B12 deficiency leading to headaches & face tingling/numbness?

Posted by plo99ca @plo99ca, Mar 3, 2023

I was recently found to have very low levels of B12. Has anyone else experienced strange symptoms from low B12? My recent symptoms included daily headaches and face tingling/numbness and a feeling of being generally unwell. Would love to hear from others with B12 deficiency symptoms.

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The strange thing is that one doc tested my B12 and it was 146... then another tested 2 weeks later and it was normal. Weird.

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Did you get shots or supplementation between tests? B-12 goes up quickly with shots


Sorry, I should have clarified that, I started the B12 injections after the 2nd blood test.


Thank you Rachel. I started weekly injections for one month, hopefully that stabilizes my numbers a bit. If not then will go to B12 sublingual supplements daily. Interestingly, in speaking with 2 of my siblings (both in their 60's), they each also supplement B12, I had no idea. Perhaps there is a genetic link. I hope your symptoms have settled down.

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There is a gene, MTHFR, that affects B12. My family has a few people that need B12 shots regularly and have this gene variation.
Best of luck to you.


There is a gene, MTHFR, that affects B12. My family has a few people that need B12 shots regularly and have this gene variation.
Best of luck to you.

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Thank you, that is very helpful, I will look into it.


Thank you Rachel. I started weekly injections for one month, hopefully that stabilizes my numbers a bit. If not then will go to B12 sublingual supplements daily. Interestingly, in speaking with 2 of my siblings (both in their 60's), they each also supplement B12, I had no idea. Perhaps there is a genetic link. I hope your symptoms have settled down.

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Yes, they have, thank you. 😊


Yes, they have, thank you. 😊

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@rwinney, @plo99ca, and all... I was first diagnosed with B12 deficiency years ago, quite severe, after developing numbness in my feet and legs, tingling, and neuropathy in my hands as well. I have multiple issues with nerve pain, legs, weakness, and others. I've taken Super B supplements for many years and then began several years ago giving myself B12 injections every 2 weeks. Now, as the testing shows I'm still low, I give shots weekly. I'm having bloodwork this week to see how this area is doing as well as iron and ferritin levels, and all else.

Interestingly, my son, 55 years old, has acute B12 deficiency and must take a very expensive medication in pill form to keep his levels up. This appears to work well for him. So, apparently, we have the dreaded gene for this deficiency and will deal with it ongoing.

My thoughts include poor absorption by the intestines since I have to have frequent iron infusions due to a low ferritin issue. They help immensely.

I'm so glad to find this discussion. I'm finding these issues are becoming more important as I get older. At 76, I need every bit of supplementation out there! God is good. I have Mayo Clinic nearby, wonderful kindness and care, and new friends these last years from Mayo Connect. What joy you have given me, good information, insights, friendships, and a new understanding of my multiple issues. I'm no longer alone in this journey.

Thank you all for your sharing, your encouragement, your love, and your support....be well, and be blessed. elizabeth


Thank you Rachel. I started weekly injections for one month, hopefully that stabilizes my numbers a bit. If not then will go to B12 sublingual supplements daily. Interestingly, in speaking with 2 of my siblings (both in their 60's), they each also supplement B12, I had no idea. Perhaps there is a genetic link. I hope your symptoms have settled down.

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I take a B12 oral supplement ,every day I know that it works ,because I could now dig holes in concrete with my nails .Pre B12 ,my nails crumbled and were quite soft . B12 is needed by most of your body, Using a spray is more acceptable than needles , for me ,


I take a B12 oral supplement ,every day I know that it works ,because I could now dig holes in concrete with my nails .Pre B12 ,my nails crumbled and were quite soft . B12 is needed by most of your body, Using a spray is more acceptable than needles , for me ,

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B-12 only come from animal sources. Are you a vegetarian?


B-12 only come from animal sources. Are you a vegetarian?

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I’m not a vegetarian, I eat a very varied diet with plenty of meat.


I’m not a vegetarian, I eat a very varied diet with plenty of meat.

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Good. Eat your meat! Only, some have difficulty absorbing V-B12. I am so glad that you so far don’t have to have the shots. I also have had difficulty with V-b12. I eat plenty of meat also; however some of the medications that I am on make it difficult to absorb. So far just the pill has been sufficient. I hope and pray the best for you.

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