Neuropathy post-Covid infection: Is there treatment that helps?

Posted by erice10 @erice10, Nov 11, 2021

Since having Covid in Jan. of 2021, I have had constant numbness and joint stiffness in my feet. Is there a treatment or therapy to help with this? Is there a study researching this kind of problem in Covid long haulers? I had an ultrasound checking the blood circulation in my legs and everything was fine.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

Is anyone having Covid related neuropathy specifically in their tailbone area? My SIL has symptoms but all tests appear ‘normal’…I suspect it’s Covid related but haven’t found anyone with complaints in tailbone area…


Is anyone having Covid related neuropathy specifically in their tailbone area? My SIL has symptoms but all tests appear ‘normal’…I suspect it’s Covid related but haven’t found anyone with complaints in tailbone area…

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@chrisself, I moved your question to this discussion:
- Neuropathy post-Covid infection: Is there treatment that helps?:

Several members have reported having neuropathy post Covid infection. You're quite right that having neuropathy specifically in the tailbone is rare. Does she also have numbness in her extremities such as feet or hands?


@chrisself, I moved your question to this discussion:
- Neuropathy post-Covid infection: Is there treatment that helps?:

Several members have reported having neuropathy post Covid infection. You're quite right that having neuropathy specifically in the tailbone is rare. Does she also have numbness in her extremities such as feet or hands?

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Has anyone found a treatment that helps with Post-COVID peripheral neuropathy and numbness in feet and hands.


Has anyone found a treatment that helps with Post-COVID peripheral neuropathy and numbness in feet and hands.

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Hi @cristie12, other members of the Post-COVID Recovery support group have also reported neuropathy and numbness in hands and feets. I moved your message to this existing discussion so that you can read the tips people have shared and connect with others.
- Neuropathy post-Covid infection: Is there treatment that helps?:

Neuropathy can be caused by many things and sometimes the cause is unknown. For all types of neuropathy, you may also be interested in joining discussions in the Neuropathy support group


Thought I would share this clinical research report that was in the latest newsletter from the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy.

Small fiber neuropathy associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection:


I find that after I walk to try to get my strength back up my legs & feet tingle non-stop. It is so annoying! I can’t really do anything to stop it, either.

Rachel R

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I have the same thing everyday and night with buzzing in my feet and legs. Never goes away just stronger sensations different times of day. I have given up trying to figure out what it is and just live with it the best I can.


I have the same thing everyday and night with buzzing in my feet and legs. Never goes away just stronger sensations different times of day. I have given up trying to figure out what it is and just live with it the best I can.

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@jillfl I also have the buzzing, zinging, pins-and-needles feelings in my feet, legs, hands, and arms. Some days are better than others, but it never goes away. I've found that it doesn't matter how much I walk, do yoga, stretch, or work my muscles. It is a feeling that I think is here to stay.


@jillfl I also have the buzzing, zinging, pins-and-needles feelings in my feet, legs, hands, and arms. Some days are better than others, but it never goes away. I've found that it doesn't matter how much I walk, do yoga, stretch, or work my muscles. It is a feeling that I think is here to stay.

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Thank you for sharing your experience it’s feels good to know I’m not the only one dealing with these odd sensations on a daily basis. Another sensation I get is early in the morning upon waking muscle spasms are all over my legs and arm area lasting around 15 mins. Sometimes during the day too. Right now I’m 9 months out from my first sensations and after many testing Diagnosis’ come up with nothing. So maybe here to stay…..


@jillfl I also have the buzzing, zinging, pins-and-needles feelings in my feet, legs, hands, and arms. Some days are better than others, but it never goes away. I've found that it doesn't matter how much I walk, do yoga, stretch, or work my muscles. It is a feeling that I think is here to stay.

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Thank you for sharing …Told my primary MD have “ shakiness” in lower legs did blood work thinking could be due to blood sugar .., came back normal.. she is saying it’s anxiety… I disagree and wasn’t until i came across this site … i am determined it’s internal tremors …i just couldn’t explain it well to my doctor, starts in bottom of feet and lower legs now in arms . Have insomnia but improve but if not enough sleep these tremors are worse..need to update my MD and i really feel i need to see a Neurologist… i am not working but now able to do a few tasks but need to lay down as i feel as though i am going to collapse…i just want to feel validated….
I am at 5 weeks now do you think i should try to go to a post covid clinic? I also have lightheadedness/ swaying off balance at times…
How can i return to work if i feel like this at home ?

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