Omega 3 oils and heart conditions

Posted by JohnWBurns @johnwburns, Sep 22, 2016

Supposed to help a lot of things but it seems like every study conflicts the previous.

Any thoughts?

Any experiences?

Any recommendations?

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Vascepa is the one you need.
You can go to the company and get A coupon that will get you a month Supply for 11$ a month

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Wrong on every point. Does nothing for ldl~c and if you have Medicare no coupon applies


Wrong on every point. Does nothing for ldl~c and if you have Medicare no coupon applies

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Vascepa of course works against LDL C and Tri
And the majority of people are not on Medicare


sorry mark vascepa has nothing to do with ldl, only triglycerides. Your internet md is suspended.
"Vascepa is a brand-name prescription medication that’s taken to lower blood triglyceride levels. "


Dear Ann Landers,
The cause of atherosclerosis is unadressed ldl-c levels. Saying I have high cholesterol and my doctor and I are doing nothing-nothing-is a war crime in the fight against high cholesterol.
My comment was made to invoke a response. The poster thinks its ok to not address the issue because of "statin intolerance" (and btw the same amount of patients who had statin intolerance and the amount of patients with "statin intolerance" when given a placebo were magically the same in some double blind studies). There are other drugs that are even more effective in reducing ldl-c than statins but he/she is not taking them. Why?
So I hope that the poster stops effing around and does the right thing and begins a pcsk9 inhibitor.
If your feelings were hurt grow up.

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Lighten- up, it might lower your blood pressure.


Uh 115/72 good enough for u?


Uh 115/72 good enough for u?

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as long as it is good enough in your mind I am happy


pretty sure hdl levels have been discredited recently. you and your cardiologist should be indicted for war crimes for allowing your high cholesterol to go unaddressed because of your statin intolerance. get a pcsk9 inhibitor and stop effing around.

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Wow, are you on a mission to offend a large number of people in one swell food to borrow a Spoonerism? I have no idea what you're talking about in stating that HDL has been discredited. Certainly the existence of HDL has not been discredited. Nor has much of the science about HDL been suddenly tossed out the window unless you have superior, and occult, knowledge that's not yet in print anywhere on Google Scholar or elsewhere. You are entitled to do whatever you want with your health but making such a broad statement discrediting years of science seems risky to me unless you can provide ironclad defensible proof of it. Which, given the tone of the post, and many others that you've written, I am comfortable in suspecting is not the case. Offending people on a health-related forum seems a quixotic use of your time. But it's your time not mine.

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