Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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There are only three Mayo PRC's - Minnesota, Arizona and Florida.

Here is an overview of the program:

- https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/pain-rehabilitation-center/sections/overview/ovc-20481691

Might you consider applying to Jacksonville, FL as it's closest to NC? Insurance is the first step however as the program is very expensive. Do you have out of network coverage?

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No I don’t! I really wouldn’t be able to afford it.


There are only three Mayo PRC's - Minnesota, Arizona and Florida.

Here is an overview of the program:

- https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/pain-rehabilitation-center/sections/overview/ovc-20481691

Might you consider applying to Jacksonville, FL as it's closest to NC? Insurance is the first step however as the program is very expensive. Do you have out of network coverage?

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@doriandaniel49 I'm sorry to hear Mayo is out of your insurance coverage. Have you looked into any other large teaching hospitals in your area that may offer pain rehabilitation programs?


How did they help you quit?

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Went to Paychiatrist and he wean me slowly with another drug


Hi, but careful w the Klonopin it's habit forming and I say it by experience, used to take 0.25 Xanax, the smallest dose, and I only took have of this and still got addicted and had to go to a Dr to help me quit.

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I also take Klonopin. It’s a low dose and hav been taking it for years. I am sure I am addicted but it doesn’t really bother me. I have not increased my dose ever so I am truly not concerned. It would be different if I had to keep increasing my dose in order for it to work but I haven’t so I just roll with it. Both my psychiatrist and neurologist have no problem with it.


I also take Klonopin. It’s a low dose and hav been taking it for years. I am sure I am addicted but it doesn’t really bother me. I have not increased my dose ever so I am truly not concerned. It would be different if I had to keep increasing my dose in order for it to work but I haven’t so I just roll with it. Both my psychiatrist and neurologist have no problem with it.

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Good for you, but not everybody it's the same


True; but to each his own. I was only sharing my experience.


I also take Klonopin. It’s a low dose and hav been taking it for years. I am sure I am addicted but it doesn’t really bother me. I have not increased my dose ever so I am truly not concerned. It would be different if I had to keep increasing my dose in order for it to work but I haven’t so I just roll with it. Both my psychiatrist and neurologist have no problem with it.

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That is good to hear. I never increased mine either. I just take it at bedtime.


Hello John, and thank you for welcoming me to the group!

I have not been diagnosed with BFS, or anything else for that matter. Like so many others, my doctors are baffled when I initiate a conversation about my situation. A few years ago, I began having what I always refer to as an internal vibration. It starts at about my neck level, and runs down the center of my torso, stopping at about the end of my tailbone area. I visualize it being in the center of my spinal column. I did suffer a lower back sprain in the late 1970's, and throughout the years, have basically maintained the same level of damage, excepting age related deterioration. In 2013, I began seeing a pain management doctor, who did series of lumbar injections, 2 per year, for a few years. They were helpful for my back pain. This was prior to the onset of the internal vibration. I just automatically assumed the vibration was somehow related to the spine issues. I am a self avowed detail maniac, and have a high level of self awareness regarding my body. I also watch for patterns and document timelines. So when I talk to doctors about it, I share specific and detailed information about what I experience. Usually, they stare at me with an eyes wide open look and puzzled expression. I've had 3 neurologists, an internal medicine doctor and an osteopathic doctor tell me they've never had a patient present with an internal vibration, nor have they ever heard of it. I always share with them that should they decide to google it, they will find hundreds of forums with thousands of people discussing very similar symptoms to mine.

Here are the specifics of my issue: It is NOT tremors. It is NOT twitching. It IS vibration, like you would expect if you were lying on a bed that has a massage feature that is turned to low. It is NOT constant. It is ALWAYS engaged when I wake up each and every morning. I sleep in zero gravity, and primarily stay on my back for 7 - 8 1/2 hours, unless my back is out of whack, at which time I may lower my bed and sleep on one of my sides. I have severe sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP device. I generally do not have trouble sleeping; only on occasion will the vibration be strong enough to wake me up. As I begin my daily routine, the vibration usually is not noticeable. There are times, specifically when I'm stressed or when I drink too much caffeine, that it revs up significantly, and literally feels and sounds like a small motor running inside my body. Occasionally, it is so strong that I become nauseated and can even feel my body becoming anxious, with weakness and tension. I practice deep breathing faithfully, and do muscle relaxation exercises as needed.

The only 3 factors that I can determine are consistent are: the vibration is always present when I awaken; is strongest when I drink too much caffeine and when I am unusually stressed.

I have had nerve tests, and multiple MRIs, from my brain to my tailbone. Nothing stands out that can explain the vibration. Only every once in a blue moon do I become concerned that it is something dangerous. Practically speaking, if it were, I think I would have died by now.

The possible links that I've discussed with my doctors are: during one of my lumbar injections, while under sedation, my doctor called out my name and told me I was going to have to be still. After reading something related to misses during lumbar injections, I've wondered if there is any connection to a possible miss during that injection. In late 2018, I suffered a sudden onset hearing loss, as in overnight, I went from perfect hearing, to a moderate loss in one ear and mild in the other. I now wear hearing aids in both ears. My ENT was concerned that I may have Meniere's Disease. I have 3 of the 4 symptoms...sudden onset hearing loss, tinnitus and "full" or "plugged" feeling in only one ear. The only symptom I have not experienced is vertigo. There is no test to confirm Meniere's, so they have to eliminate other diseases that may involve same or similar symptoms. All tests have good results. Because I do not have the dreaded vertigo, my doctor has suggested we do the "wait and see". Lastly, I have read comments on other forums, regarding pinched nerves in the neck. I have had minor neck issues, so I wonder.

I will conclude with something my sister told me just last night. She has a friend who has something she describes as similar to what I describe. Someone has suggested to her that it may be related to being in close proximity to a 4G or 5G cell tower. I personally have read about people who have high levels of sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. I don't have a specific reason to suspect this is related to my internal vibration, but I also have no reason to believe it is not.

I appreciate the opportunity to share my experience with this issue.

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I have been having internal vibrations since June of 2022. They usually start in the head/neck and when I am either falling asleep or waking up.
When they move to the body they are very gentle.
I generally feel quite at peace when they’re happening.
They don’t bother me other than concern for my health and curiosity.
I was thinking about 5G exposure as well. 🤔


I noticed on waking a fluttering like butterflys in my chest
Maybe A fib or anxiety?

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