Long haul Covid tremors and muscle spasms

Posted by cristen1 @cristen1, Aug 11, 2022

Does anyone have remedies for long haul Covid internal tremors and muscle spasms or twitches?

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I also am experiencing “full internal body buzz” and have had two major episodes of external tremors and body shaking. In month 10 now.
Good luck to you all and let’s hope the new year brings positive changes for all of us.


I started having major buzzing from fingertips, up arms, into shoulders, and to the top of my head, like a million bees trapped inside, right after getting COVID, which was 6 days after my first moderna shot. This was April of '21. I've experienced these since then, at first 3 a month, then 2, and now 1. It lasts maybe 5 to 15 minutes, although the first one put me in the emergency room and went half hour. Along with the buzz, I get a crushing feeling in the guts, that would scare anyone, as if "this is it!" After a successful stress test, my doctor said I have the heart of a 20 yr old(64), but thinks it's in my brain, and if it continues, we'll need to talk to a neurologist. Long COVID is a real thing people. I have not, and will not get any more shots.


I started having major buzzing from fingertips, up arms, into shoulders, and to the top of my head, like a million bees trapped inside, right after getting COVID, which was 6 days after my first moderna shot. This was April of '21. I've experienced these since then, at first 3 a month, then 2, and now 1. It lasts maybe 5 to 15 minutes, although the first one put me in the emergency room and went half hour. Along with the buzz, I get a crushing feeling in the guts, that would scare anyone, as if "this is it!" After a successful stress test, my doctor said I have the heart of a 20 yr old(64), but thinks it's in my brain, and if it continues, we'll need to talk to a neurologist. Long COVID is a real thing people. I have not, and will not get any more shots.

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I understand your frustration as I wrote before I’m now 9 months out from my first buzzing, tremors, twitching episodes. I had three Moderna shots and a couple months later I had my first attack. Buzzing and tremors from bottom of my feet to the top of my head. After many trips to PC, Heart & neurologist Drs. All they could find is restless leg Syndrome which it is not. It’s calmed down to buzzing mostly at night and weak legs to muscle spasms in a.m. in arms and legs. It’s such a mystery…. But I think the drug companies are not coming forward with information they might know. Hang in there it’s does get better.


I had covid for first time in August. Had 4th vaccine two weeks before so fully vaccinated. No health issues before covid. 2nd & 3rd days of covid had what felt like electric shock going through body. A few days later developed tremors, twitches and body jerks. Mostly in evening before & after sleeping. Two weeks into covid went to Dr to find during covid I developed kidney failure- stage 3b. Never had any kidney problems before covid. Kidney’s bounced back- not to normal, but very managable. Tremors have continued and although not painful they do make sleeping difficult. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist locally, but I am hesitant because I am not sure anyone locally would have any idea. I also suspect they will think it is in my head! I have had tremors off and on now for around 70 days. Hoping they will simply go away. I do not know anyone with this symptom so just trying to roll with it. It is a bit scary… I do not know if go just ignore or if it could morph into something worse?

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I am sorry. I too have tremors. I also feel very weak. I am looking for answers.


I've had 2 moderna shots and a booster in March 2022. I got covid in mid-June 2022. Mid-July I was feeling slightly weak. I took 1000mcg of B12 once a day. Late September 2022 I started getting muscle twitches. My Dr. referred me to a Neuromuscular Dr who did an EMG test. He did the test 3 days before I got another virus...not sure what kind. He said 95% chance I have ALS. After getting the 2nd virus I was more fatigued and weak. I'm scheduling a 2nd opinion. I'm also looking for a post-covid clinic. I've known 10+ people with similar symptoms. Some last longer like me at 64yrs... some younger people get over it sooner. I hope the Dr is wrong with the ALS diagnosis.


I've had 2 moderna shots and a booster in March 2022. I got covid in mid-June 2022. Mid-July I was feeling slightly weak. I took 1000mcg of B12 once a day. Late September 2022 I started getting muscle twitches. My Dr. referred me to a Neuromuscular Dr who did an EMG test. He did the test 3 days before I got another virus...not sure what kind. He said 95% chance I have ALS. After getting the 2nd virus I was more fatigued and weak. I'm scheduling a 2nd opinion. I'm also looking for a post-covid clinic. I've known 10+ people with similar symptoms. Some last longer like me at 64yrs... some younger people get over it sooner. I hope the Dr is wrong with the ALS diagnosis.

