Do I need Trelegy for Long Covid Shortness of Breath

Posted by sarahying @sarahying, Feb 14, 2023

Hello Everyone, I am new here and glad to find a group people who may understand me. 52, female. I got COVID in July, 2022. After three days with high fever and very bad throat pain, then I felt better and just like a common cold symptom. However, three weeks later, I felt heart beat increased and shortness of breath. My SPO2 was around 95. Since then I started to use Symbicort 80/4.5 irregularly, on and off for two months. (A Pulmonologist prescribed for me .)The symptoms are easy flare up if I caught a cold or stressful with my life. My Plethysmography Report shows FEV1/FVC was 0.81. The doctor said not normal but not too bad. Last week, I went to a POST COVID program and the doctor there gave me Trelegy 200. Has anyone ever tried this one with Shortness of Breath? I feel it is too strong especially I haven't used a higher dose Symbicort yet. If I use Trelegy which is the highest level inhaler for Asthma, what can I use if the symptom get worse down the road?

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@sarahying, did you decide to take Trelegy? Is it helping?


I was taking Flovent for years for slight asthma, after 3 weeks in the hospital from covid pneumonia, on 40 liters bypap at night and high flow O2 during the day I came home with oxygen, I struggle with my asthma and my pulmonologist put me on Advair. After switching to a different pulmonologist in a bigger city, I was put on Trelegy, and that has helped extremely, sadly its very expensive. But since it works I am staying with it.

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