Today is Day 1
5 hours ago I learned that I have Stage 1 Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. My husband has Metastatic Prostate Cancer and Leukemia. We make quite the pair! I'm a little numb tonight and had a little brain fog teaching my class tonight. I'm looking forward to learning everything that I can from this special group of people.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.
@liskinpa you are right. I looked at a lot of studies just now and here is a typical conclusion:
"Conclusions: Invasive lobular carcinoma can be safely treated with breast conservation with no difference in local recurrence or survival. In the absence of a suspicious finding on clinical or radiologic examination, routine contralateral breast intervention is not recommended."
I was diagnosed with lobular and ductal 8 years ago and was told mastectomy would be better (and I wanted that). I was told lobular was "multicentric" and "marched in a line" without forming a mass, so it was hard to image. However studies do not show a worse outcome with lumpectomy for small low grade tumors and possibly others, depending on other factors like ER, proliferation, Oncotype etc.
I tend to write with a qualifying "I believe..." But appreciate the correction so that others get the right info! Apologies!
Hello All,
I did not repost the video. Just shared the link. So, moving on to the original poster masterfuldogtrainer needs us now. I cannot express in words what you must be enduring right now. You most likely know more than we do about chemo, side effects etc. How may we help? I'm more than willing to do whatever I can to help thru this journey. When you have the time & energy please tell us about your choice of name masterfuldogtrainer. I bet there is a great story we would love you to share when/and If. Many Healing Prayers. xoxoxo
@bcwarrior, YouTube videos play in a post when placed on their own line. I moved the link beside the text so that it appears as a link only again.
Thank you for bringing this conversation back to @masterfuldogtrainer. I've added the @symbol to the username so that @masterfuldogtrainer gets an email alerting her to your kind and thoughtful post.
Hi , sorry you're facing this and for the rest of us who is there or have been there.
I know the feeling of fear and helplessness and being lost in all first!! Its overwhelming to say the least. However, you will
conquer all of that with your strength and determination, and with the help of this board!Do your research, ask lots of questions will get through this!! Please stay strong!
gpigford I love your wife's saying. I'm sending all of us lots of prayers🙏🏼 and warm thoughs!!!
Wow, I can imagine how you feel. I too was diagnosed with ILC 2023 right breast removed. Preventive left breast 2024. Now 2025 found spot on chest wall. But Through It All We Live! I hope you can find faith in the Most High because his spirit is within us, and he has never left us or forsaken us even when we don't deserve it. I want to encourage you all that things will get better. My prayers for your family strength from " I LIVE".