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I just visited Dr Yoder in Encinitas CA. I am getting 3 different tests. He did know what I had. I am trusting him to help.


Me too. My hand tremors make it nearly impossible to text and type at times. Thank God for talk to text feature. I talked to the neurologist and they don’t know what to tell me. More tests still. I’m taking several supplements Which I think are helping somewhat because it has improved some. I’ll be following this discussion to see if anyone has more ideas.


I gave a family member suffering from tremors which seem to aggravate her severe anxiety and numerous other post COVID symptoms. We have not had any success in finding someone who can help. This has been going on for over 3 months. Looking for any help!

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Me too


Yes. I have these.

As far as I can tell these are caused my microclots that cover capillaries (or worse) that cause lack of oxygen to muscle and nerves. (And this lack of oxygen causes all the myriad symptoms of long COVID, including brain-fog.


Long-COVID parallels and seems identical to ME/CFS. And back in 1999 a doctor named Dr. Berg figured this out to be the case and cured a bunch of people. See how it was done below:

Treatment with anti-coagulants, anti-inflammatories, energy supplementation (D-Ribose, Malic Acid) in parallel with boosting the immune system and removing pathogens seems to recover folks.

Dr. Teitelbaum had recovered around 3,000 ME/CFS patients using nearly the identical technique to the above.

Dr. Teitelbaum retired this year, unfortunately. But much of his work is still available. Including Piracetam and how it helps to break microclots and get folks out of Long-COVID and ME/CFS.

Some explaination as to why is below:
In healthy volunteers, piracetam mediated a direct stimulant effect on prostacycline synthesis and reduced the plasma levels of fibrinogen and von Willebrand's factors (VIII: C; VIII R: AG; VIII R: vW) by 30 to 40%, from here

Prostacyclin is a prostaglandin member of the eicosanoid family of lipid molecules. It inhibits platelet activation and is also an effective vasodilator. Fibrinogen and von Willebrand's factors end up elevated in patients with long-COVID and ME/CFS (and likely, Fribromyalgia), resulting in microclots that block capilaries that bring oxygen and nutrients to nerves, muscles, skin, organs, brain, everything.

Fibrinogen seems to be the main cause of the microclots. So this is why piracetam is so recommended. And it dilates the blood vessels, which is needed in these conditions. (My blood vessels have gotten progressively tinier as I’ve gotten worse.)

Some additional notes on it here:
- Piracetam is used to treat vaso-occlusive crisis, which occurs when the microcirculation is obstructed by sickled RBCs, causing ischemic injury to the organ supplied and resultant pain.
- Used to treat adult patients suffering from myoclonus (these are muscle tremors) of cortical origin, irrespective of aetiology, and should be used in combination with other anti-myoclonic therapies 5.
- Piracetam mediate neuroprotective effects against hypoxia-induced damage, intoxication, and electroconvulsive therapy 5.
Vascular effects:
- Piracetam is shown to increase the deformability of erythrocytes (~red blood cells), reduce platelet aggregation (clotting) in a dose-dependent manner, reduce the adhesion of erythrocytes to vascular endothelium and capillary vasospasm (which my capillaries seem to nearly constantly do). In healthy volunteers, piracetam mediated a direct stimulant effect on prostacycline synthesis and reduced the plasma levels of fibrinogen and von Willebrand’s factors (VIII: C; VIII R: AG; VIII R: vW) by 30 to 40% 5.
- Potentiated microcirculation is thought to arise from a combination of effects on erythrocytes, blood vessels and blood coagulation 1.


Also several neurologists thought I had ALS as well because my fasciculations were so bad. Did the whole set of in-depth nerve testing and none of it was ALS. The neuromuscular/ALS specialist said "This is systemic... not neuroligical-specific - something is impacting every organ and cell in your body". And as it is turning out, that something is very likely microclots.

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