IT band syndrome after knee replacement

Posted by Faith M @collielady, Jul 26, 2018

I had both knees replaces last month. Right on 6/4 and left on 6/13. The right knee has done great. But the left has had issues. This week both PT and the surgeon's nurse said I have IT band syndrome. PT put a strip of K-tape down the side of my leg and suggests ice massage to the area. And the nurse showed me a stretching exercise to do. I am wondering if others have had this problem and how it was handled and how long it took to get better. The pain behind my knee prevents me from raising my leg while walking.

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It band I still continue my exercises and therapy on this area…..I have done mfr , cold laser and stem , and graston technique…they help loosen it up but the exercises keep it moving….I am fortunate to be able to go to pool twice a week exercising in pool very helpful….it’s exhausting at times all this therapy lol ….but take from me all the work pays off ….good luck hope you get relief

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I like the LOL ! I need to remember this is my life and constant PT aid what I must do. After 15 years of working hard daily with what I thought was no results I took some time off and this happened. Lesson is, just like a diabetic takes their shots I must do PT daily.


I had a TKR on 12/1/22 on my left knee and everything seemed to be going along nicely. At about 5 weeks out I stated feeling a sharp almost burning pain on the outside of my left knee. I was a really good patient and did all my PT as directed, in fact, I may have over done some of it. In fact at 6 weeks, it was hurting so much, I went in to see my Dr. and he had me go back on inflammatory medication, gave me more pain meds, and told me to stay home from from work for 2 more weeks.
My PT told me she thought it was IT Band Syndrome and did some cupping and massages that really helped in addition to my stretches. I am currently at -2% and 110%. I can't get in to see my DR. for another week! My husband bought me an IT Band Strap which helps, but of course I can't live my life wearing it.
Anyone have further recommendations or words of wisdoms. I have so much pain when I flex my knee just to walk and if not wearing the strap, I need up in tears by 5:00pm.Thanks,


I was having IT band issues and my hip was hurting as well as my lower back. What worked for me was 900 mg Gabapentin at bedtime. I can't take oral nsaids so I use Voltaren creme on my knee, shin and the outside of my knee as well as Ben Gay and do this 3x a day. I know it seems odd that it actually does help. I got much more help from my PT than my Dr. to be honest.

I also use my strap to do hip exercises that help tremendously. I put my leg straight up in the air and with the strap take it to the side an slightly pull toward me head to get a gentle stretch and holder 10 seconds. I do 10 of them morning and evening on both legs. I do this while keeping my back on the bed. I have also used a hand massager to massage the areas that are really hurting. I've learned to not overdo as this can exasperate things. It's hard to pace myself as I'm very active.

Hope you get more relief soon. Things do slowly get better but it is a process for sure. I am at 18 weeks.


I was having IT band issues and my hip was hurting as well as my lower back. What worked for me was 900 mg Gabapentin at bedtime. I can't take oral nsaids so I use Voltaren creme on my knee, shin and the outside of my knee as well as Ben Gay and do this 3x a day. I know it seems odd that it actually does help. I got much more help from my PT than my Dr. to be honest.

I also use my strap to do hip exercises that help tremendously. I put my leg straight up in the air and with the strap take it to the side an slightly pull toward me head to get a gentle stretch and holder 10 seconds. I do 10 of them morning and evening on both legs. I do this while keeping my back on the bed. I have also used a hand massager to massage the areas that are really hurting. I've learned to not overdo as this can exasperate things. It's hard to pace myself as I'm very active.

Hope you get more relief soon. Things do slowly get better but it is a process for sure. I am at 18 weeks.

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I am 16 weeks post surgery. I had lots of pain and tightness on the outside of my knee and behind my knee beginning immediately after surgery. After weeks of therapy, My PT finally figured out it was my IT band. She did dry needling and it was gone in a few days. It relaxed the tightness in the IT band. Maybe that would help you. Good luck!


