New and undiagnosed

Posted by yvonne55 @yvonne55, Sep 7, 2022

Just spent 10 days in hospital. Never had a lung problem but did have GERD briefly. Suddenly couldn't breathe. No air! Blacked out. In hospital received 100% oxygen. Slowly weaned and sent home. Got a "maybe" diagnosis of Interstitial lung disease. Im on no oxygen. Drs said I didnt need it. At rest 02 is 93%. Getting up out of bed and 02 dips 88, 85 %. Drs seem unconcerned. I'm scared! Am I chained to my bed for life? Are my 02 sats ok to go that low as long as they come up?

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I'm having my 1st visit to a pulmonologist Jan 3. Can anyone tell me what to expect? I have a lot of questions I must ask him because my own doctor tells me to ask the pulmonologist when I see him. I'm really nervous. Not knowing is difficult. Sometimes knowing is scary too.

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Hello Yvonne - I'll repeat an old joke here - my Dad used to use it when us kids were nervous about how to behave about the "important" people in our church hierarchy were going to be at dinner with our dear pastor. "He's a man, just like the rest of them - still puts his pants on one leg at a time - even under his cassock." So relax, the pulmonologist is a doctor, just like your primary - he still is there to help patients - he just concentrates on lungs.

As for questions, what I have found helpful when dealing with a complex situation:
Take a pad of post-it notes (or small strips of paper) and write one question on each as I think of them.
When I run out of ideas, I sit down with the pile and organize them, most to least important, and combine questions where I can.
Next, write them in order of importance, neatly & succinctly on a pad of paper, leaving room for notes about the answers.
At the appointment, try to focus first on what the doc is saying - many questions might be answered as he talks with you. Then, at the end say "I have a few more questions..."

If the doctor orders tests, and you sense there is time, ask what each is for, if not, write them down & look them up.

Finally, ask if you may have a written after-visit summary that will often contain notes about what the doctor observed, what he is trying to rule out, and maybe even a tentative diagnosis.

Does this help?


Hello Yvonne - I'll repeat an old joke here - my Dad used to use it when us kids were nervous about how to behave about the "important" people in our church hierarchy were going to be at dinner with our dear pastor. "He's a man, just like the rest of them - still puts his pants on one leg at a time - even under his cassock." So relax, the pulmonologist is a doctor, just like your primary - he still is there to help patients - he just concentrates on lungs.

As for questions, what I have found helpful when dealing with a complex situation:
Take a pad of post-it notes (or small strips of paper) and write one question on each as I think of them.
When I run out of ideas, I sit down with the pile and organize them, most to least important, and combine questions where I can.
Next, write them in order of importance, neatly & succinctly on a pad of paper, leaving room for notes about the answers.
At the appointment, try to focus first on what the doc is saying - many questions might be answered as he talks with you. Then, at the end say "I have a few more questions..."

If the doctor orders tests, and you sense there is time, ask what each is for, if not, write them down & look them up.

Finally, ask if you may have a written after-visit summary that will often contain notes about what the doctor observed, what he is trying to rule out, and maybe even a tentative diagnosis.

Does this help?

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Hi Sue! I was thinking more along the lines of if theres the 6 min walk test, or the test where my nose gets clipped shut and I have to breathe in and out as quick as I can, or the inhale as deep as you can into the gizmo with the little plastic ball.
I'm not nervous about him being higher up the proverbial ladder than I, I'm nervous because this could be the day I actually finally start finding out what's wrong, illnesses that could be eliminated and ones that could still be "in play ". They say it wasnt covid, some said it wasnt pneumonia, one said Interstitial lung, another said the symptoms dont match, I dont think its asthma nor COPD. The only sure thing was the second time whatever it was included sepsis. And the bronchoscopy test results showed nothing.
My own doctor wont even advise me if getting the pneumococcal vaccine is safe. He said ask the pulmonologist. So yes my list is growing!


I'm having my 1st visit to a pulmonologist Jan 3. Can anyone tell me what to expect? I have a lot of questions I must ask him because my own doctor tells me to ask the pulmonologist when I see him. I'm really nervous. Not knowing is difficult. Sometimes knowing is scary too.

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When I went to the pulmonologist first time, it’s mostly for history. They will order tests but you most likely won’t have them that day. They will be scheduled for a future date. For me, They ordered a CT of the chest, a PFT (pulmonary function test) that they do clip your nose, an overnight oximeter test ( you just wear a monitor), bloodwork, and eventually I had a bronchoscopy. They did a finger stick to test for hereditary emphysema. They also wanted to do a sleep study, which I opted not to do. I had an X-ray of chest prior to my visit. I hope this helps. Good luck! P. S. These are all done spread out over time I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.


