Metastic prostate Cancer Survivors - longevity and quality of life

Posted by ringmastr1 @ringmastr1, Feb 26, 2023

I was just diagnosed at the beginning of January and of course the news hit me hard. I have found a lot of hope in the discussions within this group. I am curious to know how long ago people in this group were diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer and what your quality of life is like. Right now I have no symptoms from the cancer itself other than weight loss (which I am actively monitoring and dealing with via extra eating) and I have no side effects from the medications the doctors are prescribing. I know that I am at the beginning of this journey and I hope that my current status stays the way it is for many years. We all need to have hope, and I am learning a lot about traditional and new Treatment options.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.


I did the radiation treatment for my prostate cancer at REED city Cancer Clinic in Michigan. After that procedure was done over several weeks I found out that the treatment had an adverse effect on my rectal muscle which is still a life changing issue for me ever after 8 years living with the rectal issue. I don’t have the control of my bowels when I sense I have to go. I better be close to a bathroom or I’m in trouble. I need to always be close to a bathroom now. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone! I’ll be 80 this year and the issue is very confining. What can I do to eliminate this issue. Should I look for compensation even though it’s been 8 years. Or can it be fixed?

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It would be a tough decision but you might want to look into a colostomy. At least it would allow you to be more mobile.


CVH Credit valley hospital has all new MRI's in Mississauga Ontario Canada The new 5 million T1 has a 100X more power and more efficiency and is faster so less visits Another Radiation machine for the brain can doe 20+ all at once saving repeat visits and time

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Edit above
Its a 3T MRI 100% more power 15,000 units of magnetic strength higher quality images for accurate diagnosis 3 dimension visibility for larger view and 50% faster 15 min screening versus 30 for shorter wait times for patients $2.9 million CDN
Plus private donations also got CVH Credit Valley hospital or Trillium Health Partners a improved linear accelerator LINAC for Hyper Arch technology for precise radio surgical treatment for multiple brain metastasis treated in a single visit dropping time from 40 minutes to 4 minutes
see Maybe Mayo donors can get one each of these if not already


Me 76, was on lupron and Erleada for 13 months. It sapped my energy but otherwise was not too bad. I understand that lupron denies the cancer most food and Erleada traps the cancer food that evades the lupron. I hope that this procedures works for both of us and we can get another 10 years!

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Yes At 78 now on Xtandi and PSA dropping fast from 9.8 to 4 in a month Still on Zolodex Radiation Oncologist will not nuke L1 as its too close to L2 that was radiated 2 years ago yet says I should have 5 plus and more Medical oncologists says if Xtandi or Enzalutamide stops its affect then there are many more options 2018 had 40 radiation 2020 MCSPC and @)@# MCRPC hence Enzalutamide added So already 5 good years and more should be there with wife grandkids Prayer and enjoy every day


I love this question and all its replies. We are a very distinct collection of men. We've all survived a difficult prostate cancer diagnosis. We wake up each morning facing an abundance of uncertainties in our own lives. Yet, we are here offering caring support to each other while providing hope to the sometimes hopeless moments.
Bless us, all.


yes I appreciate your comments. I am wondering too much but the idea of 10 yrs seems ok sometimes and others not so much . QOL is a slippery fish .


Me 76, was on lupron and Erleada for 13 months. It sapped my energy but otherwise was not too bad. I understand that lupron denies the cancer most food and Erleada traps the cancer food that evades the lupron. I hope that this procedures works for both of us and we can get another 10 years!

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yes I appreciate your comnets a lot. I wonder ,often too much, but the idea of 10 years seems ok sometimes and others not so much. Quality of life is a slippery fish. I am undecided at this point,


My guess is that the truly uncontrollable painful time will be rather short and when and if that happens, hospice and drugs will ease me along . Also, I have the right to ask my doctors to advance the process and allow me pass after I have said my goodbyes to my loved ones. My wife of 54 years and my children know my wishes in this event and they will respect my wishes. However, I hope that no such decision need be made and I simply pass in bed after the evening news.
Mayoclinic connect is a very helpful site as it allows me to chat with people who are going through the same crap as me and that, in and of itself, is comforting and helps me to deal with the cancer.


My guess is that the truly uncontrollable painful time will be rather short and when and if that happens, hospice and drugs will ease me along . Also, I have the right to ask my doctors to advance the process and allow me pass after I have said my goodbyes to my loved ones. My wife of 54 years and my children know my wishes in this event and they will respect my wishes. However, I hope that no such decision need be made and I simply pass in bed after the evening news.
Mayoclinic connect is a very helpful site as it allows me to chat with people who are going through the same crap as me and that, in and of itself, is comforting and helps me to deal with the cancer.

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you may be right,,,,,,,,


I was first diagnosed at age 46 with prostate cancer & Gleason score 9. Was treated in Toronto with HIFU, three years later PC was back, had prostate removed. Surgeon couldn’t remove everything due to scar tissue from HIFU. Three years later the cancer returned and had 40 days of radiation. Two years after radiation I was diagnosed with chronic mylogenous leukemia, in remission, Tasigna twice daily. December 2021 the PC returned, PSA doubling every two months. I have no insurance and am not undergoing any treatment.

I am wondering about how long will this take to kill me?

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What is your current age? You mentioned diagnosis at 46. I am sure you have checked into your state's medical insurance options.


What is your current age? You mentioned diagnosis at 46. I am sure you have checked into your state's medical insurance options.

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I am 62, in Texas with my preexisting medical conditions, insurance is not an option. I make too much for assistance and not enough to afford it. I am a veteran, same situation. Thank you for responding.

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