Husband With Slow Cognitive Decline: So sad & confused

Posted by jean7ma @jean7ma, Jan 31, 2023

About 11 years ago at age 55, my husband became very ill with a high fever, was admitted to hospital but not treated with any ABX (until too late), so became delirious. He had developed severe pneumonia in both lobes. When he was discharged he was a different person, with pretty profound short term memory loss. I blame the hospital for their negligence which allowed the delirium to develop. Eventually, after seeing every kind of dr under the son, he was diagnosed with MCI. We are now retired (he was a computer engineer) and I’m struggling with my fears about the future. He drives safely (uses the GPS almost always), takes care of his own personal hygiene, does yard work when he needs to, helps around the house, and helps with our two grandsons on the two babysitting days. He does many “normal” things, he just can’t remember anything - which is very NOT normal. There are other cognitive issues too. I don’t want to keep going on and on because there’s just so much to talk about, but I’m wondering if anyone else is in a similar normal/not normal at all type situation. I feel like I’m always waiting for some awful event that will propel him into something more advanced like dementia. I’m also reluctant to get him into another round of neuropsych testing. The first round about 3.5 yrs ago wasn’t particularly helpful but could it be now if things have changed? How?Also, 3.5 yrs ago his MRI showed no sign of Alzheimer’s. In a fairly recent discussion with a neurologist, he suggested maybe/probably vascular. I do take care of all appts and bill paying but then again I pretty much always have. I just don’t know what to do next. I don’t sleep well and am depressed and sad that my life has become this all encompassing thing, and I’m disappearing. Sorry for the novel, just so sad and confused.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Caregivers: Dementia Support Group.

My husband had a brain tumor on his left side of brain 29 years ago. He went through Chemo and radiation. He started having issues with his balance, weakness on his right side and memory and cognitive issues. His left side of brain has atrophy and scare tissue from radiation years ago. Five months ago he was admitted and treated for low blood sodium. His symptoms worsened, he had several seizures, scan showed a spot they thought was recurring tumor but now think it’s vascular. After 5 months still dealing with cognitive and memory issues and right side weakness. Dealing with cognitive and memory issues is very frustrating.


Sometimes i do have to yell at him. He will act like he hears and understands what i am saying but i find out, later either he didn't hear, understand or remember but at the time agrees with me. Some days better than others, and i know it will not go away. So thank you Mayo and caretakers for sharing.

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Yelling doesn’t help; I have been living with dementia for 5 to 6 years and when people don’t understand how we react sets us back. I always tell my wife, doctors, and friends I understand or I am good as my dementia causes me to not have conflict. Communication is the hardest part of dementia for me and when someone confronts a fact I withdraw even farther away.


I honestly wish they could invent an implantable device ( GPS ) when people get to this point to help track them. So many people take these “ jewelry GPS” off. So many lives could be saved!

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Patty, I unfortunately have found our seniors walking in cold weather coats in the middle of summer in Florida not knowing where they’re at. Or worse walking through the middle of the woods searching for our seniors not having a clue where they went. Care members of these patients are hysterical worried as well. I wish the FDA would look into implantable devises other than jewelry to help track these patients when they hit this stage. Think of the lives it would save! Since the Government doesn’t care how much it saves, Think of the manpower dollars it would save. Down here in Florida, we worry about these individuals due to the wildlife such as alligators,snakes etc…..We have the technology, why not use it to save a life?…….David


You’re very welcome, we are all here for you and happy to listen to any rant, complaint, or question😊
Some other ideas- anything you can do to provide structure will help. I bought a larger-size calendar and wrote in whatever in the boxes, used highlighters to mark MD visits (yellow), tradespeople coming (green), my schedule (blue),etc. I bought a calendar clock on Amazon that has the day of the week, the date, the time, the part of the day (morning, afternoon, evening). When my husband would ask a schedule question, I wouldn’t answer the question, but instead direct him cheerfully to the calendar. It didn’t take long for him to see the calendar as an important resource that he could regularly check on his own, a bit of dignity and independence. If something was important, “be home for the plumber”, I would tape a stickie over the doorknob he would have to use to leave and also stick one on the fridge door handle at eye level.
Possibly what to expect- my husband lost the ability to use a cell phone, so I bought a picture landline phone from Amazon that has little clear pockets you put the photos or written names of people he would call (you, family, etc), you program the phone so he just presses the photo or name and it dials automatically.
Another idea- I started buying Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers frozen meals when I would be working and when putting together a sandwich himself got too much (I noticed he started eating easy stuff- crackers, cereal, chips). I would tape index cards on the boxes with the cooking time written with a Sharpie. That worked for a long time.
See what you can do to make YOUR life less stressful- I hired a house cleaner who is willing to also do laundry, remake beds, etc. I used Next Door to find a handyman for small household repairs (my husband always did these and still wanted to, but just couldn’t). I primarily shop for groceries online and use the curbside pick-up. I have a Walmart + account, you order online and they deliver for free, it’s $98/year. I switched prescriptions to Rite-Aid, they do free delivery. My husband is home during the day and is fine with receiving deliveries, all this saves me actually having to go in the stores and shop- a big time-saver.