Hi Sue! I was thinking more along the lines of if theres the 6 min walk test, or the test where my nose gets clipped shut and I have to breathe in and out as quick as I can, or the inhale as deep as you can into the gizmo with the little plastic ball.
I'm not nervous about him being higher up the proverbial ladder than I, I'm nervous because this could be the day I actually finally start finding out what's wrong, illnesses that could be eliminated and ones that could still be "in play ". They say it wasnt covid, some said it wasnt pneumonia, one said Interstitial lung, another said the symptoms dont match, I dont think its asthma nor COPD. The only sure thing was the second time whatever it was included sepsis. And the bronchoscopy test results showed nothing.
My own doctor wont even advise me if getting the pneumococcal vaccine is safe. He said ask the pulmonologist. So yes my list is growing!

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Hi Yvonne,
The six minute walk test is simply that. They put a monitor on you and you walk on flat ground for 6 minutes or until your oxygen level falls below a certain level. By the time they gave me this test (months after I started seeing him), I was able to do only 3 minutes before my oxygen level went to low. This test was repeated every so often after the first time.
When I went for the pulmonary function test (the box), the person that gave me the test told me what to do and I just did it. When he told me to breathe normal, I breathed normal. When he said to breathe fast as if panting, that is what I did. I didn't need to worry about what to do.
I never had the spirometer (mechanism with the ball inside) until after my first hospitalization.
However, the first visit was just them getting a history, taking blood, looking at my nails (I have clubbed fingers, which is a sign of pulmonary issues) and listening to my lungs. Not all pulmonologists do the blood work themselves.
My son saw a different pulmonologist, due to insurance reasons. On his first visit, the doctor listened to his lungs and sent him for chest X-rays and blood work. On his second visit they did the pulmonary strength test (measures how much you can inhale and exhale) and sent him for further blood work (allergy tests).
When I asked the pulmonologist about the pneumococcal vaccination (I am younger than the age where everyone should get it), he said yes and told me which one to get. So this is a great question for him. Another good question would be "what is next?" or "what should I expect?"


Hi and thanks! I just had a ct so he has the results, I've done the overnight test so I'm already on a cpap. Instead of stopping breathing 46x an hour I stop 1 or 2 now. I had a bronchoscopy and had my lungs washed in late Sept and it showed nothing. I walk 6 mins and my 02 is between 94 and 96. (I do it daily for exercise). When I was in hospital, the r/t 6 min walked me to see if i needed home oxygen and he said i didnt. And i had the overnight oximeter test and 02 (monitored by the cpap dr) and averaged 94 which he said was good. Lol sounds like I'm halfway there!


Hello Sue
So things are still going well. Doing much more but still resting when my body says as I realized becoming re conditioned can take a long time. So it's been 3 months since my last ct scan which I had while in the big city hospital and was so sick. Now, awaiting results. Praying for good news and a diagnosis.
Apparently my last ct showed those ground glass opacities. But I wasnt told. I had to ask. Why dont they just come out and tell a person what they see on these scans? It's just frustrating. 🙏

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Well Sue it looks like I am a survivor of ARDS.
When i had GERD i choked on the acid in my sleep at least 3x a week. All this acid went into my lungs and I'd wake choking. I could hear it gurgling in my lungs. I coughed it up as best I could.
The pulmonologist feels it was aspiration pneumonia from the GERD. I'm very lucky and so grateful. My next step is a low acid diet and more weight loss. Exercise of course. Next appt he will do the physical testing. Then another ct in 4 months. Man do I feel relieved.
He said put the oximeter away! Lol


Well Sue it looks like I am a survivor of ARDS.
When i had GERD i choked on the acid in my sleep at least 3x a week. All this acid went into my lungs and I'd wake choking. I could hear it gurgling in my lungs. I coughed it up as best I could.
The pulmonologist feels it was aspiration pneumonia from the GERD. I'm very lucky and so grateful. My next step is a low acid diet and more weight loss. Exercise of course. Next appt he will do the physical testing. Then another ct in 4 months. Man do I feel relieved.
He said put the oximeter away! Lol

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Wow! Great news indeed! And may I say, I'm glad he told you to put the toy away.
Did he talk about other GERD precautions?


Wow! Great news indeed! And may I say, I'm glad he told you to put the toy away.
Did he talk about other GERD precautions?

