Have you found anything to successfully treat fibromyalgia pain?

Posted by gail4 @gail4, Sep 18, 2021

I am looking for answers to what anyone has found to successfully treat my pain from fibromyalgia. Getting desperate.

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Hi!! I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for about 18 years. I’ve learned there’s not too much that helps although I have my medical marijuana card which is really helpful when I’m in a bad pain flare up. I use thc/cbd lotions plus flower (I have a dry herb vape) and edibles. I also use Lazarus Naturals for cbd softgels/capsules and CBD RSO for sleep (they offer a 50% discount program for veterans or those who are struggling financially (SNAP, EBT, stuff like that). If you choose to check out cannabis I would check out some indica flower or vapes, it’s more for sleep and relaxation and pain. Sativa is more uplifting and can cause anxiety but sativas can be effective for pain too, it just depends on your body chemistry.

I’m also on Lyrica 225 twice a day. I’m not sure that it helps all that much but I’m committed at this point haha (I have withdrawal symptoms if I don’t take it).

I also use lab tested quality Kratom. I use mainly red veins ( for pain) with some green (for mood boost, pain). It’s very important to use lab tested vendors and not to take too much (I take 2.75 grams every 4 to 6 hours). It’s important to drink lots of water and don’t mix it with other substances (alcohol, etc). It’s important to research the plant and understand that if you take it often, you will probably have some uncomfortable symptoms if you stop suddenly, just like any other medication you would take on a daily basis. If you want unbiased information about the plant, I would recommend using “DuckDuckGo” instead of google. Also if you google “Reddit vendors of Kratom” you’ll find a sub with a lot of helpful information. There are risks with taking Kratom but for me, the benefits much outweigh the risks. If you are prone to seizures I would recommend not taking it as it can lower your seizure threshold. I had tried to post a big long comment about Kratom in a different post but it wouldn’t post, probably because it was too long haha but if you want more information, message me.


Hello all of you. You gave my total empathy. I have had Fibro 21 Yrs -it was triggered in the very late 90’s by the loss of sleep and peace a mom goes through when her husb and children are all struggling with chronic illnesses. Plus I had some nerve injuries and the flu about four times over 25 Yrs, plus the Epstein Barr virus, osteoporosis and late diagnosis of adult onset celiac followed by Pancreatic Insufficiency and scary amt of wt loss. I had only a Med for anxiety, sleep and Lyrica for 20 Yrs until I moved to Fl and qualified for medical cannabis. Best thing that could have happened to me. It takes trying out several forms of it before each person finds out which one works for them for significant pain reduction and blessed sleep. One thing is for certain - sweets, processed foods, animal fats, poor absorption of nutrients, msg, food dyes, preservatives and foods that are not certified Organic worsen Fibro and fatigue horribly. And lots of ppl are intolerant of one or more of these foods: eggs, corn, soy, nuts, dairy, wheat, barley, rye and non-organic oats (these four grains contain gluten and Gliadin. All these foods will cause us lots of pain if we eat them and our body is fighting with them. Plus they damage the lining of our gut. It takes the Elimination Diet to find out which ones you are so sensitive to/intolerant of. My gluten intolerance was diagnosed with a saliva test but I hear there is a blood test for that now. Also be sure and get tested for Histamine Intolerance. If u are, u will have to take a Histamine Enzyme 15 min before snacks and meals or else you will have awful stinging headaches. I hope these matters I have suffered through and been tested for, will help lots of ppl.

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Thank you for your post. I am finding real hope and practical suggestions and I am grateful.


Has anyone had any success with red light therapy helping with pain?

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Has anyone tried acupuncture for chronic pain?


Has anyone tried acupuncture for chronic pain?

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I’m just about to start it through the VA. I believe it is every couple of weeks. I’m praying it helps the fibro pain and I’m praying it helps yours too!! Remind me and I’ll keep you guys updated


Hi!! I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for about 18 years. I’ve learned there’s not too much that helps although I have my medical marijuana card which is really helpful when I’m in a bad pain flare up. I use thc/cbd lotions plus flower (I have a dry herb vape) and edibles. I also use Lazarus Naturals for cbd softgels/capsules and CBD RSO for sleep (they offer a 50% discount program for veterans or those who are struggling financially (SNAP, EBT, stuff like that). If you choose to check out cannabis I would check out some indica flower or vapes, it’s more for sleep and relaxation and pain. Sativa is more uplifting and can cause anxiety but sativas can be effective for pain too, it just depends on your body chemistry.

