Extremely painful toe/s

Posted by papabrody @papabrody, Dec 22, 2016

Toes on both feet are numb, some more than others. The 4th toe on my left foot is extremely painful....like a shooting/stabbing pain. It is also reddish and painful to the touch as well. It wakes me up several times a night.

I exercise 3-4 times a week at an Atheletic Club, eat right, vitamins, normal weight, generally healthy.

Is there anything I can do/take to stop this painful situation. Will have to wait till Jan. 1st to see a doctor. Any help or suggestions would be appreviated. Thank you. Irwin

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Hello everyone! All of my toes are numb and tingly. It started in July 2022 on one foot, then made its way to the other :- ( They feel twice as big and are very sensitive. Stepping on a tiny piece of kitty litter, feels like a lego!
My doctor told me that because of my bulged disc in lower back, that it's pressing on my sciatica, which is causing my peripheral neuropathy, but my neurologist said it's an early onset of peripheral neuropathy? I don't really know what's casing it, as I have seen so many doctors (and podiatrist). I have tried many meds, but the Pregabalin (Lyrica) 225 mg/twice a day, makes it manageable, but causes weight gain. I went to an orthopedic to see about injections, and he basically told me that the injections would do absolutely nothing for my toes (numbness/tingling), but only to relieve back pain, which I do not have. So.. from the earlier posts, I think I will try the Life Flow lotion. I will try anything, in hopes to make this disappear. I think it's hereditary as well?
If there's another recommendation out there, please share!


Hello everyone! All of my toes are numb and tingly. It started in July 2022 on one foot, then made its way to the other :- ( They feel twice as big and are very sensitive. Stepping on a tiny piece of kitty litter, feels like a lego!
My doctor told me that because of my bulged disc in lower back, that it's pressing on my sciatica, which is causing my peripheral neuropathy, but my neurologist said it's an early onset of peripheral neuropathy? I don't really know what's casing it, as I have seen so many doctors (and podiatrist). I have tried many meds, but the Pregabalin (Lyrica) 225 mg/twice a day, makes it manageable, but causes weight gain. I went to an orthopedic to see about injections, and he basically told me that the injections would do absolutely nothing for my toes (numbness/tingling), but only to relieve back pain, which I do not have. So.. from the earlier posts, I think I will try the Life Flow lotion. I will try anything, in hopes to make this disappear. I think it's hereditary as well?
If there's another recommendation out there, please share!

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Me too it started with just one tingly toe and has morphed into what you described I haven't seen anybody that knows anything so I'm interested in what anybody has to say thanks


Hello @nativenyer65 and @vlp, Welcome to Connect. I think it's good to learn as much as you can about your condition and what treatment options are available. My two favorite sites for learning more about neuropathy are:

-- The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy: https://www.foundationforpn.org/
-- Neuropathy Commons: https://neuropathycommons.org/

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a list of treatments including complementary and alternative treatments that some people have found helpful here - https://www.foundationforpn.org/treatments/

If you just have the numbness and no real pain in your feet there is another discussion you might find helpful:
-- Neuropathy: Numbness only, no pain

Have you had a nerve conduction test or skip punch biopsy for diagnosing your neuropathy?


I also have a complete loss of feeling in both legs and feet, almost certainly due to diabetes, which runs in my family. Some time ago I started having pain in my small toe and sometimes the adjacent toe at the same time. Suspecting that it might be due to a circulation problem, I started moving my feet more often. While sitting, I would place my heel on the floor and pivot the foot up and down, bringing movement to foot and leg. After a while, it became automatic - it started by itself. I do this with both legs. I can't do this while sleeping, but resume it when I get up. Pain in the toes has been nearly eliminated. Give it a try and see if it helps you. Best wishes.

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