Supplements - What helps nerve pain and/or neuropathy?

Posted by newzbug @newzbug, Nov 15, 2019

I was diagnosed earlier this year with "Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy" over my whole body, though I am not yet showing symptoms everywhere. I do have numbness in all my toes, feet, a large section of my upper right thigh, large section of the side of my left calf, occasional ... numbness in my hands in the middle of the night. Anyway, my neurologist did suggest Alpha Lipoic Acid (otc supplement) to help with the neuropathy. She said that although studies suggest people who also have diabetes have had some success with taking this (I don't have diabetes), she said I might get some help from it. So, yep, it's been about 8 months I have been taking 600mg/daily and it seems to have helped lessen my feelings of 'burning feet'. I am going to increase my dosage to 800mg when I finish my current bottle. I use a brand that has no additives (colors, flavors, etc). Brand: Best Vitamins. Though I don't have diabetes, and it may be helpful only because I believe in it, that is something.

My husband periodically gives me massage on my ankles, tops of my feet and calves which seems to offer some help with the emptiness feeling on that lower part of my body. I am doing some reading research on any other supplements which could be of help. I try not to think about neuropathy too much, because I have since been diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and CTEPH. I stick to reputable sites like the Mayo Clinic and PubMed as well as those of us who have personal experiences. Thanks to everyone here for your help. Maybe someday there will be a definitive cure for this wicked torture.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)
--- Current Status of Polysaccharides-Based Drug Delivery Systems for Nervous Tissue Injuries Repair:

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You are certainly following the right idea to check and see what supplements will help your condition. After all we are what we eat. I'm 77 and dealing with spinal stenosis with 3 bulging dics. I know I'm dealing with nerves as it sounds like that is one of your problems. In researching for my issues and being very cautious since I've deal with IgA neuropathy, a kidney disease. I'm finding that using the supplements that build the myelin sheath around the nerves is helping me deal with the pain. Building with B12 and the main foods that promote B12. Folate and B6 are also very important. Dr's and nutritionist say just take a B vitamin. Well I do with the extra B's I've mentioned and Alpha Lipoic Acid as well. I would recommend you read about foundation of the nerve. Take zinc as well and I take grape seed extract. I like to take these with the foods that are heavy in producing these nutrients and NO PROCESSED foods. I only eat natural foods. I bid you good luck in researching. Yes, Mayo is great and I also read behind The Cleveland Clinic. Keep researching. Oh one more thing. Do you do probiotics? Your gut is extremely important in dealing with pain and inflammation. It feeds your whole system.


I notice that everyone takes Gabapentin and no one else is taking Pregabalin. Is there a reason?


Didn’t like the way Lyrica made me feel.


mulltivitamins and B 12 and hallf a pill of Effexor twice a day have helped me -also exercising 3 times a day under the guidance of a pt who specializes in neuropathy is essental for helping my neuropathy-Mike storman

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Do you take B12 injections???


Do you take B12 injections???

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@mickey1778, you'll notice that we removed your email address. Connect is a public forum. We recommend sharing personal contact information using the secure private message function.

I might also add that by sharing here in the forum, you are connecting with several people where all can benefit from group support.


You are certainly following the right idea to check and see what supplements will help your condition. After all we are what we eat. I'm 77 and dealing with spinal stenosis with 3 bulging dics. I know I'm dealing with nerves as it sounds like that is one of your problems. In researching for my issues and being very cautious since I've deal with IgA neuropathy, a kidney disease. I'm finding that using the supplements that build the myelin sheath around the nerves is helping me deal with the pain. Building with B12 and the main foods that promote B12. Folate and B6 are also very important. Dr's and nutritionist say just take a B vitamin. Well I do with the extra B's I've mentioned and Alpha Lipoic Acid as well. I would recommend you read about foundation of the nerve. Take zinc as well and I take grape seed extract. I like to take these with the foods that are heavy in producing these nutrients and NO PROCESSED foods. I only eat natural foods. I bid you good luck in researching. Yes, Mayo is great and I also read behind The Cleveland Clinic. Keep researching. Oh one more thing. Do you do probiotics? Your gut is extremely important in dealing with pain and inflammation. It feeds your whole system.

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Has anyone found that stopping chocolate has helped with nerve pain? Also, has anyone used a Vibe Plate and did it help? Thanks


Have taken ALA synthetic for several months now with no results, so have been researching the difference between that and R-ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) and will start soon. In my research I discovered something called The Protocol 525, a supplement (see site for ingredients). Very promising results from testimonials. They use high therapeutic doses of R-ALA, certain
B vitamins and Hemp Seed Oil. Expensive -over $200/month. They have a FB group to join. The ALA recommended dose is twice what I've been taking (600). Would like to have comments from anyone in Mayo group who knows of it or has tried it. It might be worth the cost, because putting together every ingredient in a stack would perhaps be around that amount and it's hard to find a B group without B6, the one B not included because of toxicity above 100mg daily. I had my vitamins checked last year and found I had a toxicity level of B6. It can actually cause neuropathy at higher levels! Curious to know if this is a breakthrough or just another false hope!


Has anyone found that stopping chocolate has helped with nerve pain? Also, has anyone used a Vibe Plate and did it help? Thanks

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I only eat dark chocolate @80% cacao, and recently started cacao powder, organic, unsweetened. No noticeable difference yet. Hard to work with, does not dissolve easily. Now curious about something called The Protocol 525 and want to find others who have tried it. See website same name and list of ingredients.


I only eat dark chocolate @80% cacao, and recently started cacao powder, organic, unsweetened. No noticeable difference yet. Hard to work with, does not dissolve easily. Now curious about something called The Protocol 525 and want to find others who have tried it. See website same name and list of ingredients.

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Thank you and will join the Facebook group on this!

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