Hi @beverly1953, Cologuard's instructions say:
"If a little urine gets into your collection container it should be okay, but too much could make the sample unusable. Re-collect your sample if you think too much urine has gotten in. Some tips: Empty your bladder before collecting your sample." Read more

Do you have to repeat the Cologuard test?


I just got my postitive Cologuard test result today. I am an asian male 49 years old. I do not have any symptoms, but did the test because my wife did it a few weeks back. Since this morning, it is a dreaded long day. It came as a suprised and I was not ready for that at all. I am waiting unil Tuesday to make an appintment for a Colonoscopy. Waiting is a exhuasting. I know it is crazy to say it...but whenver I see my wife and two young kids (one is just 10 years), I am literaly crying without showing it.

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I hope that the colonoscopy proved you to be well. I just got the results from my cologuard test- positive. Waiting on a callback from a GI.
I’m very concerned. I don’t have any symptoms nor a family history. I really wish I had not reread the info about what a positive means. I hope I don’t have to wait very long to see a GI.


I hope that the colonoscopy proved you to be well. I just got the results from my cologuard test- positive. Waiting on a callback from a GI.
I’m very concerned. I don’t have any symptoms nor a family history. I really wish I had not reread the info about what a positive means. I hope I don’t have to wait very long to see a GI.

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@lillylight123, I know that getting a positive result from your Cologuard test is hard. You're probably worried. Further investigations will need to be done to verify the findings. It is possible that the Cologuard result is a false-positive, meaning there is no pre-cancer or cancer present. It may only signify that you have a benign polyp or pre-cancerous polyp.

Colon cancer can be stopped in its tracks. It's good that you took the first step for detection. I also hope that you get a call back soon. Please keep me posted.


I also had a positive Cologuard and just had my first colonoscopy yesterday at the age of 52. The doctor told me that there is a medium sized polyp at the base of my appendix that couldn't be removed safely due to risk of perforation and the fact that they cannot be sure that the polyp doesn't extend into the appendix. So I now I am waiting to hear the result of the biopsy. The doctor said that the polyp needs to be removed even if its just benign or precancerous (which I thought was the same thing) either by a highly skilled gastro surgeon or via an appendectomy. He said he'd be surprised if its cancerous but that would be a different conversation. I'm so confused and upset by all this.

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Hello dlc, I hope all turned out ok. I now have Stage 2 colon cancer, being treated, in my second month. I am curious if you would tell me how your sitatuiojn resolved. I hope all is ok with you. Best regards, SD

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