I’m also on Lyrica 225 twice a day. I’m not sure that it helps all that much but I’m committed at this point haha (I have withdrawal symptoms if I don’t take it).

I also use lab tested quality Kratom. I use mainly red veins ( for pain) with some green (for mood boost, pain). It’s very important to use lab tested vendors and not to take too much (I take 2.75 grams every 4 to 6 hours). It’s important to drink lots of water and don’t mix it with other substances (alcohol, etc). It’s important to research the plant and understand that if you take it often, you will probably have some uncomfortable symptoms if you stop suddenly, just like any other medication you would take on a daily basis. If you want unbiased information about the plant, I would recommend using “DuckDuckGo” instead of google. Also if you google “Reddit vendors of Kratom” you’ll find a sub with a lot of helpful information. There are risks with taking Kratom but for me, the benefits much outweigh the risks. If you are prone to seizures I would recommend not taking it as it can lower your seizure threshold. I had tried to post a big long comment about Kratom in a different post but it wouldn’t post, probably because it was too long haha but if you want more information, message me.

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hello llcc880~
so sorry to hear of your trials....pain sucks and fibro pain can be so very illusive as well as debilitating...my heart goes out to all that suffer from this . My dear husband had fibro for 20+ years...the only thing that helped him was to be on a protocol of Amitriptyline...he took in am and pm...also did oxy when the pain was too much to deal with. He never got addicted to the oxy. ..but it certainly did assist in holding back the severe symptoms..when needed. Emotions, we found was a great indicator of how his day would be. Staying grateful and of assistance to others was his way of getting out of his own pain, in helping others.. I hope this helps you all.


Do you live in a state where Medical Marijuana is legal? Fibromyalgia qualifies in my state (OH) and it is helpful.

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Yes, FL is and it does help more on an anxiety, relaxing aid than a pain control medication. Really thankful it is available but is expensive with dr appts, license and dispensary charges. Will be glad when it’s legalized😊


I hope so too! For me, medical marijuana works better at nausea than it does at pain.


I hope so too! For me, medical marijuana works better at nausea than it does at pain.

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@sphillips1952, @susanh824, and all...just read several of your posts. I've lived with fibromyalgia for 35+ years, the time it was first diagnosed for real. I finally have better help with the pain and discomfort using fewer pain meds and Cymbalta 120mg daily...it's turned out to be a wonder drug for me as a base to relieve pain, Robaxin 500mg 3x daily to relax the muscles...it helps, and at bedtime, Marijuana tincture-1x1 CBD/ THC - This 'program' hades worked better for me than a multitude of pain meds tried through the years.

If I'm having a difficult night or daytime, I will often use Voltaren gel. It takes the edge down to a tolerable level. Then, muscles and the body begin to relax and the pain lessens.

The most remarkable aid to report is 2-3 times a week in the therapy pool at a rehab facility. My neurologist ordered this therapy for me until I leave this world! It works, folks. Theegree water temp begins to relax my body as I put my numb foot in the water. It's a miraculous help to relieve many pains, relax muscles, improve body tone, strengthen everything, and the relaxation internally is wonderful.

Hope some of these suggestions help you in your journey. It's been a long struggle to this time when I've found a combination that helps me. I continue to have pain and discomfort, but I have some control now over the level of consistent pain I have in my life.
Be well, be blessed. elizabeth


Hi, I take high doses of omega 3. Also Gabapentin. They help considerably


While I don't have a formal diagnosis of FM, it appears I've had the symptoms and have been treated accordingly for 10 years. Typically I have persistent low-level pain and stiffness everywhere in the body (2-3 on a 0-10 scale). Have been on Duloxetine/Cymbalta 60mg for a decade, we've tried a higher dose which didn't help.

I have been very active regardless of the mild pain and have been attempting to find triggers. On occasion, the pain level skyrockets to 7-8 and lasts for a week or so when triggered and it hits whole body. After a week, it starts calming down. These "pain storms" cause poor sleep and brain fog.

One trigger for me is too much physical activity - mainly repetitive bending.

Also just recently diagnosed with arthritis and a torn labrum in my left shoulder - surgery is pending and also arthritis and a torn labrum in my left hip - that's awaiting a cortisone injection to reduce pain. Trying to get these fixed/managed before re-addressing the possible FM situation. Off the record, I've been advised to consider weed for pain relief twice by different medical professionals.

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Yesterday, I was formally diagnosed with FM and once the report gets back to my PCP, I will be seeking some relatively local pain management expertise and to seek out a specialist in muscle diseases.

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