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@centre what wonderful ideas and suggestions you’ve come up with!! Your knowledge and experience can be of such help to other members!
Thank you


Did they give your husband any medication


Hi Trisha, Thank you for responding. Your situation sounds so much like ours. I'm sorry you are feeling as I do, the disappearing thing. It's hard. I'm fortunate in that we have four daughters who are loving and supportive. And two baby grandsons and a granddaughter on the way. In so many ways life is good, but then there's always the elephant in the room. I'm terribly envious of my sisters and friends who don't have our problems, and very sad that I don't have that kind of independence. Although I'm probably missing a window right now when we likely could do some modest traveling. My husband is certainly game to do this! I guess I'm just fearful of something new happening when we are someplace other than home. I'm definitely letting fear win out here. ...You and others have mentioned how helpful Mayo Clinic has been. Do you know if they do telehealth? I don't believe there's a Mayo Clinic near me. Best of luck to you and thank you again, Jean

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My husband just had his neuro eval. We are waiting for results. So afraid. My husband also wants to vacation but I’m so afraid to go far away from home. He loves cruising. I am so torn. We have our 50 anniversary next month and no plans. Don’t want a party. Just so depressed with the whole situation. He also has cardiomyopathy and vestibular migraines which both can cause memory loss and confusion


My husband was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia last week. It was not a surprise, I have seen some pretty questionable behavior and memory loss. Still its life changing. He had a mini TIA the month before. He was u accepting of the diagnosis. He said it was a low blood sugar. Which emergency room visit show not the fact. He is unable to drive for 30 days. The one positive that came is he was finally advised and now is taking a anti-depression/anxiety med. what a difference. His anger is not at the forefront everyday. The arguing is minimal. I am able to get out and do some activities on my own. He has a driving test required. At this time I am his driver. He is a dr ed teacher so being in a car is painful with him. Continually critiquing! I try not to listen let it in and out.
I just joined this support group and am thankful to have a place to listen and talk.
Thank you


My husband was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia last week. It was not a surprise, I have seen some pretty questionable behavior and memory loss. Still its life changing. He had a mini TIA the month before. He was u accepting of the diagnosis. He said it was a low blood sugar. Which emergency room visit show not the fact. He is unable to drive for 30 days. The one positive that came is he was finally advised and now is taking a anti-depression/anxiety med. what a difference. His anger is not at the forefront everyday. The arguing is minimal. I am able to get out and do some activities on my own. He has a driving test required. At this time I am his driver. He is a dr ed teacher so being in a car is painful with him. Continually critiquing! I try not to listen let it in and out.
I just joined this support group and am thankful to have a place to listen and talk.
Thank you

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What were your husbands symptoms. How old is he.


What were your husbands symptoms. How old is he.

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He is soon to be 70 may 17. He has been forgetful for last 5-6 years. He would say I told u I am going here. Nope u didnt. Lost keys forgot where he put keys. Driving thru red lites and pulling out in front of other cars! Alot of anger. Depression and crying. I thank god for our neuro dr. Who got him on depression/ anxiety meds. It is a pretty big difference.


My husband just had his neuro eval. We are waiting for results. So afraid. My husband also wants to vacation but I’m so afraid to go far away from home. He loves cruising. I am so torn. We have our 50 anniversary next month and no plans. Don’t want a party. Just so depressed with the whole situation. He also has cardiomyopathy and vestibular migraines which both can cause memory loss and confusion

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@grammyz5 i can certainly understand your not wanting to go cruising, especially by yourselves. Have you looked into the small boat cruises on the Mississippi? Is his day-to-day behavior such that you could do something like that? You wouldn’t have to travel very far.

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