How do you control uncontrollable Burping and Belching?

Posted by jammins @jammins, Dec 8, 2018

Anyone experiencing uncontrollable burping and/or belching? This seem to be a rear condition that no GI exam air specialist has been able to find a cause and subsequently a solution. Any help from someone with the experience would be greatly appreciated.

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Yes I've tried Medical Marijuana not smoking but THC gummies and oral drops. No it didn't help nor does pure CBD drops. I wish there was just one thing that would help. A Long 7 years. Please keep me posted on your Mom and what they find out. We have similar stuff going on Stephanie. Praying for you guys too.

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I'm in a similar situation to you, what happened? How are you now?


How do I get rid of bloating and burping?


How do I get rid of bloating and burping?

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Hi @farani46, welcome.
Farani, is this something new for you or has it been going on for some time? What has your doctor suggested?


Well it’s been 6 months since Mayo Clinic 3 night visit ( stayed at VRBO 15 min away w/ out pups on Jacksonville Bch). Had 3 more tests re done ✅, still same 6 diagnoses and Dr. Still doesn’t know how to help me . 4 k out of our pocket later , back to square one ☝️.
8 long chronic horrendous years dealing w/ these 2000 plus deep belches a day/ non stop churning gut , fatigue, sometimes kicks my heart palpitations up ⬆️. I’m still looking into other holistic ways to go . I’ve done so many already .
May functional medicine Dr. Next , MFR therapy, I don’t know. Insurance will only pay for chiropractic help , I may try that just for the hr k of it !!
My two kiddos are getting married w/ big weddings in Apr 2022 and Sept 2022 . I’m so anxious about the long weekend and weddings .


On llinzess not stopping gas and beleching


On llinzess not stopping gas and beleching

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Hi @wayneallen, welcome. I moved your question to this existing discussion
– How do you control uncontrollable Burping and Belching?

I did this so you can read helpful tips and connect with other members like @rozy288 @stephaniesimoni @puliver1337 @lelia and more.

Wayne, you mentioned that you had a colonoscopy? Have you discussed the results with your doctor?


My "guts" (gas, bloating, jags of belching) improved
after I had my gall bladder removed.

Less fat and more fiber in my diet also helps a lot. Less fat really seems to help me a lot.

When my guts get out of sorts, IB Guard, an OTC pill, helps . Simethicone pills and probiotics help, too.

My grandmom's solutions for gas, heartburn, belching: slowly sip a tall glass of warm water. The water has to be warm and you have to drink slowly. A hot water bottle can relieve abdominal discomfort. Don't fill it too much or it will get too heavy for comfort.

Hope these ideas help! Hope you all get some relief!


Oh brother , I could honestly write a book on my 10 years of thousands of deep wet ( gastric lining tasting ) belches that come out of me day and night . The non stop 🛑 churning gut and intestines. The way I can’t eat anything ( I eat so very clean ) w/o hours of suffering .
When I tell you , I’ve had 6 Gastro Dr’s , over 20 tests , even at Mayo .. 6 diagnoses… including Gastritis, esophagitis , Class B GERD , Bile Reflux, IBS , small hiatal hernia, small benign polyps on my stomach lining.
And non stop gastric deep belching . I’m sure I’ve forgotten some .
No RX , no herbal remedies, no holistic approaches, ( I’ve been good allergy tested 2 x , no food allergies), elimination diets , everything they make for gastrointestinal health on Amazon . Nothing helps .
I don’t drink any milk 🥛 for years and low dairy , low low sugar , we cook healthy meals at home .
I rarely can go eat a meal at a restaurant. No fast food , no fried food .
It’s ruined my life ….
10 years of it .
I never get one day off from symptoms .
I walk 1.5 -2 miles a day .
I’m usually very fatigued in day because lack of sleep from it.
I sleep propped up on 3 pillows .
Just had extensive bloodwork done from the new functional medical doctor , urine and stool . Also Abdominal ultrasound again yest .
No one so far can figure this medical mystery out .
Really changes your whole life .
I’m praying 🙏 they can actually find what’s wrong besides what they know , and help me get some relief and healing.
I hope you find the same .


Oh brother , I could honestly write a book on my 10 years of thousands of deep wet ( gastric lining tasting ) belches that come out of me day and night . The non stop 🛑 churning gut and intestines. The way I can’t eat anything ( I eat so very clean ) w/o hours of suffering .
When I tell you , I’ve had 6 Gastro Dr’s , over 20 tests , even at Mayo .. 6 diagnoses… including Gastritis, esophagitis , Class B GERD , Bile Reflux, IBS , small hiatal hernia, small benign polyps on my stomach lining.
And non stop gastric deep belching . I’m sure I’ve forgotten some .
No RX , no herbal remedies, no holistic approaches, ( I’ve been good allergy tested 2 x , no food allergies), elimination diets , everything they make for gastrointestinal health on Amazon . Nothing helps .
I don’t drink any milk 🥛 for years and low dairy , low low sugar , we cook healthy meals at home .
I rarely can go eat a meal at a restaurant. No fast food , no fried food .
It’s ruined my life ….
10 years of it .
I never get one day off from symptoms .
I walk 1.5 -2 miles a day .
I’m usually very fatigued in day because lack of sleep from it.
I sleep propped up on 3 pillows .
Just had extensive bloodwork done from the new functional medical doctor , urine and stool . Also Abdominal ultrasound again yest .
No one so far can figure this medical mystery out .
Really changes your whole life .
I’m praying 🙏 they can actually find what’s wrong besides what they know , and help me get some relief and healing.
I hope you find the same .

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I have also had terrible benching and burping for 1-2 hours after I eat for many years. I also have diarrhea for weeks at a time of my system gets upset. I have been diagnosed with IBS and had a positive breath test (twice) for SIBO. My GI doc doesn’t think I have SIBO - says the breath tests are unreliable. He says the burping is from swallowing air when I eat. He has me on Nortryptaline for diahhrea , which is helping with that. The belching still continues and is uncomfortable and at night I have to wait for it to stop before I can lay down to sleep. I have tried meds and otc for acid and gas. Nothing has worked. I also feel like I can’t go out to eat without discomfort and possible diarrhea.


I have gas every morning now, and constant belching the rest of the day. Gastro says it's from my Esophageal Junction Outflow Obstruction (EGJOO) combined with my severe GERD.

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