Has anyone else been diagnosed with COPD after COVID?

Posted by bentleyoakguy @bentleyoakguy, Jun 13, 2022


I'm a 52 year old guy that was diagnosed with COVID on May 6th. I also tested positive for antibodies in Fall 2020. I'm not / nor have I ever been a smoker. I have no history of Asthma, but my mom has COPD (stage 2). After 2 weeks of rather mild covid (no breathing issues / fever) I developed what the urgent care dr told me was acute bronchitis. We started me on prednisone, Mucinex, and promethazine DM for cough. After a week, I had to go back and got another round of prednisone and Albuterol. I followed up with primary care and she prescribed Trelegy and said that this is likely Post Covid / COPD.

I'm having shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough with a little mucus. I'm being told to stay on meds and wait 3 months. I'm extremely down after fighting this for 6 weeks and now getting COPD on the table. I have asked for a pulmonary function test but beyond that, I'm lost on how to proceed. My pulse O2 is always above 95% and in the last 2 days, I forced myself to the gym (indoor track) for a brisk 2 miles, which I can do without exhaustion.

Does this scenario resonate with anyone? Is anyone else diagnosed with COPD after COVID? I'm staying on the primary Dr for a pulmonary function test to see what is going on with my lungs and get a baseline (sorry I'm an engineer and must have data).

Thanks for reading.


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You are not alone. I too was diagnosed with asthma after a mild covid case in Nov. 2021. I also have spasms of the diaphragm. Albuterol does help when breathing becomes difficult but, thankfully my need has diminished. I have been in pulmonary rehabilitation, which has been extremely helpful, and am finding that my symptoms have improved over time. I hope you do see a pulmonologist and want you to know that there is hope of improvement.

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Thank you for the information. I am writing down everything that I need to discuss with my primary on my next visit. Just in the few days of joining this group, I have learned valuable things. I'm looking forward to getting my life back!


Thank you for the information. I am writing down everything that I need to discuss with my primary on my next visit. Just in the few days of joining this group, I have learned valuable things. I'm looking forward to getting my life back!

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Debbie, how did your appointment go with your primary care physician? Did you learn anything?


Yes, I was diagnosed with COPD after Covid. I was given an inhaler and use it every day, sometimes twice a day.


Jay, I realize I’m writing a long time after you posted your comment but just now am reading this. I wanted to answer your question though. After having Civid I developed pneumonia and later had seriously low oxygen levels. I went to the hospital twice. I was admitted, put on oxygen and had many tests run. There was never a definitive diagnosis but was told I had asthma, COPD and other things. I went home with an oxygen tank and a lot of questions. Now I feel certain it was (is) a repercussion from having Covid. I’ve had many many symptoms of post Covid. I had Covid three years ago and still am suffering. How are you currently? Any updates?


Can you ask to get PFTs done now to get a baseline? Why wait if your providers think you have a chronic condition? I had Covid in Nov of 2020 with a similar pattern - better after 2 weeks of mild illness but got short of breath after another week. I’m 52 and my only health issues have been pneumonia with H1N1 and aspergillosis shortly after. I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia in December of 2020 and had continued lung inflammation until May of 2022, but I was feeling better bit by bit and had gotten back to hiking and kayaking. Then I’m June 2022 I got diagnosed as inflammatory bronchitis and I’ve been going downhill since. My sats only drop occasionally when I’m resting, otherwise are good, and PFTs in May were good. I haven’t had lung inflammation showing up on scans again but now I’ve got lung scarring, small areas of atelectasis, and the beginning stages of pulmonary hypertension. I’m seeing a pulmonologist who put me on Breztri and Arnuity and also Duonebs as needed. She at first thought I had COPD, then thought I had non asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis until bronchoalveolar lavage showed no eosinophils but very high neutrophils. So now she thinks it’s an opportunistic infection that I got after having lung inflammation for so long but bacterial cultures from a bronchoscope have come back negative as have fungal cultures so far (still waiting on two). She says pulmonary hypertension is to be expected and doesn’t think I need treatment since it’s just starting. She has no plan if the last cultures come back negative and no more ideas for a diagnosis or testing. I agree we need the results of the last two cultures but disagree that PAH is an expected outcome, especially without an actual diagnosis. My internist thinks the high neutrophils are from inflammation not infection. He started me on sildenafil today and hopefully that will help me feel better. I just started trying to get an appointment at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona because my internist thinks I need a right heart cath because of the PAH, my pulse is up to 150 when resting (pre everything it was 60), and I have mild jugular vein distention. I live in an area that does not have providers or equipment to do a right heart cath. So, here’s to hoping I get an appointment and you get some baseline testing done now, just in case all does not turn out as expected.


My Covid started with a cough at the beginning of February. Two days later was diagnosed with Covid. I still have the cough which tuned into bronchitis. The doctor has me on a Ventolin inhaler. It doesn't seem to help much. I'm 80 and also have PMR so expect it will take a while to resolve.


I am 74 and had COVID early 2020. I was basically semiconcious at home. I had many neuro symptoms post Covid: motor issues, writing and spelling issues and right sided arm weakness. I have had asthma since birth and it has been well controlled since we moved to southern CA when I was 10. It flared up in my 20's and have always had inahlers since then. My asthma has been gradually getting worse and I dreaded the spirometry. After the spirometry my pulmonologist said I had COPD, probably post COVID, as nothing else has gone on. I am going on Spiriva as soon as it gets approved. I bought this item ,The Breather (regular) on the recommendation of the respiratory tester. I have never stopped wearing a mask out but now I wear it at hime when cleaning or when anything aggravates my breathing since, unlike asthma, it is irreversible. After a month of Spiriva he may CAT scan my lungs to look foir COVID lung. Have eliminated any spray products from my house, gotten rid of all large area rugs, we have tile. Read that bleach is very bad so getting rid of that. I use compressed laundry and diswasher tabs that have no perfumes of any kind. I have an induction stove and a good fan over it. I put a better filter in my furnace that also has activated charcoal.I am getting air purifiers, no ozone, with HEPA filters and activated charcoal for rooms in the house . All we can do is protect our lungs and slow it down. Probably starting allergy shots again to just try and knock out that component. The Lung Association has lots of excellent advise. It helps w me with breathing techniques . Once I am on my meds would like to get a CAT scan to at least see if I have COVID lungs in any way. I look at this as a fight with a terminal illness and hope something else gets me first. Going to start using The Breather today. I know it can't change my lungs but hopefully improve the muscles as I do get pain all around my body in the ribcage, feels like costochondritis but gets better with better breathing. I have also used a CPAP for years, so if you are a snorer, get checked out. It can extend your life.


Are you seeing a Pulmonologists for the COPD? They can work along with your primary for the COVID, but I would definitely see a doctor that specializes in lungs. My husband has COPD and works with both type of doctors.

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Yes, 2.5yrs lc, 71yrs old


Yes, Jay. I have a nurse friend who experienced 2 bouts of COVID -19. She now suffers from significant, diadnosed COPD and fatigue. Related information can be found in peer-reviewed literature. Prayers!


Hello jay,
I’m also or was an engineer. I had Covid back in October of 2022 and have been diagnosed with COPD. Never smoker. Web scaring in my lungs and long covid. My oxy level is 94 95 during the day but drops below 90 when in bed before sleep. I’m on oxygen at night now. Inflammation seems to be the problem with me. I’ve been told it may take up to 14 months to get to the point where I start to heal. Hope this helps. You’re not alone. Micro clotting may also be part of the problem. Hang in there.

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