message from my dr about my long term covid so sad now

Posted by ttammysc @ttammysc, Dec 27, 2022

I have so many symptoms from long term covid. i sent them all to my dr. he said there is no test to determine it and some people have symptoms longer than others. Except mine are everywhere. I saw somewhere on here that a member had a test done to determine if he/she had it. somewhere in texas. i would love to know the name of that doctor office so i can give them a call and talk to them. my insurance would cover it. he gave me no hope with my symptoms as well as how to deal with the CF that I have with it. All he could say was he was sorry. it upsets me so much that i live with constant nausea, and loose stools, can 't eat normal food without major issue; i can't take pro-biotics because of my intense allergy to live cultures. my throat hurts and my chest hurts and my CFS is worse now with covid pain. all my dr could say was that he was sorry. and, im the one miserable.

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Hi. I know how Drs can make us feel. We think of our Dr was having all the answers bc sometimes they do. I heard from my Dr, as I sat in his office c/o abt debilitating exhaustion "It's only going to get worse. There's nothing that can be done. Nothing will get better on it's own " He then picked up his laptop and left the room. I was devastated. I felt hopelessness+ despair. Then a stranger handed me a country music style CD she recorded. She encountered me just momentarily while shopping. The first song began "Did the Dr tell you there is nothing he can do? Did he leave you hopeless+ confused? It goes on to say "It's not over til God says it's over."
When I heard those words, it put my Dr in his rightful place in the larger picture.
Then I embarked on reading/watching everything being disseminated on Long COVID from reasonable sources on the Internet. Something inside of me didn't believe my Dr was the final answer. He was not. I've made incremental improvements towards restoration of health and the cumulative results are solid from non- professional care.
Many of us redirected our focus from the medical establishment to alternative sources. And for many, it has been working out.
Discouragement is a huge disability itself. I say that from experience. It can be a greater burden than anything physical. I'm here to tell you that there is TRUE HOPE. You can grab hold of that and let it be real for you.
There are many, many non-medical interventions you can do that make a difference. One example: Epson salt baths. Another: vague nerve stimulation to your ear receptors. Another, certain herbal teas. Another: otc supplements. Another, Benadryl.
I could go on. I could be specific. But right now I want you to know the list of what is available to address symptomatic relief and perhaps even anti-viral status is abundant.
The current situation of recovery outside of a formal Long COVID clinic is self help. It's workable bc of the Internet. It's available for you. It might be overwhelming at this moment, but just start by throwing off hopelessness and finding some hope+ faith. Then start small. Reject everything that tells you that there's nothing that can be done. Try to get some rest + give yourself moments of peace. Then you'll be ready to sort out your priorities for recovery + begin to learn + test them.
Praying for you.

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I know you are relying on your faith, but don't you think there should be some help from your doctor? After all if you are a senior citizen (Over 65) you probably paid insurance premiums for 45 years and more than that on your medicare premiums as they started at 16 and continue until you can no longer work. So just to put it in perspective - you have been forcibly donating all your working life. Shouldn't you expect the modicum or minimal amount of care from your insurance - doctor?
I'm certain that anyone who has a debilitating case of Long Covid is trying all they can - including praying - to recover. I'm just asking - Why aren't the doctors (PCP) participating? Is it direct funds from insurance? Why is the Government complicit? They represent all on Medicare and could the politicians get that good of kick-backs? What about the Pharmaceutical group? Did Moderna and Physer actually create a vaccine to trick our immune system to attack Covid and now those immune are attacking much more than the Covid virus?

We with long covid know that there is something wrong with this picture when every medical add on TV is 30 seconds of benefits and 45 seconds of life ending side effects. Yet for the vaccines, they start off blaming preconditions and go directly to benefits with a complete exclusion of potential side effects.
I' m sure the government did a deal with them to rush the vaccines out to hold them harmless from prosecution and it could be why they don't currently have FDA approval. Any how as the old saying goes "Something doesn't smell right in Denmark" and it's not the decaying fish on the coast. Didn't we just go through something similar with the Opioid debacle - its ok you can't get hooked - as long as the government covers up the graft between doctors and pill manufactures.

This one is going to be much more significant as there are many more patients exposed.


The HRV is used by pro athletes to improve performance you can use it you monitor and consistently improve over time. It takes 2 weeks to understand your base line the. You can begin to use it.

The whoop recovery status red yellow and green will give you a heads up on the balance of your autonomic nervous system. Keep track of your activity tolerance and increase your thresholds.

When you balance your autonomic nervous system you will find a way.

I felt a great sense of peace and understanding after watching limitless on Disney plus. Episode 6 is a validating episode of our experience they us an aging suite developed by MTI to simulate what we are experiencing. We all literally aged over night as a result of our infection. We feel ancient inside and the outsides and logic doesn’t add up. Be well and good luck. I posted more information inside this chat if your looking for more information or just ask me and if I know I’ll share with you what I can.

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Thank you so much for this info! Yes, please share with us whatever you learn!


I am a little over one month post positive Covid test. I had 2 pretty good days this past week in which I almost felt like a normal human being. The thing is, after a good day, the next day is not so good. It has been back and forth, mostly back. Has anyone else experienced this? I have mild nausea sometimes in the mornings and still have that woozy lightheaded feeling on and off. The feeling is so weird that it is hard to explain. My doc now has me monitoring my blood pressure each day. My appetite is good sometimes and sometimes not so good, but generally I feel better after I have eaten. I am in the process of starting at the Long Covid Clinic at Scripps here in San Diego. Hopefully they can give me some perspective on all this. Of course I am so bummed out that I just don't have the energy or ability to resume my former life. The worst part is that no one in the media is really talking about all the suffering that probably millions of people are going through. Everyone just wants to believe that this is over.

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I also just signed up with Scripps. I still have to get OKed. I feel for you. I have also tried a Functional Medical doctor. Today is my second meeting. At least he doesn’t dismiss me. Jeanne Lenhart


Just know you’re not alone.. I know that doesn’t help, trust me I’m 35 with no prior illness and now I’m getting seen by Drs and they keep trying to put me on different medications, which some are just to ease all of my pain and I get it, but now because I’ve been sick with so many different symptoms that came on since March 2020, all from long covid, I can’t work and my job ( I’m a Government Employee) is fighting me aka not covering my medical or paying me so thank God for my Husband or I wouldn’t have any money to go to the Doctors because apparently in America being an American Citizen I don’t qualify for any benefits because I’m Employed!! , so depression has now hit and they want me on antidepressants on top of the other 19 pills I take for my long covid issues, which I just ultimately want to be my old self- go to work, not be tired, be able to breathe, walk, run, etc. It just seems like that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Most Doctors are just as confused as we are, but some are trying to help us, and I keep thinking they will it’s just gonna take some time since this illness is so new, hang in there and stay strong, many doctors I will say are just focusing on managing our symptoms for now until they find a “cure” or something that works 🙏🏻🤗

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I am so sorry to hear about all your stressors. I too have had these same issues and yet reading about someone else makes it seem more real. Sending you a warm hug and know you have a lot of support on this site.❤️❤️❤️

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