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Yes Sue I have to put my scary toy away. But the weirdest thing was....I've been reading on Google over and over that anxiety can cause 02 saturation levels to decrease. Even his nurse said yes absolutely! When I asked him? He said absolutely NOT! Who knew?
Anyways, I forgot to tell you I have a sliding hiatus hernia! So he did ask about my medication for my GERD and I said it was Nexium. He asked if I had any breakthrough heartburn and so far I dont but a little bottle of 14 pills here costs $25.00. I'm wondering if a prescription would yield more pills and cost less. He said dont eat anywhere close to bedtime. I do that anyway. I have breakfast about 9 am and dinner about 3:30 so everything is digested well. He also said lose more weight AND get on a low acid diet. Lose the chocolate, caffeine, onions, garlic, tomatoes, pizza fried greasy food etc which I've been doing anyway to keep my body healthy. Except I do love tomatoes and salsa so that's not fun. I was trying to ask about certain foods like is ice water bad for the lungs, and I miss my yogurt, my protein powder and my cottage cheese and are dairy products really that bad regarding mucus? But he said he only does lungs, not diet so to ask my doctor.
I was only asking because I think this situation made my doctor so nervous, that when I have any lung related questions he says to ask the pulmonologist! Anyway, the pulmonologist said for my next visit we will do the 6 min walk, the spirometer, the breathing tests. And he will keep up my ct scans every 3 months till hes satisfied they are all healed. Thank you for asking Sue. I'm not at all familiar with hiatus hernias so I know nothing about if theres any no nos to owning one of these lol!!!


Yes Sue I have to put my scary toy away. But the weirdest thing was....I've been reading on Google over and over that anxiety can cause 02 saturation levels to decrease. Even his nurse said yes absolutely! When I asked him? He said absolutely NOT! Who knew?
Anyways, I forgot to tell you I have a sliding hiatus hernia! So he did ask about my medication for my GERD and I said it was Nexium. He asked if I had any breakthrough heartburn and so far I dont but a little bottle of 14 pills here costs $25.00. I'm wondering if a prescription would yield more pills and cost less. He said dont eat anywhere close to bedtime. I do that anyway. I have breakfast about 9 am and dinner about 3:30 so everything is digested well. He also said lose more weight AND get on a low acid diet. Lose the chocolate, caffeine, onions, garlic, tomatoes, pizza fried greasy food etc which I've been doing anyway to keep my body healthy. Except I do love tomatoes and salsa so that's not fun. I was trying to ask about certain foods like is ice water bad for the lungs, and I miss my yogurt, my protein powder and my cottage cheese and are dairy products really that bad regarding mucus? But he said he only does lungs, not diet so to ask my doctor.
I was only asking because I think this situation made my doctor so nervous, that when I have any lung related questions he says to ask the pulmonologist! Anyway, the pulmonologist said for my next visit we will do the 6 min walk, the spirometer, the breathing tests. And he will keep up my ct scans every 3 months till hes satisfied they are all healed. Thank you for asking Sue. I'm not at all familiar with hiatus hernias so I know nothing about if theres any no nos to owning one of these lol!!!

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Hi Sue! My pulmonologist visit was almost 2 weeks ago. I was not sent for xrays or bloodwork. It took him 15 seconds to listen to listen to chest and lungs. Asked how far I could walk (from one end of the building to the other) scribbled some things and said another ct in 4 months and next appt we'd be doing the physical tests. No ones contacted me since that day. It seems (and I guess its good) that because no one was in a rush to get me further tested with anything I should wait for them to contact me? Or maybe I've been overlooked?


Hi Sue! My pulmonologist visit was almost 2 weeks ago. I was not sent for xrays or bloodwork. It took him 15 seconds to listen to listen to chest and lungs. Asked how far I could walk (from one end of the building to the other) scribbled some things and said another ct in 4 months and next appt we'd be doing the physical tests. No ones contacted me since that day. It seems (and I guess its good) that because no one was in a rush to get me further tested with anything I should wait for them to contact me? Or maybe I've been overlooked?

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Here's how I would look at it. "Okay, I had a really bad and unfortunate case of undertreated pneumonia.. l ended up getting really sick, intubated, and scared to death. Awful! But it finally got the attention it deserved.
Now, I'm getting stronger, they have looked at my lungs twice and they are improving. My life is getting better, the pulmonologist can see I'm improving. Time to push myself gently and see how healthy I can get in the next 4 months..."
But that's me - having survived heavy metal poisoning from faulty hips - lost most of my hair, had 3 surgeries, developed tremors, was days from having my thyroid removed when they figured out it had reregulated itself. And a multiyear lung infection with many medications and horrible side effects. (At my last visit, after 4+ years of visits every 3 months, CT scans and sputum tests, the pulmonologist said "I'll see you in a year unless you get sick again")

How do you feel about waiting 4 months? Are you getting stronger? Did you put that @#$g pulse-ox away?

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