Are there exercises that strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter?

Posted by pd02 @pd02, May 13, 2016

I wonder if there are certain exercises that might strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter?

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I have been doing the breathing exercises in this video for a couple of weeks or so now.. I was already doing the diaphragm breathing after my open abdominal surgery in 2015. Adding the side resistance seems to help my sphincter to open. It works better for me when standing .. I try to do them when I take my dog outside in our yard.

The outings are anywhere from 5 -15 minutes. I add stretching exercises too .. my neighbors probably get a giggle from watching me .. lol. I have started doing .. not sure what to call them but while doing these breathing exercises I sorta go on the balls of my feet and come down on my heels, enough to jar me slightly. Because of previous foot surgery and arthritis I can not go up on my toes. The grass and my foam shoes soften the jar of my heels coming down.

Maybe the video will help others:

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Thanks ZeeGee, I’ve had gerd for a long time but now, It is really bad in the morning, it seems with all the bending to get dressed and put on my shoes ,I must be putting a lot of pressure on my stomach. The pain starts in my chest an then closes off my airways so I’m gasping for breath and I lose my voice and start to get weak, this happens every morning. I’ve gone to the ER twice and had ENT put a scope down my nose, then Gastrointestinal put a scope down my throat. I hope these exercises work, I have to take Mylanta right away to try and stop the gerd from these extreme results.


You sound like my sort of person regarding your dog. I do think that a dog or a cat helps to keep us sane. We have friends from UK arriving on Sunday and they have the largest Newfoundland dog that you ever saw and he has his own sofa. They won't be bringing him with them of course but we have a wonderful photo of Moose sharing his sofa with my husband when we visited them in England. The dog helped to keep the 4 of us going all through a spell of Covid as we could still go out to walk him. this isn't about LPR but at least it is partially connected with health!

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I have only met one Newfoundland dog… he was huge. He was a calm guy .. at the vet's office. Lot of animals that day in a small waiting room. He took up a good bit of the space.

I think pets no matter the species help us mentally and physically. They can help keep our stress levels down, help us to exercise .. which are important in managing GERDs and other afflictions we might have.

Ziggy came with my mom to live with us in 2018. In January if 2020 she had to go into a nursing home for rehab after a stroke. Once covid hit and we were not able to visit her nor get phone calls through to her often she went down hill. She had more strokes and the final one in August of 2020. When at our home Ziggy alerted me when something was wrong with mom or she fell. He was a comfort to her… a great companion.

Ziggy is now 12 1/2 years old and acts much younger. He is in good health. He is a mini-poodle. Photos attached of his before and after spa treatment in December. I think this summer my husband better schedule every six weeks instead of eight for the spa. My husband used to give Ziggy haircuts in-between spa days. His back is bothering him lately so he cannot do it. He does spoil Ziggy with a massage every morning. … ears, neck shoulders and back.


Thanks ZeeGee, I’ve had gerd for a long time but now, It is really bad in the morning, it seems with all the bending to get dressed and put on my shoes ,I must be putting a lot of pressure on my stomach. The pain starts in my chest an then closes off my airways so I’m gasping for breath and I lose my voice and start to get weak, this happens every morning. I’ve gone to the ER twice and had ENT put a scope down my nose, then Gastrointestinal put a scope down my throat. I hope these exercises work, I have to take Mylanta right away to try and stop the gerd from these extreme results.

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Did they give you a diagnosis? Do you have a hiatal hernia? Did they tell you to take a PPI?
Are you on a proton pump inhibiter (PPI)?
omeprazole (Prilosec, Prilosec OTC, Zegerid)
lansoprazole (Prevacid)
pantoprazole (Protonix)
rabeprazole (Aciphex)
esomeprazole (Nexium)
dexlansoprazole (Dexilant)
or H2 Blocker?
Famotidine (Pepcid or Pepcid AC or Pepcid Complete)

I suggest trying an H2 Blocker. Famotidine aka Pepcid is a pretty good one and you can take Mylanta between its doses. I use store brand of Pepcid Complete. I don't do well with pills .. but chewable I can handle.

You may need more tests to figure out what is causing so much acid.

I do suggest you keep a journal of when you have the acid most. Notate when you ate, what you ate and how bad acid was .. did a little come up in your throat .. did you cough acid up. Instead of 3 meals a day divide those meals into 4-5 or 6 meals. Being too full can cause acid to come up. Notate what food make the acid worse. .. Worst culprits for me are greasy.. fried, spicy (onion, garlic, peppers, oregano etc), and sugary foods. Also raw fruits and vegetables and foods like cabbage, celery and broccoli. Acidic coffees and teas. .. If you must drink them find low acid ones. Wait several hours after eating before lying down. For me that is 4 hours .. sometimes longer if I misbehaved.

