Paxlovid for travel?

Posted by GDCM @gdcm, Feb 22, 2023

Has anyone been able to get Paxlovid (without being COVID+) to have for travel overseas? In the past, it was under Emergency Authorization and doctors would not prescribe it for high risk patients to have with them as a precaution IF they did get COVID while out of the USA (in some places it is very difficult to get Paxlovid.) In early Feb, the FDA changed its rules so that doctors did not have to see a positive COVID result to prescribe Paxlovid. I have PsA, am immunosupressed and have use Paxlovid twice (it worked amazingly well for me to alleviate 99% of COVID symptoms in less than 48 hours!) We travel frequently overseas and I would like to get Paxlovid to have on hand in case I get COVID. Anyone been able to get this RX to have as a precaution?

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@gdcm Have you spoken to your doctor about getting Paxlovid for while you are traveling? She should be able to write a prescription.
You also want to consider all the safety precautions: wear a mask all the time, check the status of covid in the city/country you are going to, be aware of your surroundings (people with cold symptoms, etc), and how and where you will be able to isolate, if necessary. But, you also want to have fun!
Talk with your doctor about a prescription and travel safely!


Yes, thank you. We go to the Mayo Travel Clinic and just returned from a trip to Israel, Egypt, Jordan (Viking Nile river cruise). My husband & I have had 6 Moderna vaccines.,.we wore KN95 masks except to eat (table for 2 in a corner) used bottles water for everything, etc. All went well, but the trip would’ve been less stressful if I would’ve had Paxlovid on hand, just in case…. (When I visited the travel clinic in late 2022, my request for Paxlovid was declined. According to the new Feb 2023 guidelines, a person doesn’t need to test but be experiencing symptoms of COVID and be high risk. (Hoping some doctors are a bit flexible with this given that Paxlovid is difficult to obtain in some countries.) And then there are the language barriers, different customs etc. (I had a minor burn on my hand from spilled coffee & went to a Clinic at our hotel in Jordan. The doctor used a mixture of honey & saffron for the burn. It turned out fine & I know honey has antibiotic properties…. But would feel much safer using Paxlovid (rather than some local cure) if I get COVID! Used it before; it’s a miracle-worker for me & felt 99% normal in less than 48 hours!)

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