Total Knee Repair Revision: A Success Story

Posted by ezas123 @ezas123, Aug 4, 2022

Hi all I I am 1 week out of revision today . I must say this recovery has been so different from my first. I have so much more movement in my knee …. My leg goes straight….. my flexion work in progress but I was at .70 right out of surgery ….. I was there a year after tkr…..struggling of course with inflammation which I expected….I am icing and going to my therapist to help with edema…. I started pt this week also so you know how it goes take to where you can than push little more…..the pain really sucks going through this all over again I have not forgot the pain from last time … but the difference is I know I am seeing results already….even with the pain for right now I am so glad I did revision….. good luck to others going through and might be going through this .

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What is mfr?

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Myofascial release therapy … you will see all over the boards here…. I found helpful at beginning of tkr for swelling than later for pain and now scar tissue


Sue, thank you so much for being a Volunteer Mentor!!!
In my case I just feel a dull stabbing pain in my knee and hip area when walking. It feels as if the implant is too long and it puts pressure in my knee and hip when walking. What search terms can I use on this site to find others experiences with this situation?

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You might be a candidate for a poly swap that is smaller and fits your leg better. I just had one to make my leg longer to match other leg.


Hi all three weeks out and feeling amazing…. My gait is almost normal now although I am still using cane outside of my home I still having some weakness in my quads, and I experience sharp pain with change of direction but that is to be expected….. I talked to pt increased a few exercises to help strengthen area …. Started massage on scar yesterday must say that was painful …..but I can handle anything lol because I wake up the next day and I see progress …. My knee bending a little further without as much pain and my knee looking normal again ….. before this surgery after my first tkr it always looked to big and I had lump on right side dr could not explain ……
My mfr therapist is going away for 3 weeks must say I am little anxious I have been seeing her 3 times a week for edema…. She is giving me a number of someone she trust that can help but they don’t do mfr she is only one where I live that does mfr work … crossing my fingers ….keep you posted

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I have a lump on the side of my knee as well. It’s very numb and never goes away. I don’t sleep very well because it’s painful. Doctor can’t explain it either. Did you ever get an answer?


I have a lump on the side of my knee as well. It’s very numb and never goes away. I don’t sleep very well because it’s painful. Doctor can’t explain it either. Did you ever get an answer?

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No my lump still there but does nut hurt what so ever ….when I had my revision done I asked if he could remove he said no , he would not be working on that side of knee and did not want to create another possible issue… which I totally understand for something that was not bothering me….


Sorry I did not see this …. I got my knee replacement one year ago was never able to gain flexion …. Always had residual pain ….. my original Dr would not do anything I sought a second opinion …. Which first appointment Dr told from original Dr X-rays that the replacement was slightly to big and may be causing my problems…. Within a month I was in got the knee replacement ……my new knee is two sizes smaller and recovery has been amazing…. I hope this helps you

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I have suffered for four years with a right knee replacement, I am so nervous to go in and have it redone. Just this past week I have decided that the pain couldn’t be any worse than what it is now, am I wrong?


Hi Lori I replied to you I don’t know what happened to the text so I will try again …. So sorry to hear what you are going through…..I know it is tough to decide to go through that pain all over again it was difficult for me also until I found out my knee was too big …than I just had to mentally prepare myself I knew I was going to do the revision after I met with new surgeon…,he explained what was wrong with my knee and how and with what he would fix it he explained he used mako robotics that it is more accurate system ….. he was confident he could help me …. Fortunately I knew how to prepare for knee replacement I had my surgery on Thursday I was at pt on the following Tuesday than the following Thursday I was at myofascial release for edema I went three times a week for edema was just half hour session I had no swelling after this surgery even doing pt…. I did that the first month than dropped to twice a week for edema …. You know what relief you can get with a good knee replacement…..for me best thing I could have done last year flexion at 65 before revision surgery now I am over 100 …. The moment I woke up from surgery I knew it was going to be different I did not have pain ….. so all I can say Lori for me I found good revision surgeon , put everything in place pt, mfr therapist….. prayed a lot …. I did not want to go on the way I was ….. so Lori good luck to you whatever you choose to do…if you need to chat or have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask ….for me revision was life changing in the best way

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Which doctor did you use for revision?

Thank you.


I am from northeast pa my dr was dr Kolesar …. His whole team is amazing …. He told me from my first visit I might always have some stuffiness but he would definitely get me more flexion … he was totally correct I went from 70 to 105 and I am still stiff but not stop me from doing anything stiff …I am always work in progress … good luck I know tuff make that decision to do again but get all your information…. Only you know what’s best for you at the end of the day ….

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