Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Hi, I’m Gayle. I have degenerative disc disease, pudental nerve entrapment, and tailbone pain. I was treated for SIJ pain for years and it does have that pain pattern, but nothing worked. I’ve had severe sitting pain on the left side since 2009. I just went through the Nevro spinal cord stimulator trial and I am thrilled to report that I got a big reduction in pain. I am so excited about it and can hardly wait for the permanent one to be placed! I hope I am not being overly optimistic and of course, I don’t know what the long term effectiveness will be. But I do have a friend in Dallas who has had hers, a Boston Scientific brand, for years. She still loves hers and says she probably could not get out of bed without it. I am really excited to find this site! Gayle

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Hi Gayle, I'm happy that you got relief from the SCS Nevro on your trial. Can you share with us where your area of pain used to be? Thanks, Marty


Hi all, I’m a new member to this site but not new to chronic pain unfortunately. Following an injury, I ended up having a fusion of C-5 through C-7 Sept 2, 2014. The orthopedic surgeon used allograft which took a long time to bridge. He explained stabilization was considered “successful “ I was left with the original nerve pain with added bonus of pain to the other side. I was medically retired from a career I loved. Following “ retirement “ I blew out both knees which added to the pain as well as inactivity. The first part of Jan 2023, I was having symptoms which I couldn’t explain and had a Cervical CT w/ contrast which showed hardware intact, bridging stable but showed severe degeneration of the atlantoaxial joint. Now just waiting to see how it will be treated. As far as pain control, very little due to the opioid issues which in all honesty I’m glad I never went down that road. I’ve tried the medical marijuana once but didn’t like the effect. So other than 10 mg Flexeril, I just grin and bare it. Quality of life is not great , things I used to do are a distant memory. But I just take it day to day.

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I can emphasize with you. Doctor's consider it a success if the incision heals properly even though you still have pain in the underlying tissue and the reason for the surgery to begin with. Good luck and God Bless. I've been through it too.


Hi Gayle, I'm happy that you got relief from the SCS Nevro on your trial. Can you share with us where your area of pain used to be? Thanks, Marty

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I have chronic pain in tailbone, left buttock, left sacroiliac and extreme intermittent burning in left perineum. For years, I experienced it as sitting pain only. Then it progressed to pain when laying down. I get relief just before sleeping by laying prone for a short time (I always was a tummy sleeper when young but can’t manage it for too long anymore without a firm pillow underneath my hips and tummy).This relaxes my muscles enough that I can then sleep comfortably on my right side all night. The Nevro trial helped a lot and I’m now awaiting permanent placement. Hope I’ve covered it! Gayle


I can emphasize with you. Doctor's consider it a success if the incision heals properly even though you still have pain in the underlying tissue and the reason for the surgery to begin with. Good luck and God Bless. I've been through it too.

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Marty, one thing I’ve learned is a spinal surgery is considered successful only if it’s stabilized. No thought of nerve pain or other changes are taken into consideration….David


I have chronic pain in tailbone, left buttock, left sacroiliac and extreme intermittent burning in left perineum. For years, I experienced it as sitting pain only. Then it progressed to pain when laying down. I get relief just before sleeping by laying prone for a short time (I always was a tummy sleeper when young but can’t manage it for too long anymore without a firm pillow underneath my hips and tummy).This relaxes my muscles enough that I can then sleep comfortably on my right side all night. The Nevro trial helped a lot and I’m now awaiting permanent placement. Hope I’ve covered it! Gayle

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Yes it helped. Let's hope the permanent Nevro will give you a lot of relief. Please keep us informed. Marty


Marty, one thing I’ve learned is a spinal surgery is considered successful only if it’s stabilized. No thought of nerve pain or other changes are taken into consideration….David

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I agree!


Having another MRI on the 2nd and looking for the least invasive surgery possible for pain relief on my 68 year old spine


I have chronic back pain.i had fusion in 2012-redo in 2014
It was not helpful for pain. 30 epidurals have not helped pain. I am 82, and do not think a spinal cord stimulator would help


I have chronic back pain.i had fusion in 2012-redo in 2014
It was not helpful for pain. 30 epidurals have not helped pain. I am 82, and do not think a spinal cord stimulator would help

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Does physical therapy help long term 10 year back pain.does accupuncture help?


Hello I’ve been struggling with chronic pain for the last 5 years. I don’t know where I fit in on this site, I have severe adhesions in my belly. They cause constant pain, nausea, vomiting, bladder pain, inflammation, a fistula, anxiety and depression. I’ve been in the hospital for over 8 weeks since December. I’ve had a few days at home but not enough. I’m on TPN and can’t take anything by mouth while ee let my bowels totally rest with hopes that I can start eating food again. I’ve lost over 85 pounds in 7 months, not by choice. In Alaska no doctor or surgeon will touch me they say I have a hostile abdomen.
I’ve only talked to one other person who has adhesions this severe and she was in the same boat I am, unable to find anyone who new how to help ease the pain. I am doing yoga as much as I can, progressive relaxation, meditation, etc. If anyone knows anything about any treatment for adhesions im open to suggestions. I have nothing to loose at this point.

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