Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

This site is useless. Google has better info.


Hi I'm new here. My name is Terri. I'm 62 and live in Portland oregon. I have recently been excepted into the mayo clinic. I have severe degenerative in my spine and hands. I have debilitating pain and cant seem to get help with solutions just bandaides that dont help. Mayo clinic has such innovative treatment and am so happy to have some hope. Thank for having me here.


My is Jim Stark, I'm new to the group and have been associated with a pain forum before, I feel bless that the Mayoclinic has these forums for support, thank you that. I have had 16 back surgeries, I'm fused full my pelvis to my neck, there are enough vertebrates in my neck not fused so I can still turn my head. I have a pain pump and medication, I have unbelievable neurological damage from scar tissue and excessive surgeries. I do surprisingly well, I can still drive and do some unbelievable things one would think I could not and should not do. It's because of excellent health and pain control throw modern chemistry and support from love ones that make it happen. I would be happy to answer any questions about things pertaining to me, everyone one is different and my hope is that people can find some good place in their live and build off that. Thanks again, I was happy to find this forum, it's going to be a big help in some areas I struggle with.


That was suppose to say I have not been associated with a pain forum before.


My is Jim Stark, I'm new to the group and have been associated with a pain forum before, I feel bless that the Mayoclinic has these forums for support, thank you that. I have had 16 back surgeries, I'm fused full my pelvis to my neck, there are enough vertebrates in my neck not fused so I can still turn my head. I have a pain pump and medication, I have unbelievable neurological damage from scar tissue and excessive surgeries. I do surprisingly well, I can still drive and do some unbelievable things one would think I could not and should not do. It's because of excellent health and pain control throw modern chemistry and support from love ones that make it happen. I would be happy to answer any questions about things pertaining to me, everyone one is different and my hope is that people can find some good place in their live and build off that. Thanks again, I was happy to find this forum, it's going to be a big help in some areas I struggle with.

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Welcome to Connect, Jim @jtstark. I'm glad you have found us. What an incredible journey you've been on with your health. I'm sorry for all you've experienced but am grateful that you came to share your positivity, experience, gratitude and optimism. You are a fine example of what Connect is all about and not only can you help others but I'm sure you'll find common support as well.

What are some of your coping strategies and tools that have helped you persevere through chronic pain?


Hi I'm new here. My name is Terri. I'm 62 and live in Portland oregon. I have recently been excepted into the mayo clinic. I have severe degenerative in my spine and hands. I have debilitating pain and cant seem to get help with solutions just bandaides that dont help. Mayo clinic has such innovative treatment and am so happy to have some hope. Thank for having me here.

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Hi Terrie @terri61, welcome to Connect. Congratulations on moving forward and being accepted at Mayo Clinic, and looking for help beyond the bandaides. Are you meeting with spine surgeons or Mayo's Pain Rehabilitation Center?


Hi I am Pam and live in Brisbane, Australia. I have suffered with fibromyalgia for a very long time. Have tried so many things from Acapuncture, Chiro, Physio, Osteo, the list goes on. I have a book on hold at the library, 'Why Does It Still Hurt?' and from hearing about it, it seems like the approach should work because it looks at the brain being overprotective and that we need to retrain the brain and alter the neurological pathways, rather than trying to work on from a physical angle. I am still looking for the right exercise physiologist who will use this approach. If any of you know a Brisbane practitioner who might suit, please let me know. Kind regards Pam

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Hi Pam @mayopam. You are right about retraining the brain. Part of retraining the brain also includes physical exercise. Treating the whole person is vital in chronic pain management. I practice mindfulness and gratitude every day to help me through in addition to exercise. There is an app called Curable that members on Connect find helpful. Have you heard of it?


Yes I'm getting all my records sent them I will get an appointment thank you


My appointment will be made when they have received my medical records. They should have the important records today.
Looking forward to being part of everything!


Welcome to Connect, Jim @jtstark. I'm glad you have found us. What an incredible journey you've been on with your health. I'm sorry for all you've experienced but am grateful that you came to share your positivity, experience, gratitude and optimism. You are a fine example of what Connect is all about and not only can you help others but I'm sure you'll find common support as well.

What are some of your coping strategies and tools that have helped you persevere through chronic pain?

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First and foremost I made the decision that chronic pain was not dictate how my life was going to be played out. The most important thing for me was to move, keep moving. Complete a task no matter how small and that gives me satisfaction and confidence to fight through the pain to try to complete even more, with chronic pain you have good days and bad, also some really bad but push on, push though it because being inactive the pain for starts to get way out control. Positive attitude and my family support me and with that support they have been shock with the things I can do.

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