I had a TKR on 12/1/22 on my left knee and everything seemed to be going along nicely. At about 5 weeks out I stated feeling a sharp almost burning pain on the outside of my left knee. I was a really good patient and did all my PT as directed, in fact, I may have over done some of it. In fact at 6 weeks, it was hurting so much, I went in to see my Dr. and he had me go back on inflammatory medication, gave me more pain meds, and told me to stay home from from work for 2 more weeks.
My PT told me she thought it was IT Band Syndrome and did some cupping and massages that really helped in addition to my stretches. I am currently at -2% and 110%. I can't get in to see my DR. for another week! My husband bought me an IT Band Strap which helps, but of course I can't live my life wearing it.
Anyone have further recommendations or words of wisdoms. I have so much pain when I flex my knee just to walk and if not wearing the strap, I need up in tears by 5:00pm.Thanks,

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Hello, I was just diagnosed with popliteal tendonopathy. However I had to scour the web to find this issue. I made appointment with sports medicine doctor who did guided ultrasound to officially diagnose. I have had this pain a year and tried acupuncture, cupping, shockwave, MFR and nerve ablation, the latter not reaching the tendon. Now I have to find a surgeon to do arthroscopic tendon relief, cleaning up someone else’s mess! Told operating surgeon my symptoms at 6 and 12 months but he didn’t recognize this. Needs more training on complications! Call a sports medicine specialist. Is my recommendation. Good luck.


I had a TKR on 12/1/22 on my left knee and everything seemed to be going along nicely. At about 5 weeks out I stated feeling a sharp almost burning pain on the outside of my left knee. I was a really good patient and did all my PT as directed, in fact, I may have over done some of it. In fact at 6 weeks, it was hurting so much, I went in to see my Dr. and he had me go back on inflammatory medication, gave me more pain meds, and told me to stay home from from work for 2 more weeks.
My PT told me she thought it was IT Band Syndrome and did some cupping and massages that really helped in addition to my stretches. I am currently at -2% and 110%. I can't get in to see my DR. for another week! My husband bought me an IT Band Strap which helps, but of course I can't live my life wearing it.
Anyone have further recommendations or words of wisdoms. I have so much pain when I flex my knee just to walk and if not wearing the strap, I need up in tears by 5:00pm.Thanks,

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Good evening @joanb1229, and welcome to Connect. Your post today is a perfect example of what Connect is all about. Our mission is to encourage sharing with a focus on medical conditions and treatments that just may help others.

So....yesterday I came home from my Monday MFR session to see that you have been introduced to the IT Band Syndrome. Coincidentally, my entire session yesterday was all about IT Band Syndrome. I have two MFR therapists at both of my weekly sessions. After working on my feet so that I can continue to walk and drive and do my yoga stretches, one focus of the session every week is to reduce the pain and numbness in my feet.

While the MFR therapist was down at my toes, I asked her to take a look at an area at the top right of my knee because it was quite painful and felt sort of "tight". You're right, it was an episode of IT Band syndrome. I haven't had one for quite a while but they do seem to pop up when you least expect the saying goes.

So 20 minutes later after a couple of shockingly painful moments when I almost fell off the massage table, the area relaxed quite a bit and I was able to head home with a greater degree of comfort.

And that seems to be how it goes. This TKR on my right knee happened 18 months ago and the recovery period was surprisingly easy and successful. Except for an occasional IT Band issue, I am very happy with the result. I don't always recognize the source of the discomfort, but my MFR therapists know what is happening and kindly "attack" the actual restriction. I will warn you that the release is often shockingly painful for a few moments. And then it is gone. I may not have another one for a year......but somehow they reappear every once in a while.

Here is what Mayo Clinic reports about IT Band Syndrome after TKR.
"This occurs when the tough band of tissue that extends from the outside of your hip to the outside of your knee (iliotibial band) becomes so tight that it rubs against the outer portion of your thighbone. "

How can you prevent them? Taking time to stretch, warm up and cool down, is one way to begin. And then don't overdue. You can also make use of your ice pack to prevent further swelling. I am sure your PT can provide additional information about potential causes and treatments.

How is the knee feeling this evening?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


I had a TKR on 12/1/22 on my left knee and everything seemed to be going along nicely. At about 5 weeks out I stated feeling a sharp almost burning pain on the outside of my left knee. I was a really good patient and did all my PT as directed, in fact, I may have over done some of it. In fact at 6 weeks, it was hurting so much, I went in to see my Dr. and he had me go back on inflammatory medication, gave me more pain meds, and told me to stay home from from work for 2 more weeks.
My PT told me she thought it was IT Band Syndrome and did some cupping and massages that really helped in addition to my stretches. I am currently at -2% and 110%. I can't get in to see my DR. for another week! My husband bought me an IT Band Strap which helps, but of course I can't live my life wearing it.
Anyone have further recommendations or words of wisdoms. I have so much pain when I flex my knee just to walk and if not wearing the strap, I need up in tears by 5:00pm.Thanks,

Jump to this post…..I also had it problems these stretches help so much …..I have done a lot of mfr and chiropractor to get through that pain …..hope this stretch helps


Good evening @joanb1229, and welcome to Connect. Your post today is a perfect example of what Connect is all about. Our mission is to encourage sharing with a focus on medical conditions and treatments that just may help others.

