Both legs sore during day and spasm during sleep. Muscle twitching.

Posted by dnp2335 @dnp2335, Mar 4, 2023

I’m on 7 weeks of the weirdest symptoms. I’ve been to my primary Dr, sports med Dr, Sleep Dr and Neuro-muscular neurologist. None have seen this before. Sleep Dr ruled out RLS. This issue is only when I sleep so it’s not induced by body position. Once I fall asleep, I wake up every 1.5-2.0 hours every night. I haven’t had one night making it 3 straight hours. When I wake up, my upper legs feel tight deep inside the legs and when I straighten them they spasm and the inner cramp releases and I can go right back to sleep. This pattern continues night after night.
I’ve tried everything, epsom salt baths, quinine, thc, CBD, prescription muscle relaxers, warm baths, stretching, foam roller, heat pad, ice, Gabapentin, every sleeping position possible…you name it and I’ve tried it. Has anyone heard of this before and have any suggestions that I can ask the neurologist about on?

I’ve also had sporadic muscle twitching since last March, 2022 but don’t have any muscle weakness. Thank you for any help. My legs are pretty sore throughout the day and if I sit at my office desk for 1/2 hour, when I stand up the hamstrings are so tight and hurt. Neuro thinking most likely a neurological issue but ordered blood tests and a thoracic spine MRI. They feel the brain, lumbar and cevical spine MRI’s look good and do not point to a physical issue being the cause to this. Thank you for any help.

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dnp, sorry about your symptoms & frustration of not knowing cause. I too have this experience along with peripheral neuropathy, but I have AL amyloidosis which can impact the central & peripheral nervous systems. Only mentioning this as you are grasping for straws it seems. And if u decide to investigate this possibility I hope to God that it proves to be negative. Blood & urine tests will tell.


Have you tried magnesium glycinate? I take 400 mg at night and it’s helped immensely with muscle cramps and soreness. People are often magnesium deficient but don’t realize it. Other forms of magnesium can cause diarrhea but the glycinate form does not. I hope this is helpful.


Have you tried magnesium glycinate? I take 400 mg at night and it’s helped immensely with muscle cramps and soreness. People are often magnesium deficient but don’t realize it. Other forms of magnesium can cause diarrhea but the glycinate form does not. I hope this is helpful.

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I use magnesium oil for muscle twitching on legs, (benign Fasciculation syndrome) I think it’s better than taking tablets. Magnesium does have side effects so it’s best to see if it is ok for you.


Has your neurologist tested you for neuropathy? I knew I had it from the first neurologist I went to who did nothing. My doctor gave me the name of new neurologist who did a brain scan and a neck scan in addition to a test with needles (electrodes) to test each leg. Found out my right leg has no nerve activity (not the word she used) at all. This is the leg I had total knee replacement, which is another story. 😊


I’m 68, 5’2 and 115 lbs. Taking 600 ml of Gabapentine 3 x a day. And yet have the tightness in calves and neuropathy pain. Sleep test for third time shows RLS. All I can hope for is temporary relief after yoga stretches, positions which are held with deep slow breaths. And a muscle relaxant in the evening then Ambian to sleep. But I’m always looking for better alternatives…


Have you tried alternative medicine as a solution or someone who combines eastern with western medicine? It may help with some of these symptoms…gratefully, M


I’m 68, 5’2 and 115 lbs. Taking 600 ml of Gabapentine 3 x a day. And yet have the tightness in calves and neuropathy pain. Sleep test for third time shows RLS. All I can hope for is temporary relief after yoga stretches, positions which are held with deep slow breaths. And a muscle relaxant in the evening then Ambian to sleep. But I’m always looking for better alternatives…

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Hi, I find that if I wait an hour after taking my evening dose of gabapentin, all I need is one extra strength Tylenol to help me sleep. Two Tylenol is like a sleeping pill and I can actually sleep through the usual bathroom trip during the night.


I’m 68, 5’2 and 115 lbs. Taking 600 ml of Gabapentine 3 x a day. And yet have the tightness in calves and neuropathy pain. Sleep test for third time shows RLS. All I can hope for is temporary relief after yoga stretches, positions which are held with deep slow breaths. And a muscle relaxant in the evening then Ambian to sleep. But I’m always looking for better alternatives…

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Have you tried magnesium glycinate? This particular form of magnesium at bedtime has helped me with muscle tightness and also promotes calmness at bedtime.


Neurologist started me yesterday on 5 mg. baclofen to begin at bedtime starting with half tablet. Wonders of all I had a decent night's sleep with 90% of leg spasming (not cramps) that felt like someone was pulling my legs from toes to hips. Getting up to go to the bathroom was a trial with stiffness. Gabapentin and amitriptyline didn't resolve and I do take 200 mg. Of potassium glycinate at bedtime. This morning I got up and felt like I got much needed relief. I too get stiff and can barely move if I sit too long. Hoping this new baclofen will do the job. I have post polio syndrome which all Neuro tests confirm. Good luck to you in finding relief. I truly feel your frustration.


Neurologist started me yesterday on 5 mg. baclofen to begin at bedtime starting with half tablet. Wonders of all I had a decent night's sleep with 90% of leg spasming (not cramps) that felt like someone was pulling my legs from toes to hips. Getting up to go to the bathroom was a trial with stiffness. Gabapentin and amitriptyline didn't resolve and I do take 200 mg. Of potassium glycinate at bedtime. This morning I got up and felt like I got much needed relief. I too get stiff and can barely move if I sit too long. Hoping this new baclofen will do the job. I have post polio syndrome which all Neuro tests confirm. Good luck to you in finding relief. I truly feel your frustration.

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Thank you. It is very frustrating at times. I have written down these suggestions and will check my supplements but pretty sure that my acupuncturist started me on both glycinates
My new neurosurgeon is putting me on a series of prednisone pills to help with inflammation throughout my body. Couldn’t hurt…

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