Try raising the head of your bed by placing something under the legs of the headboard to raise it a few inches. Instead you could use a wedge under your upper body to raise your head or use two pillows in a wedge fashion.

I hope some of these suggestions help and that you can get help from your doctors in figuring out the cause and options to treat.




I have only met one Newfoundland dog… he was huge. He was a calm guy .. at the vet's office. Lot of animals that day in a small waiting room. He took up a good bit of the space.

I think pets no matter the species help us mentally and physically. They can help keep our stress levels down, help us to exercise .. which are important in managing GERDs and other afflictions we might have.

Ziggy came with my mom to live with us in 2018. In January if 2020 she had to go into a nursing home for rehab after a stroke. Once covid hit and we were not able to visit her nor get phone calls through to her often she went down hill. She had more strokes and the final one in August of 2020. When at our home Ziggy alerted me when something was wrong with mom or she fell. He was a comfort to her… a great companion.

Ziggy is now 12 1/2 years old and acts much younger. He is in good health. He is a mini-poodle. Photos attached of his before and after spa treatment in December. I think this summer my husband better schedule every six weeks instead of eight for the spa. My husband used to give Ziggy haircuts in-between spa days. His back is bothering him lately so he cannot do it. He does spoil Ziggy with a massage every morning. … ears, neck shoulders and back.

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I can see that Ziggy benefitted from his spa time. Cute little dog. Animals definitely give us a lot. They are very sensitive creatures. They know when we are sad or upset and our mood really affects them. And they are such wonderful company for the old or sick. I think they definitely are helpful to our well being. My Newfoundland owners arrived today from England. He is also a very calm guy and he loves carrots. He is spending the next 3 weeks on the Isle of Arran in Scotland, so he is having a special vacation too. Like the hymn says, all things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small, the Lord God made them all. I'm very glad that our world has animals.
Now I must start concentrating on the breathing exercises.



Did they give you a diagnosis? Do you have a hiatal hernia? Did they tell you to take a PPI?
Are you on a proton pump inhibiter (PPI)?
omeprazole (Prilosec, Prilosec OTC, Zegerid)
lansoprazole (Prevacid)
pantoprazole (Protonix)
rabeprazole (Aciphex)
esomeprazole (Nexium)
dexlansoprazole (Dexilant)
or H2 Blocker?
Famotidine (Pepcid or Pepcid AC or Pepcid Complete)

I suggest trying an H2 Blocker. Famotidine aka Pepcid is a pretty good one and you can take Mylanta between its doses. I use store brand of Pepcid Complete. I don't do well with pills .. but chewable I can handle.

You may need more tests to figure out what is causing so much acid.

I do suggest you keep a journal of when you have the acid most. Notate when you ate, what you ate and how bad acid was .. did a little come up in your throat .. did you cough acid up. Instead of 3 meals a day divide those meals into 4-5 or 6 meals. Being too full can cause acid to come up. Notate what food make the acid worse. .. Worst culprits for me are greasy.. fried, spicy (onion, garlic, peppers, oregano etc), and sugary foods. Also raw fruits and vegetables and foods like cabbage, celery and broccoli. Acidic coffees and teas. .. If you must drink them find low acid ones. Wait several hours after eating before lying down. For me that is 4 hours .. sometimes longer if I misbehaved.

Try raising the head of your bed by placing something under the legs of the headboard to raise it a few inches. Instead you could use a wedge under your upper body to raise your head or use two pillows in a wedge fashion.

I hope some of these suggestions help and that you can get help from your doctors in figuring out the cause and options to treat.


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I am taking protonix 40mg PPI 2x day and Zantac 20 mg morning and Zantac 40 mg at night. Sucralfate 1gram before each meal and at night to coat my throat. Also Mylanta through the day when needed. I modified my diet to no coffe,tea, chocolate caffeine, tomato & sauces, no greasy food. I sleep with a wedge. I will start journaling and see what triggers my gerd. The Gastroenterologist found no hernia or other problems except gerd. Referred me to consult if I was a candidate for surgery. Not wanting surgery, factor 5 blood clotter and diabetic and asthmatic. Will have to work on diet, smaller and more frequent meals. Bending over at all brings instant gerd. Thanks for your suggestions, praying for ways to live with this.


