Has anyone experience peripheral neuropathy prior to diagnosis

Posted by scarlet/tanager @scarlettanager, Feb 18, 2023


I have not yet been diagnosed but have been having abdominal pain and peripheral neuropathic pain. I have cooling and burning sensations that surge down my arms, back, and legs. Sometimes I feel burning in my toes and lips. It has been waking me up at night. I just had a Gastroscopy and it came back normal. I go for my colon scope soon. It seems unusual that these symptoms are related to colon cancer but if anyone can relate to my experience please let me know.

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I thought that Peripheral Neuropathy was a side effect of chemo.


Hello. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I would recommend seeing a doctor about the neuropathy. There's a possibility that it could have nothing to do with your abdominal pain. I have had colon cancer and peripheral neuropathy, but they weren't related. However, I have gastritis, and that could inhibit absorption of Vitamin B-12, which a lack of B12 could cause the neuropathy. So I have to take B12 injections, which helps. But the neuropathy could be caused by any number of things, so I would suggest you see your doctor. Hope all goes well with your colonoscopy.


I thought that Peripheral Neuropathy was a side effect of chemo.

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Thanks for your reply. I’ve heard a lot about the side effects of chemo causing neuropathy. I haven’t been diagnosed yet but I’m certain it’s colon cancer accelerating I’m quite worried that my body is signaling great distress. My neuropathy is so bad it won’t let me sleep at night. I wake up with intense burning arms that radiates through my body to my lips.
Doctors are usually dismissive when approaching them with these symptoms. I’ve been to the ER in the past two weeks with stomach pain into the back with neuropathic symptoms. They look at your blood work which has been normal, and overall appearance and send you home. One ER physician said to me you look good… It’s been a vicious cycle for me. I’m pushing to get the help I need.


Hello. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I would recommend seeing a doctor about the neuropathy. There's a possibility that it could have nothing to do with your abdominal pain. I have had colon cancer and peripheral neuropathy, but they weren't related. However, I have gastritis, and that could inhibit absorption of Vitamin B-12, which a lack of B12 could cause the neuropathy. So I have to take B12 injections, which helps. But the neuropathy could be caused by any number of things, so I would suggest you see your doctor. Hope all goes well with your colonoscopy.

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Thanks so much for your reply. I feel so alone with this battle. I don’t know what stage colon cancer I’m in but I’ve had symptoms of minor bleeding for a couple of years. I thought they were hemorrhoids which were diagnosed from a colorectal surgeon. I never have had blood mixed in my stool. I guess everyone’s symptoms are different. I should have went for a colonoscopy sooner… now it may be too late. My worst nightmare right now is metastasis. They did a CT at the end of November that showed a small spot on my liver that was said to be benign. They referred it to a hemangioma or cyst. My doctors said it was quite common and they see it frequently. The rest of the scan was clear. Now I’m three months in with worse symptoms of abdominal pain to the back. I don’t feel unwell or fatigue yet. Do noticed a bit of a delay with urinating. This just started over the last few days.
Thanks for your tips on vitamin B injections. Maybe I’ll just take them to ease symptoms. At this point what do I have to lose. The information I just read on colon cancer is sometimes it spreads to the spine and causes compression with nerves. This also can be what’s happening.

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