MRI MRCP - Cyst (IPMN) - Newbie

Posted by chasenkw @chasenkw, Jul 12, 2022

So much gratitude for this group. Thank you !

My New GI doctor at University of Miami Healthcare ordered this test after I called needing colonoscopy. I discussed frequent abdominal pain, bloating, and more frequent bouts of pancreatitis. The findings:

Pancreas: Homogeneous parenchymal enhancement with a 0.6 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic body, likely reflecting a small side branch IPMN. Otherwise, no lesions or ductal dilatation dilatation.

Should there be further testing of these finding? I have not heard from Dr yet. The test was last week, I obtained results from portal. “Is NO news GOOD news?”

Again, many many thanks.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.

I have a follow up appointment with my new doctor/surgeon regarding the MRI scan.


I’m a Newbie. I too have have battled … 40 years for me. Those of you who have a diagnosis of pancreatic cysts … Do you have any other type cysts/fatty tumors on your body or perhaps in your mouth ? My gastro wants to throw a pill at everything that occurs. I have demanded a CT abdomen with contrast. I am allergic to iodine .. never an anaphylactic reaction .. I told my daughter I’d rather die from the contrast than continue to live in the pain I’ve experienced since Aug 2022. A colonoscopy triggered my latest symptoms.
I have been fired by 4 doctors in the last 8 years because I was advocating for myself. Y’all continue to be your own best advocate.
So glad I’ve found you

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Can i suggest you request an MRI ? Radiologist told me an mri is best for viewing pancreas.
Prior to 2016 my local GZps had been treating me for indigestion for almost 5 years then i took myself to the closest capital city
( melbourne au) ate the food that made my diverticular disease flare up & presented st a major hospitals emergency department !! Thank god i did as i was then sent to a
specialist clinic & the main HBP Dr ORDERED CT & MRI & Gastroscophy and began monitoring my 4 pancreatic cysts--they grew from 19mm to 30mm & last oct surgeon removed the 2 largest & part of pancreas & the whole spleen. Cysts were pre-cancerous but not blocking anything.

Keep pushing until you get answers my prsyers and sttong wishes for the best of luck to you


Can i suggest you request an MRI ? Radiologist told me an mri is best for viewing pancreas.
Prior to 2016 my local GZps had been treating me for indigestion for almost 5 years then i took myself to the closest capital city
( melbourne au) ate the food that made my diverticular disease flare up & presented st a major hospitals emergency department !! Thank god i did as i was then sent to a
specialist clinic & the main HBP Dr ORDERED CT & MRI & Gastroscophy and began monitoring my 4 pancreatic cysts--they grew from 19mm to 30mm & last oct surgeon removed the 2 largest & part of pancreas & the whole spleen. Cysts were pre-cancerous but not blocking anything.

Keep pushing until you get answers my prsyers and sttong wishes for the best of luck to you

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I have a CT Pancreas scheduled tomorrow. My GI said this will show the pancreas. If this shows nothing the Endoscopic diagnostics will take place. Thank you for the encouragement. I hurt too much to give up.
Prayers my friend


I have a CT Pancreas scheduled tomorrow. My GI said this will show the pancreas. If this shows nothing the Endoscopic diagnostics will take place. Thank you for the encouragement. I hurt too much to give up.
Prayers my friend

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🙏good luck--keep on their case --you want to be sure theres no "pre-cancerous" changes. We are our own health advocates.
Are you on pancreatic enzymes with meals ?
7+ years ago i was started on Gastroscopic Ultrasound plus CT then annual MRI & bi-annual Gastroscopy & CT xxx


Hi I am new to this .. I recently had an MRI done in the report shows IPMN. Apparently the doctor here does not seem too concerned but once again, I do not trust my medical system back home. Doctors take things very lightly here and by the time if anything bad shows up, it will be too late my sister currently have pancreatic cancer. My father passed away from pancreatic cancer. I am worried that the IPMN I have is precancerous. Seeking help.


Should I get a second opinion can I cut and paste my MRI report and hopefully someone will be able to help me


Should I get a second opinion can I cut and paste my MRI report and hopefully someone will be able to help me

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I can only speak from my experience. I was diagnosed in July 2021 with an IPMN (2cm) on the tail of the pancreas on the main duct. An EUS with fine needle aspiration came back with a benign finding. Surgeon suggested to surveil in a year. In June 2022 IPMN grew to only 2.1 cm, but main duct dilation seemed worse. So, in July 2022, I had a distal pancreatectomy. Pathology report revealed cancer in the resected portion, so I was stage 1b. Doctors suspected that the cyst had some responsibility for this. I had Folferinox for 6 months to chase down any cancer cells (no active cancer), but it still ended up spreading to my liver. Now I'm on Gemzar/Abraxane. Consider getting a second opinion, my advice.


That is so scary that the biopsy did not show cancer and it actually was. So glad that at least you got diagnosed when you did. Sorry you are going through this. I felt dismissed by the GI doc today because the hypodensity is only 1 cm. I am getting a second opinion. I think everyone should no matter what.


Should I get a second opinion can I cut and paste my MRI report and hopefully someone will be able to help me

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@huilim, only a health care professional can interpret an MRI report. I encourage you to seek a second opinion. If you would like to request a second opinion with Mayo Clinic specialist team, please contact Mayo Clinic by phone or using the form. See here:


@huilim, only a health care professional can interpret an MRI report. I encourage you to seek a second opinion. If you would like to request a second opinion with Mayo Clinic specialist team, please contact Mayo Clinic by phone or using the form. See here:

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I would love to go to Mayo Clinic!!! Unfortunately my insurance is only good in Virginia though. Wish that weren’t the case. Thanks!

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