Metastic prostate Cancer Survivors - longevity and quality of life

Posted by ringmastr1 @ringmastr1, Feb 26, 2023

I was just diagnosed at the beginning of January and of course the news hit me hard. I have found a lot of hope in the discussions within this group. I am curious to know how long ago people in this group were diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer and what your quality of life is like. Right now I have no symptoms from the cancer itself other than weight loss (which I am actively monitoring and dealing with via extra eating) and I have no side effects from the medications the doctors are prescribing. I know that I am at the beginning of this journey and I hope that my current status stays the way it is for many years. We all need to have hope, and I am learning a lot about traditional and new Treatment options.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.


My husband is 61, had prostate removed summer 2020. Now he has been told he has stage 4, because it is in a couple lymph nodes, and the bladder. Taking hormone shots. Then going for a blood work, to see if stopping cells growth and then will do some radiation in summer.

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Get on zolodex then later if need be Xtandi or Enzalutamide as I am at 78

They have a chemical for TB that they use in the bladder and roll you like a cement truck to kill C


4 yrs ago mcspc so did rad on L2 Lumbar and back on Zolodex 6 months ago mcrpc so added Xtandi or Enzultimide

No issues feel great 78

St Rita the saint of impossible has JESUS hearing my prayers for control for 10 years or more/


I 76 years old was diagnosed May 2022. Since then it has been 39 radiation visits , lupron and casodex. Now I am leaving casodex, it is useless. Moving on to Orleada and Lupron . At this point I feel fine, exercise a lot etc. Very active. Could care less about sex, I have been single forever and do not mind that at all.. It's easier for me to forget about the sex and concentrate on what will keep me healthy, Activity, weights, gym, cycling etc. I am not sure what the Orleada / lupron will do . It is early in the protocols for Orleada I am wondering if I'll ever be about to ditch the lupron . Any ideas ?


I am exactly where you are , 76 years old in great shape , on lupron and orleada, life is good at the moment.


I 76 years old was diagnosed May 2022. Since then it has been 39 radiation visits , lupron and casodex. Now I am leaving casodex, it is useless. Moving on to Orleada and Lupron . At this point I feel fine, exercise a lot etc. Very active. Could care less about sex, I have been single forever and do not mind that at all.. It's easier for me to forget about the sex and concentrate on what will keep me healthy, Activity, weights, gym, cycling etc. I am not sure what the Orleada / lupron will do . It is early in the protocols for Orleada I am wondering if I'll ever be about to ditch the lupron . Any ideas ?

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I had been on Lupron for years and was then changed over to Eligard (which was very painful compared to Lupron).
Bottom line: I was just tired of getting injections every three months, so I elected to have a bilateral orchiectomy. My wife & I discussed the pros & cons & agreed this was the best for “quality of life”. Simple procedure, short, postop rehab and do not need ADT injections anymore. Yay! I do still take abiraterone tablets as an anti-androgen.


I 76 years old was diagnosed May 2022. Since then it has been 39 radiation visits , lupron and casodex. Now I am leaving casodex, it is useless. Moving on to Orleada and Lupron . At this point I feel fine, exercise a lot etc. Very active. Could care less about sex, I have been single forever and do not mind that at all.. It's easier for me to forget about the sex and concentrate on what will keep me healthy, Activity, weights, gym, cycling etc. I am not sure what the Orleada / lupron will do . It is early in the protocols for Orleada I am wondering if I'll ever be about to ditch the lupron . Any ideas ?

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Did they give you any prognosis on life expectancy? Or next steps if these stop working>


CVH Credit valley hospital has all new MRI's in Mississauga Ontario Canada The new 5 million T1 has a 100X more power and more efficiency and is faster so less visits Another Radiation machine for the brain can doe 20+ all at once saving repeat visits and time


I had been on Lupron for years and was then changed over to Eligard (which was very painful compared to Lupron).
Bottom line: I was just tired of getting injections every three months, so I elected to have a bilateral orchiectomy. My wife & I discussed the pros & cons & agreed this was the best for “quality of life”. Simple procedure, short, postop rehab and do not need ADT injections anymore. Yay! I do still take abiraterone tablets as an anti-androgen.

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hi Thanks for the information. I never thought of that . Would be terrific to be rid of lupron,,,,terrible stuff . May I ask if there was any change in body mass etc. I would think we may be able to increase muscle mass after , or does the same effect from lupron prevail ?


Did they give you any prognosis on life expectancy? Or next steps if these stop working>

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Not yet I have not got ten that far into it. From reading up on the Erleada there is a good amount of time left. I haven't discussed it yet but I get a pretty good clue by reading up on the expectaions provided by the Erleada manufacturer. . I also wonder what radiation does to the picture. It has to contribute to something ' good ' in the overall outcome.
Once all these , stop working my idea may be to accept it . At this age it would be a full life. It would remain to be seen.


I 76 years old was diagnosed May 2022. Since then it has been 39 radiation visits , lupron and casodex. Now I am leaving casodex, it is useless. Moving on to Orleada and Lupron . At this point I feel fine, exercise a lot etc. Very active. Could care less about sex, I have been single forever and do not mind that at all.. It's easier for me to forget about the sex and concentrate on what will keep me healthy, Activity, weights, gym, cycling etc. I am not sure what the Orleada / lupron will do . It is early in the protocols for Orleada I am wondering if I'll ever be about to ditch the lupron . Any ideas ?

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Me 76, was on lupron and Erleada for 13 months. It sapped my energy but otherwise was not too bad. I understand that lupron denies the cancer most food and Erleada traps the cancer food that evades the lupron. I hope that this procedures works for both of us and we can get another 10 years!

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