Your tips as I prepare for first phlebotomy

Posted by raremiracle2 @raremiracle2, Feb 6, 2023

Feb 9, first phlebolotomy (iron is low)
Polycythemia Vera and Myelofibrosis - any helpful tips. I have problem with dehydration, (as teenager, I was hospitalized for dehydration - I can dehydrated in hours what most people do in days) . Everything is high but low iron (anemia) from cancer RBC 7.1 Hem. 17.5 but MCV 73.5 MCH 24.2 my MCHC normal 32.6
(Phlebolotomy) this could lead to more anemia (They haven't told me about blood transfusion yet. Listen to stories where anemia is so low and needed blood transfusion MCV reaches 69. Anyway, What are your thoughts and tips?

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albertedward and dale1k good to know, I'm doing funny little things - ate sandwich and bitten down, didn't take plastic off and mouth full of plastic, I forget I started laundry yesterday, now my cloth smell and rewash them. Gave my husband lunch box, but no food in it. Haven't stop by cop in years, about 2 ticks in my life NOW ( 1- time for speeding, 2 times hugging side of the road, 2 times for left lights (same - day) All warring and no tickets I have to get to doctors apt. and only one that drives - This short term memory is terrible and never had it until my phlebotomies. I really wonder if it's a stroke (When I go back to doctors I will asked If this is part of the disease or is it a stroke) I saw different doctors all last week M-F . Maybe I'm over run family doctors/ dental visits this week. THIS GROUP IS BLESSING; A group that can really understand- thank a million!!!! I need you guys!

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Since I actually had a stroke, I can’t blame my memory issues on the phlebotomies or the hydroxy-urea I am taking… My short term memory has improved, but it certainly isn’t what it used to be… I constantly test myself with some ridiculously long passwords and I think being active riding the bike and walking a lot does help somewhat… It’s convenient when I forget something or make a mistake to just blame it on the stroke… Best to you and all of us putting up with this disease…


dale1k | @dale1k thank you! I didn't blame phlebotomy; I am over weight / high blood pressure caused it but didn't have sort term memory until phlebotomy ... just happened that that way. Glad your memory improved and gives me hope. HU didn't bring down numbers so hoping for phlebotomy will bring down numbers. I have no choice but to do phlebotomy; only treatment plan! I'm in so much pain, go to Walmart and need help walking, miss walking and going places. Grocery store last week , then I could NOT physically get food out of cart (no muscles) . They had to get my husband from the car and bring him in. Take the food and help me to the car. Active days are over. I used to do all my neighbors yards (free charity) LOVED OUTSIDE and OUTDOORS! Don't know if I will have legs 2023 - MF is heartbreaking! Miss my legs! Dalelk prayers and thanks for understanding ....


dale1k | @dale1k thank you! I didn't blame phlebotomy; I am over weight / high blood pressure caused it but didn't have sort term memory until phlebotomy ... just happened that that way. Glad your memory improved and gives me hope. HU didn't bring down numbers so hoping for phlebotomy will bring down numbers. I have no choice but to do phlebotomy; only treatment plan! I'm in so much pain, go to Walmart and need help walking, miss walking and going places. Grocery store last week , then I could NOT physically get food out of cart (no muscles) . They had to get my husband from the car and bring him in. Take the food and help me to the car. Active days are over. I used to do all my neighbors yards (free charity) LOVED OUTSIDE and OUTDOORS! Don't know if I will have legs 2023 - MF is heartbreaking! Miss my legs! Dalelk prayers and thanks for understanding ....

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Wow, so sorry you are going thru so much… I have it easy compared to you.. I was only referring to myself in terms of blaming phlebotomies for memory loss.. I know that medications and procedures effect people differently… I have no pain despite having PV, prostate cancer, heart disease, and a stroke.. I know something will change for me eventually… I just don’t know when, so I try and live every day to the fullest while I still can… Prayers back to you and hope somehow, someway, things get better for you….


dale1k | Thank you my friend; your voice make a difference and supportive words. Every one is different and different things work for them. I'm on 1,000 HU; not helping. (doctor gave me 1500mg- same- it didn't help) Glad you have little or no pain. My sister Karen, we scream out in pain from our types of cancers, this is normal stuff. Nice to have sister that understands. My dad had prostate but died of heart disease Oct 8 2017. My mom had cancer through her body; eyes first and then 17 tumors - spread; this spread through-out her organs/ entire body in one year, diagnosed before Christmas and died before Christmas the following year Dec 18, 2014 . Her mom, Grandma had skin cancer but lived to be 100. But 6/7 sibling had cancer and 3rd generation. This is all normal stuff and it helps that others went through the hard road together. I'm the only one with blood/ bone cancer; had to top them. My sister and I are in a race to see who gets to the finish line first and Thank you my friend, Dalelk prayers


A quick synopsis of my situation… In late 2020 I felt a minor dizziness and my balance was a bit off… Also had loss of appetite… I was thinking at that time that maybe something was wrong with my brain… I was also forgetting things short term which I never did before.. Went in to the Dr for tests… CBC indicated potential problem.. HCT was very high.. Also saw a neurologist who ordered a brain scan… Saw hematologist who ordered JAK2 mutation test.. JAK2 test confirmed I had PV.. As a “bonus”, neurologist said I had physical evidence of a stroke.. They couldn’t tell me when, just that I had one… I couldn’t believe what was happening.. I keep active , bike ride almost every day, plenty of walking, etc.. I asked could I have possibly missed a stroke?? She couldn’t give me a good answer except to say that normally this would have had major symptoms… I am lucky in that I feel really good, bike any day the weather is reasonable… Hydroxy-urea has my HCT under control.. No pain, good energy level, and short term memory has improved.. Best to you..

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I am going to the heart stroke clinic in a week as they think I had one.but for now I just keep going with the blood drops and hydroxyurea. I would find it strange if I had one and did not realize it,but one day I did fall down and could not remember how I got there.Well to all keep on trucking


I am going to the heart stroke clinic in a week as they think I had one.but for now I just keep going with the blood drops and hydroxyurea. I would find it strange if I had one and did not realize it,but one day I did fall down and could not remember how I got there.Well to all keep on trucking

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As I stated in my post, I thought there was something wrong with my brain due to the slight dizziness… The blood tests and confirmation of the JAK2 mutation that followed got me the diagnosis of PV, which I never had heard of… My appointment with the Neurologist and subsequent brain scan identified that I had a stroke.. As I stated, they couldn’t tell me when it occurred and I certainly didn’t know due to lack of any symptoms. So, I see my Neurologist once a year to see if there is any more damage to the brain… I hope all goes well with you…


albertedward and dale1k , Thank you so much for the information and support (I would have passed up brain fog as nothing, without your voice - I would of skipped brain fog as nothing and forgetting small things - looking for things more, going into a room and not remembering what I wanted (AS JUST NORMAL FOR ME BECAUSE OF PV) Starting to wright everything down; horrible feeling (but writing things now but never had to write anything down before) When you fell and couldn't remember falling; I can 100% relate to you albertedward. Hematologists is one of many specialist and we are now collecting specialist and doctors with funny symptoms . I've been to Neurologist years ago, I have Neurological coughing (A bronchtisis cough that last all winter long / part of anaphylaxis shock) Good luck and take care /prayers

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