What decision to make regarding osteoporosis

Posted by bettersleep68 @bettersleep68, Mar 6, 2023

I am going for my dexa in a few weeks..I am concerned it will show more bone loss..I am scared to start any of those medications and side effects..anyone else feel like this ...maybe just whatever will be ..

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Yes I stop taking the medication because denist said he couldn't work on my month..because I could bleed alot..I think exercise and eat some what healthy.. is going to help I like coke and candy..


It is so scary for all of us and I am so thankful for this forum and all the ladies sharing their stories. I am 64 and am seeing an endocrinologist from Stanford. My spine is -5 and I am very nervous about taking these meds but will be starting evenity soon.
Praying it works and my body does well with it.

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I wish you the best of luck candy209. My spine was -4.5 when I started my journey 3 years ago. I am now a -3.6 and jumping for joy to be there!


I was the same. I lifted since I was 17 years old and have always had a career where I am on my feet and walking. I have gut issues and wonder if that is part of it. Also had a stress filled life and quite a bit of sleepless nights. One doctor said that I must have never made strong bones from the beginning.

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Keith McCormick has a 2008 basic book on osteoporosis that goes over the effects of gut health and stress on bone health. I found out about him from others posting about him on here. He has a new book out; that one is 700 pages long, compared to the original, which is about 150. He's a chiropractor with a BA in human biology from Stanford and has osteoporosis himself. You could probably get his 2008 book used for a low price, tho a new one cost me about $15. I thought it was worth the read.


I wish you the best of luck candy209. My spine was -4.5 when I started my journey 3 years ago. I am now a -3.6 and jumping for joy to be there!

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With medication


Keith McCormick has a 2008 basic book on osteoporosis that goes over the effects of gut health and stress on bone health. I found out about him from others posting about him on here. He has a new book out; that one is 700 pages long, compared to the original, which is about 150. He's a chiropractor with a BA in human biology from Stanford and has osteoporosis himself. You could probably get his 2008 book used for a low price, tho a new one cost me about $15. I thought it was worth the read.

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Thank you so much. I appreciate you sending this. I’ll find a copy today. I had quite a stressful career and cared for my mom and brother for many years. I am working on my gut issues. That’s where my stress goes.

In reply to @bettersleep68 "With medication" + (show)

With medication

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That’s great! Thank you for sharing. That gives me hope.


@baguette and @candy209 Just to clarify: Dr. McCormick's book is on holistic approaches ("Whole Body Approaches to Osteoporosis") but he advocates for medications when needed and used them himself.

@candy209 I have never heard of osteoporosis meds causing bleeding during dental procedures. Interesting. Necrosis of the jaw is often mentioned as a risk though it happens more with cancer patients on high doses.


I was the same. I lifted since I was 17 years old and have always had a career where I am on my feet and walking. I have gut issues and wonder if that is part of it. Also had a stress filled life and quite a bit of sleepless nights. One doctor said that I must have never made strong bones from the beginning.

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I am similar to Candy's assessment. I worked as a teacher, on my feet all day for 30 years. I have walked/exercised every day for years. I too have stomach/gut issues. I had to retire from teaching because my back suddenly began to hurt every day. I am told I have arthritis as well as disc slippage/degeneration in my spine. My Dexa scans just keep getting slowly worse over the years. I do believe osteoporosis occurs, in large part, to loss of natural hormones like estrogen. My mother had 7 children so she had it coursing through her body for many years of her life. It's what kept her young looking and she passed at age 96. But my generation of women were advised NOT to take hormone replacement therapy. What a mistake! We women are paying the consequences of this decision on the part of the medical community. I, like many others here, are stressed about taking medicine for the rest of our lives. It seems unnatural. Yet we don't want to suffer from a bad fracture. So, it comes down to which medicine is best for each person. And I don't think all the Vit. D and raw calicum that I take really helps, as my Dexa numbers keep slipping further. I am reading these posts carefully and thank every single brave woman here that is going through this difficult decision.


Hi @bettersleeep68. It can be really nerve-racking to go in for a DEXA scan! But better to know what's going on in your body so you can adjust your lifestyle as needed. Exercise and diet can be very helpful in managing bone loss, especially when combined with medications. Getting stronger can give you a sense of control over your diagnosis. There are so many great resources online like Bone Health and Osteoporosis. I'm happy to see you using this group as a way to connect!


Hi @bettersleeep68. It can be really nerve-racking to go in for a DEXA scan! But better to know what's going on in your body so you can adjust your lifestyle as needed. Exercise and diet can be very helpful in managing bone loss, especially when combined with medications. Getting stronger can give you a sense of control over your diagnosis. There are so many great resources online like Bone Health and Osteoporosis. I'm happy to see you using this group as a way to connect!

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Thank you for being so supportive..every bit of information is helpful .good luck on everyone decision and hope we can improve our bones

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