So....yesterday I came home from my Monday MFR session to see that you have been introduced to the IT Band Syndrome. Coincidentally, my entire session yesterday was all about IT Band Syndrome. I have two MFR therapists at both of my weekly sessions. After working on my feet so that I can continue to walk and drive and do my yoga stretches, one focus of the session every week is to reduce the pain and numbness in my feet.

While the MFR therapist was down at my toes, I asked her to take a look at an area at the top right of my knee because it was quite painful and felt sort of "tight". You're right, it was an episode of IT Band syndrome. I haven't had one for quite a while but they do seem to pop up when you least expect the saying goes.

So 20 minutes later after a couple of shockingly painful moments when I almost fell off the massage table, the area relaxed quite a bit and I was able to head home with a greater degree of comfort.

And that seems to be how it goes. This TKR on my right knee happened 18 months ago and the recovery period was surprisingly easy and successful. Except for an occasional IT Band issue, I am very happy with the result. I don't always recognize the source of the discomfort, but my MFR therapists know what is happening and kindly "attack" the actual restriction. I will warn you that the release is often shockingly painful for a few moments. And then it is gone. I may not have another one for a year......but somehow they reappear every once in a while.

Here is what Mayo Clinic reports about IT Band Syndrome after TKR.
"This occurs when the tough band of tissue that extends from the outside of your hip to the outside of your knee (iliotibial band) becomes so tight that it rubs against the outer portion of your thighbone. "

How can you prevent them? Taking time to stretch, warm up and cool down, is one way to begin. And then don't overdue. You can also make use of your ice pack to prevent further swelling. I am sure your PT can provide additional information about potential causes and treatments.

How is the knee feeling this evening?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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I am still in pain any time I bend my knee more than about 30 degrees. My therapist has been working on massages and had cupping sessions and that helps in the short term.
I have been doing stretches in the hip, hamstring, calf, and gluts. These all give me a short term relief from the pain.
I am going in to see my surgeon tomorrow and see what he has to say because honestly, I am in pain every day and this has been going on for 4 weeks now. It is really wearing on me physically and emotionally.
What kind of massage did you receive to get to release the band? I would be happy to endure 20 minutes of shocking pain to get a relief from this constant pain!


I am still in pain any time I bend my knee more than about 30 degrees. My therapist has been working on massages and had cupping sessions and that helps in the short term.
I have been doing stretches in the hip, hamstring, calf, and gluts. These all give me a short term relief from the pain.
I am going in to see my surgeon tomorrow and see what he has to say because honestly, I am in pain every day and this has been going on for 4 weeks now. It is really wearing on me physically and emotionally.
What kind of massage did you receive to get to release the band? I would be happy to endure 20 minutes of shocking pain to get a relief from this constant pain!

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Good evening @joanb1229,

Thanks for responding. Let's see what's going on. 30 degrees is not an aggressive bend. Let's hope it improves and that your surgeon has some helpful hints or as we call them, "Tips and Tricks". Another position you might try is making sure you keep your knee above your heart frequently during the day. And have you tried ice? Does heat help?

The massage I receive twice a week is MFR, myofascial release. There are quite a few folks discussing how MFR has helped them at this link.
My MFR therapist actually identified and treated the IT band issue in about 20 minutes. The painful part was only about 4 seconds. If you can share with me where you reside, I can check and see if there is an Expert MFR therapist near you.

Will you please let me know how your session went with your surgeon today?
Thanks and may you be safe, free, and protected from inner and outer harm.


I can't wait to see my doctor in about 3 hours and will let you know what he says.
I live in Metro Atlanta, areas of East Cobb, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody and Roswell if you have any recommendations of a place in those areas, I would really appreciate your guidance.
I can actually bend my knee to 110 degrees, when I walk, I start feeling pain when the knee bends at about the 30-40 degree flex. It is the motion that hurts, not just the bending and holding it bent.
Luckily, my job as the bookkeeper at an elementary provides me the opportunity to elevate, stretch, and ice as needed. I do numerous stretches during my work day and ice twice during the work day, I elevate over my head at least once in those 8 hours and then when I get home.
How long did you have to go see your MFR therapist until you had your band released? I am just wondering if this is a long term commitment or something that might be achieved in a few visits. I know everyone is different, just curious about your case.

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