IT band syndrome after knee replacement

Posted by Faith M @collielady, Jul 26, 2018

I had both knees replaces last month. Right on 6/4 and left on 6/13. The right knee has done great. But the left has had issues. This week both PT and the surgeon's nurse said I have IT band syndrome. PT put a strip of K-tape down the side of my leg and suggests ice massage to the area. And the nurse showed me a stretching exercise to do. I am wondering if others have had this problem and how it was handled and how long it took to get better. The pain behind my knee prevents me from raising my leg while walking.

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Good evening @joanb1229,

Thanks for responding. Let's see what's going on. 30 degrees is not an aggressive bend. Let's hope it improves and that your surgeon has some helpful hints or as we call them, "Tips and Tricks". Another position you might try is making sure you keep your knee above your heart frequently during the day. And have you tried ice? Does heat help?

The massage I receive twice a week is MFR, myofascial release. There are quite a few folks discussing how MFR has helped them at this link.
My MFR therapist actually identified and treated the IT band issue in about 20 minutes. The painful part was only about 4 seconds. If you can share with me where you reside, I can check and see if there is an Expert MFR therapist near you.

Will you please let me know how your session went with your surgeon today?
Thanks and may you be safe, free, and protected from inner and outer harm.

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Went to wrong location, so I didn’t get to see my doctor. I have appointment on Wednesday morning. I was in tears when they told me I was at wrong location!!!


I had my second knee replacement Dec 13 2022, I believe I have this IT band syndrome. When I asked MD about it at my 6 weeks he had no idea, keeps saying scar tissue,/ but the more I read and now that pain is going to my hip making walking painful this is concerning.


I had my second knee replacement Dec 13 2022, I believe I have this IT band syndrome. When I asked MD about it at my 6 weeks he had no idea, keeps saying scar tissue,/ but the more I read and now that pain is going to my hip making walking painful this is concerning.

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My doctor first said scar tissue. I am seeing doctor this morning. At this point this pain is making my life miserable. I have ZERO. quality of life at this time.
Hopefully I get some answers


My doctor first said scar tissue. I am seeing doctor this morning. At this point this pain is making my life miserable. I have ZERO. quality of life at this time.
Hopefully I get some answers

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My doc said exactly the same thing, I am 9 weeks post op and my knee is worse than before surgery ; I am seeing him tomorrow and asking for MRI. Sleep is now a pure luxury; walking is getting more painful, r hip pain to now due to how I am walking,


Got a few answers. IT Band in our early stages can only be treated by rest, ice, and stretching. My doctor changed my pain meds from Tramadol to Hydrocodone thinking the Tramadol might cause some issues.
He gave me Prednisone and gabapentin that is supposed to decrease nerve pain. He also gave me an arthritis gel pain reliever.
I am hoping for the best!
Let me know how it goes with your appointment!


I can't wait to see my doctor in about 3 hours and will let you know what he says.
I live in Metro Atlanta, areas of East Cobb, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody and Roswell if you have any recommendations of a place in those areas, I would really appreciate your guidance.
I can actually bend my knee to 110 degrees, when I walk, I start feeling pain when the knee bends at about the 30-40 degree flex. It is the motion that hurts, not just the bending and holding it bent.
Luckily, my job as the bookkeeper at an elementary provides me the opportunity to elevate, stretch, and ice as needed. I do numerous stretches during my work day and ice twice during the work day, I elevate over my head at least once in those 8 hours and then when I get home.
How long did you have to go see your MFR therapist until you had your band released? I am just wondering if this is a long term commitment or something that might be achieved in a few visits. I know everyone is different, just curious about your case.

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Good evening @joanb1229, Sorry I am a bit late in responding. I have been away in my role as a caregiver for a few days. Have you seen your doctor by now? Please let me know what he says/said.

I want to make sure I answer your question about the time it took to be free of the tight IT band.
Actually, this time I began to feel that something was going on the week or so before I mentioned it to my MFR therapist. I thought it might go away but no such luck. And this time it was on my recent TKR knee from 2021.

She immediately found the main restriction. She worked continuously for about 30 minutes before I felt the release (and the discomfort). By the time I got back home, I could tell my IT issue was resolved.

However, I should tell you that I have been working with this particular therapist for two years now. Her partner, who was also there, had performed the MFR procedure on several IT flare-ups (that is what I call them) during the eight years of our relationship.

So I don't quite know how to define the time.......if it is about this one issue, it was 30 minutes. If you want to count the "getting to know you and your IT band" it may be calculated differently.

You sound very committed to your self-treatment activities. Congratulations. That, in itself, is a challenge.
And my question for you is to ask about your job. When you say elementary are you referring to a school admin position? That was my mother's career activity for many, many years.


Good evening @joanb1229, Sorry I am a bit late in responding. I have been away in my role as a caregiver for a few days. Have you seen your doctor by now? Please let me know what he says/said.

I want to make sure I answer your question about the time it took to be free of the tight IT band.
Actually, this time I began to feel that something was going on the week or so before I mentioned it to my MFR therapist. I thought it might go away but no such luck. And this time it was on my recent TKR knee from 2021.

She immediately found the main restriction. She worked continuously for about 30 minutes before I felt the release (and the discomfort). By the time I got back home, I could tell my IT issue was resolved.

However, I should tell you that I have been working with this particular therapist for two years now. Her partner, who was also there, had performed the MFR procedure on several IT flare-ups (that is what I call them) during the eight years of our relationship.

So I don't quite know how to define the time.......if it is about this one issue, it was 30 minutes. If you want to count the "getting to know you and your IT band" it may be calculated differently.

You sound very committed to your self-treatment activities. Congratulations. That, in itself, is a challenge.
And my question for you is to ask about your job. When you say elementary are you referring to a school admin position? That was my mother's career activity for many, many years.

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My doctor changed up my meds, thought my pain and anti-depressant might not be friendly :). He added prednisone, a nerve pain reliever and gel.
He also put me on leave for a month. He is very happy with ROM and extension. I am going in for some dry needling on Monday.
He told me PT was the answer as well as calming down the band at this point. I see him in 2 weeks for follow up.


My doctor changed up my meds, thought my pain and anti-depressant might not be friendly :). He added prednisone, a nerve pain reliever and gel.
He also put me on leave for a month. He is very happy with ROM and extension. I am going in for some dry needling on Monday.
He told me PT was the answer as well as calming down the band at this point. I see him in 2 weeks for follow up.

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Good evening @joanb1229
Thanks for getting back to me.
So everyone has to be friendly. I get it!

Unfortunately, prednisone is not one of my favorites. I always had to use it when my face was all broken out with a neuropathic itch. Now that I am on Dupixent, I don't have the horrendous "itch" anymore, anywhere on my body.

PT can be very helpful. My PT and MFR therapists even worked together after my TKR to make sure I made what they called "painless progress." Loved working with them both.



I have had great results with prednisone in the past when I had shoulder injury.
I’m going to have dry needling session on Monday. I am looking forward to that and the massage I get afterwards!
Thanks for all your advice. Were you able to find a place to recommend in my area?


My doc said exactly the same thing, I am 9 weeks post op and my knee is worse than before surgery ; I am seeing him tomorrow and asking for MRI. Sleep is now a pure luxury; walking is getting more painful, r hip pain to now due to how I am walking,

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I hope you doctors appointment went well. I am feeling a little better.

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