Out of curiosity are you under a lot of stress other than what your gut is providing? Forgive me for not reading your entire history but have you consulted with a nutritionist? I did see you have a few other health issues compromising your situation too.


Thanks ZeeGee, I’ve had gerd for a long time but now, It is really bad in the morning, it seems with all the bending to get dressed and put on my shoes ,I must be putting a lot of pressure on my stomach. The pain starts in my chest an then closes off my airways so I’m gasping for breath and I lose my voice and start to get weak, this happens every morning. I’ve gone to the ER twice and had ENT put a scope down my nose, then Gastrointestinal put a scope down my throat. I hope these exercises work, I have to take Mylanta right away to try and stop the gerd from these extreme results.

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I read on Google, the reason you feel shortness of breath, is that acid wants to get into lungs and, the cells or muscles of lungs close up in order to sop acid from getting into lungs. Try not to eat fast and eat little each time during the day. Respect your fullness. It is sooo hard to do this. Took me few years to be able to slow down and chew my food 32 times and not eat sweets, bread and oil. Eat gluten free and olive oil and baked chicken without skin. Eat one tablespoon yogurt after your food. Just diet and losing weight and eating and chewing slowly. No spices at all. Little salt with your food. If you are lactose intolerance, remove yogurt from your till later. Drink alkaline water. Gaviscon helps me. Tagament helps me too but cant take it due to having trush after two weeks. Eat very soft food or chew your food a lot. No coffee, chocolate, tomato sauce, ketchup, bacon, mint or peppermint. Meat must be 7% fat or less or dont eat it. Calcium, B12 and D3 help. Get tested prior taking tnem. Dont eat or drink anything that is too cold or hot. Just eat warm water throughout day. Do this for two.weeks.and you will notice change. Eat non spicy bone broth, berries, avocados, olive oil, extra virgin, grass fed grass finished protein, pasture raised whole.eggs, nuts except walnuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds. Wild caught Alaskan fish. Cooked broccoli is good. But everyone is.different.


I am taking protonix 40mg PPI 2x day and Zantac 20 mg morning and Zantac 40 mg at night. Sucralfate 1gram before each meal and at night to coat my throat. Also Mylanta through the day when needed. I modified my diet to no coffe,tea, chocolate caffeine, tomato & sauces, no greasy food. I sleep with a wedge. I will start journaling and see what triggers my gerd. The Gastroenterologist found no hernia or other problems except gerd. Referred me to consult if I was a candidate for surgery. Not wanting surgery, factor 5 blood clotter and diabetic and asthmatic. Will have to work on diet, smaller and more frequent meals. Bending over at all brings instant gerd. Thanks for your suggestions, praying for ways to live with this.

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Are you still taking zantac made with Ranitidine? I saw that the FDA found problems with it and offers now zantac 360 made with famotidine, or pepcid.
Maybe you try stretching and opening your chest by putting your shoulders back. and don't slouch when you eat or after, walk or rock on your feet/toes after eating to shake down the stomach out of the sphincter. Are you overweight? Lowering the pressure you put on the sphincter may help. Chewing food very well, and chewing when you feel acid helps because your saliva is alkaline. drink some pomegranate juice if you feel acid after meals. Maybe also see if you're taking too high a dose of the protonix, if it doesn't seem to be resolving your problem.


Exercise options: Swallow while doing bridge exercises.

There is a device available in Europe, but not in the US, for exercises: I am experimenting doing the Iqoro exercise with a cheap mouthguard with a strap. Here is an example:

Good luck!


First time here just found you all. 1 year ago I was diagnosed with a 3CM Hiatal Hernia, Gastritis, and Esophagitis. For 1 year I have been on an anti inflammatory diet called The Acid Watchers Diet written by a Doctor Aviv. Also 2 Facebook groups with the same name. In 8 months I completely stopped my LPR, Reflux, Coughing, burning and Hernia pain. I walk daily and do aerobic pool classes as well as YinYoga. The AWD is THE BEST diet to heal
all the inflammation and pain. I don’t take ANY MEDS. Occasionally I take Reflux Gourmet, or
Gaviscon Advanced. Both from Amazon. The book also from Amazon. I’m in the maintenance stage now. I was in healing stage for 8 months. Gave up ALOT of foods!! I have avoided surgery of the Hernia by eliminating all inflammation. No Phlegm (LPR) or Reflux at all!! Hope this story can help even 1 person🙏

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